Comments on: China, the NBA, and the massive face of Globalism Tue, 18 Feb 2020 14:59:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry C Fri, 18 Oct 2019 02:46:43 +0000 “And suppose the 7.7 billion targets of this plan realize they’re all the real Deplorables, and consequently say NO.”
I’ve been thinking roughly along the same lines, Jon, although I didn’t amp it up as in your suggestion…I was thinking only of the American consumer. It would be tricky, and we’d be making a few sacrifices by not buying Chinese, but nothing akin to what the folks in Hong Kong are going through right now. This ugly situation in H.K. has me wondering, just how exactly one becomes a power-hungry entitled S.O.B. (I refer here to the Chinese elitists.)

By: MARY TITUS Thu, 17 Oct 2019 06:25:07 +0000 Carrie Lam cannot even speak at her parliament – she ran away after being shouted down.
It would be heartening if the same thing happened in the US.

By: Greg C. Tue, 15 Oct 2019 13:49:30 +0000 Reducing everything to an “ism” is not an achievement of a thinker. It’s intellectual laziness.

By: Theo Tue, 15 Oct 2019 12:57:50 +0000 NBA Security Forcefully Removes Peaceful Protester For Calling Out Chinese Communist Oppression

By: Theo Tue, 15 Oct 2019 12:56:40 +0000 LEBRON BOWS TO COMMUNISTS–nba.html

By: der einzige Tue, 15 Oct 2019 09:02:36 +0000 [Who is behind Hong Kong protests?]

By: Justin Psencik Mon, 14 Oct 2019 23:51:47 +0000 Good article Mr Rappoport that comes up on duckduckgo! Funny that it doesn’t come up at all on Google. Imagine that.

By: Greg C. Mon, 14 Oct 2019 23:11:29 +0000 What kind of question is “Are they better off?” If someone gave you a large sum of money to surrender your will to theirs would you do it to be better off? Would you do it knowing that he has a habit of killing people who stand up to him?

Many of us living in prosperity don’t really understand freedom. But to get a taste of what it’s all about, you could go to downtown Portland or almost any other major city and put on a MAGA hat and see how far you get before you are attacked in some way. Doesn’t matter if you are well off or not.

Freedom is inversely proportional to our willingness to tolerate being bullied, and proportional to our willingness to defend ourselves from attack. By extension, when we tolerate other people being bullied and do not come to their defense, we become less free. If you put on a phony smile for your neighbor who beats his kids or wife, you are in effect his victim because you are afraid to speak your mind. Free speech is the litmus test of freedom.

Why is Trump more admired than Obama? Because he is never afraid to speak his mind. He violates all the unspoken rules, and the rules that his critics make up just for him.

By: Knutars Mon, 14 Oct 2019 21:36:18 +0000 China has since the 90’s made a miracolous jump in living standard and economic growth. The claim here isn’t regarding the well being of the people, but the fact that the elite financial powers inject money where they expect maximum obediance and compliance with government autocracy.

The working class in China may live long and proper, but under total surveillance, like in a 24/7/365 panopticon. Anyone who strays off from the approved behaviour is being corrected or sentenced to jail. It’s beyond 1984 and Brave New World. Chinese citizens may live in relative abundance but when it comes to freedom, they are among the most controlled and limited humans om this planet.

When North America developed into a world leader in industry and science, it became so without the need for mental slavery. China could have done so too, but Big Banks prefer Big Governments.

By: IMNAHA Mon, 14 Oct 2019 17:45:28 +0000 To quote a man from another time who lost his battle with the powers of his day: ” It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees”
The question you ask is good though. Asked another way: which is more important the material or the spiritual?

Is it possible to have material prosperity without total information, mind and body control of a people?

Are we the “non chosen” people/ goyim just cattle as the Talmudists would have it or are we at the core spiritual beings having a human experience? I bring up this “loaded” question because if you study non official(yet well documented) versions of history you’ll find that Marx was married into one of the wealthiest industrialist families in Europe and was along with Hess heavily influenced by the Talmudist belief system which is the root of communism in the world today.
