Comments on: Apple kneels before China Tue, 18 Feb 2020 14:59:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: About Creativity Tue, 22 Oct 2019 12:29:00 +0000 For now.

By: Kathy Reid Tue, 22 Oct 2019 03:06:17 +0000 There is a name for our “basic nature”, and it is called “The Human Condition”. It is similar to the animal’s “Animal Condition” , but it is the opposite because of the fact that we have consciousness.The “animal condition” works for the animals, because they have to be selfish to survive. But our “human condition” comes from our quest for knowledge, and it is WAY TOO SELFISH for us to survive We, as humans, have two choices. We can choose to stay trapped in our “human condition”, or we can choose to escape out of our “human condition”. If we choose the former, the “world” as we know it, will stay corrupted and only get worse. If we choose the latter, the “world” as we know it, will start to change in the direction of peace in its truest definition. It will be gradual at first, but when more, and more people put their HEART and SOUL into it, the change will speed up. BUT we can keep our individual self! But we have to WANT to do it, because, THIS IS IT.

By: Joanie Mon, 21 Oct 2019 23:34:09 +0000 This is impeccably researched. Thanks for the big picture Jon!

By: IMNAHA Mon, 21 Oct 2019 19:45:13 +0000 Mark Twain said: ” Virtue has never been as respectable as money”.

Another of my favorite author/mentors Robert Monroe wrote: “Get through being angry at how the system works, the seeming inequities, the unfair advantages, the brutalities, the callousness, the deceit. It’s a predatory world by design – and it’s a superb teaching machine.”

By: About Creativity Mon, 21 Oct 2019 13:30:03 +0000 It´s all about the money.

By: Scott Mon, 21 Oct 2019 13:21:39 +0000 Well, this is the thing about money. There is no such thing as “free markets and economies.” The economic benefits of big business do not allow for the “poison” of morality and integrity. And one one starts having the money roll in, they quickly become addicted. Like Bomber pilots who never have to see the carnage of the bombs they drop, companies don’t have to be all that aware of the trickle down effects of their profit motives.

And I doubt that they would even care, anyway. Money and profit looks after its own interests and to he11 with anyone else. Money, like sex, is juts too hard to resist for 99% of the world and people.

It is our basic nature as Human beings, to be easily led by our selfish inclinations. Living by principles and morals is too limiting to most. We as a species, are a failure to be able to live up to the nice principles and morals our intellects can concoct and contemplate. Corruption is easily accomplished and impossible to eradicate.

What I have described above is the essence of the Bible’s concept of sin. We do not have it in us, once corruption is accomplished. Big global business is the carrier of the disease. We were far better off when we all had land and farms to support our survival. The profits in supporting a family on a farm are marginal so that we do not get carried away with big temptations. An imbalance among a population in wealth and privilege, is what causes others to see and desire what someone else has and joins in the pursuit of far greater wealth and options/privileges than the common folk on the farms.

We need to have a more simple basic common life that does not place us any higher or lower than those around us, with in reason.

By: James Lunsford Mon, 21 Oct 2019 13:12:59 +0000 Don’t know if it’s just me becoming more aware, but it seems that you are on fire lately. Perhaps a smidge of me, but I’m guessing it’s mostly you. Whatever the case, I’m truly enjoying your latest posts. Am looking forward to being able to start your matrix courses soon. Unfortunately, my wallet is not nearly as filled with abundance as my joy of learning!????
