Comments on: Finally, the Truth about Symbols Thu, 24 Oct 2019 03:05:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg C. Thu, 24 Oct 2019 03:05:51 +0000 “Everyone behaves like an android and allows meaning to emanate from one point …” I remember Jordan Peterson saying, “People don’t like it when you poke them in the axioms.” He went on to say that our sense of meaning is usually experienced metaphorically as a raft tied together with rope, keeping us from drowning in unorganized psychic chaos. I think, if we continue experiencing reality in this way we end up hoarding all the ideas that once meant anything to us. We identify with these ideas at first, then when they become too numerous to manage, it is like a person with 63 cats – they have no idea why they supposedly like cats, but they just can’t get rid of any of them.

Poetry is the wisest use of language – meaning is hinted at, evoked, not defined, but left ambiguous, inviting us to discover something else. Not meaning, but an unused part of ourselves.

By: Larry C Thu, 24 Oct 2019 00:47:20 +0000 “For example, you build a tower and place art around the joint and you play droning music and you dim the lights and you hold services, and the high priest hopefully has a rich mellow voice, a good baritone…and at the appropriate moment, he lapses into silence, waits, and then leans forward and pronounces the name of the symbol…maybe he holds up an illuminated stick with the symbol at the end.”

I just had a flashback to my youth…

By: paschn Wed, 23 Oct 2019 20:40:47 +0000 I wonder if there’s a benign symbol for

Noahide Law?

Possibly the Star of Remphan?
