Comments on: The Powerful Individual Sun, 22 Dec 2019 14:44:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry C Thu, 31 Oct 2019 00:51:23 +0000 ReluctantWarrior…I’m speechless…Marvelous!

By: ReluctantWarrior Wed, 30 Oct 2019 11:59:34 +0000 The Brokenhearted Me
Dave Evans

What to think of this ephemeral life
Mere vibrations strumming the void universal;
Endless coagulation, then dispersal
Performing the dance macabre of human strife.

Crucified are we on the cross where time meets space
Felled outside the Irish bar next door,
Where I once played the dirge of my pitiful lore
And then disappeared without a trace.

We are the wardens of our own insanity
Walking the lonely green mile of time,
Prisoners of the mad algorithms of the mind,
Seduced by the tides of our own vanity.

Through the stinging tears
Of the broken hearted me;
I broke like some rogue wave at sea
Across the rocks of yesteryear.

As autumn leaves cascade to earth
Forming a quilt of red/yellow/orange and rust;
Playful squirrels scamper, play and fuss
With fading memories of an ancient rebirth.

As those brilliant fall colors give way to winter’s bellows
The starry vineyard produces her celestial wine;
Magical vintage of mortal blight most fine,
Offering up a soul wine most mellow.

We are a wandering race of the brokenhearted
Oblivious to the great mystery of mysteries,
Lost in the pages of our bloody history
Where from love we have been violently parted.

For love is bigger than we are
Beyond the boundaries of time and space,
Golden thread of soft angel lace
Leading beyond the stars.

I have given dear Shylock my pound of flesh
And reveled in the joy of my soul a singing,
While attempting the fine art of living
From precious first breath unto the jaws of death.

I have seen the shadows on the wall
And struggled with the many demons,
That with my soul sought to get even
Sad inheritor of Adam’s inglorious fall.

And with compassion for all our elements
I brought the shadow into my heart,
To ride, with me, the wings of the holy lark
Above the mean back alleys and tenements.

Love is an angel disguised as lust
Singing her beautiful erotic songs,
To the mad and desperate throngs
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust!

At last my spirit can be free
Flying against the bitter winter winds,
And the diabolical myth of original sin
On the wings of the brokenhearted me!

By: Larry C Tue, 29 Oct 2019 23:59:09 +0000 I realize that I’ve commented in similar vein in the past, however…these stories (and others like them) penned by Rappoport, give me the oddest feeling…like I’m forgetting something…something at the edge of my memory….difficult to articulate…
