Comments on: The hypnotic symbols of modern medicine Tue, 19 Nov 2019 09:02:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy Reid Tue, 19 Nov 2019 09:02:53 +0000 Point taken Debbie ????

By: Debbie Sat, 16 Nov 2019 17:49:58 +0000 Part of the problem you’re encountering is that we in the medical profession are not taught about alternatives, so you are getting what we know to work. As a nurse, people have shown me some alternatives that work and I have banked them in my memory, convincing MDs to try them out due to my experience with it. There are a lot of quacks out there with both traditional and alternative medicine, so we all need to be wary. Patients and families need to shop for a doctor who respects them and their input. It is a 2 way street though.

By: Greg C. Tue, 05 Nov 2019 13:27:36 +0000 Yes, there are deep psychological forces being leveraged to make us feel fragile, vulnerable, and blindly obedient. America has become a medical archipelago. Flu shots on every corner, urgent care centers everywhere. Specialists build giant facilities with equally giant signs. Every TV commercial break has at least one ad for a medical class-action lawsuit, at least that was true when I owned a TV. These things don’t just happen by themselves.

A few years ago I took a one-week course in a method called BodyTalk. It was quite an experience to learn to use my own intuition to help myself and others find better health without any diagnosis or treatment at all. Yes, it is possible.

By: Kathy Reid Tue, 05 Nov 2019 01:07:58 +0000 The thing that really makes me annoyed, is when the complete Conventional medical system (which consists of Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals etc.) totally shuns anything to do with Natural remedies, Alternative and/or Natural treatments and Health Professionals. Because recently I was in hospital with my husband, and it was he who had a couple of serious health issues, and one of the nurses treated me like a dumb fuck because I made a mere mention of a natural remedy. And also what pisses me off, is the way the conventional system just squashes the natural alternative system to next to nothing. And some of those conventional medical professionals can be so far up themselves, as well as some natural professionals can be that way too. What I would like to see in this world, is for the health system to be basically Naturally Alternative throughout the whole medical system and leave the conventional system as a last resort. Because we already have a lot of natural remedies growing on this planet, so lets protect it, sustain it, and nurture it. Because if we don’t, this is what we are giving the conventional system this, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

By: Scott Mon, 04 Nov 2019 18:41:09 +0000 “The fourth symbol is the DOCTOR. He knows. Nobody else knows. He is the authority.”

“He knows”… what? Like the doctors I have had to deal with? They know NOTHING! Like Sgt. Schultz!

By: Cookiepress Mon, 04 Nov 2019 18:15:59 +0000 In 2004 not long after my 52nd bday I woke one morning with my whole body in pain. I could barely lift either foot off the floor. Before that I had gone for the usual pap smears and mamos but not much else. I was healthy. I went to a family group, they ran tests on me and told me I had high cholesterol and was put on 10 mg of lipitor. Also sent me for a stress test which came back fine. Still had the body aches though. Then went to a neurologist who gave me another maintenance med. Then went to a rheumatologist who also gave me a maintenance med. Went to an ortho and found I have scoliosis in the lower spine. Stopped the neuro and rhumatology meds. Started a chiropractor and went for PT which helped somewhat. interestingly the PT told me the second he looked at me he could tell I had scoliosis as one hip is noticeably higher than the other. 5 months later I took early retirement from my job and within a few months my symptoms went away. I was still seeing the internist and was now getting migraines several times a week. One night I woke with a headache so bad I was vomiting. Went to the ER and they found nothing wrong with me. The internist then gave me a maintenance drug for that. Then found I had hypothyroidism and got another maintenance drug. 5 years later I was up to 80 mg of lipitor and my cholesterol continued to climb also gained 60 lbs while on it. Towards the end my daughter found out she has celiac disease and her gastro suggested the next time I had bloodwork done I should get tested for the genes. I had to fight my dr to have that test. Turns out I have 2 of the genes and my daughter has 4. I was so pissed at the dr I stopped all the meds. Within 1 week the headaches subsided. I felt better than I had in years. The last time I saw that dr I told her they went away and that I had stopped the lipitor. Her answer was “I never would have guessed it was the lipitor” How do you prescribe a drug you have no idea of the side effects. I have not been back to any dr in almost 9 years and I feel great. There have been a few minor things I have gone for but will not use a dr for health maintenance again. I think a big part of the problem was that I have great health ins.

By: Conny Lundberg Mon, 04 Nov 2019 14:51:50 +0000 You are so right in this,Jon!
The individuals responsibility for himself is given over to the doctor, who of course, knows best and who excludes alternative treatments that could solve the persons problems without side effects.
This is also seen in politics, education and so on and is a very dangerous condition to be in. The more one gives over his own power to authoritarian so called expert the less freedom he will have himself and it can and will even go so far as he votes himself into a fascistic state where he has very little if not no freedom for himself.
