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Be Well
]]>Holy Crap.
]]>Caught in the whirlpools and eddies of time
I dreamed the eternal dream,
And no longer in life’s exalted prime
I sat down next to a friendly stream.
My friend spoke intimately to me
In soft gurgles and frisky splashes,
Saying that I could alas be free
From time’s bitter cuts and lashes.
And in my rippled reflection
I saw the suffering of all mankind,
A history of the soul’s sad incarceration
By the mad algorithms of the mind.
As the stream finds its way to the mighty river
The passionate currents of life
Will to the salty sea deliver
The heavy sands of human strife.
Where our souls will at once be renewed
Caressed by the rhythm of the waves,
And with the cry of so many wrecks imbued
With the spirit of those sunken hero graves.
From the sea came struggling life
Slithering out from the murky green depths,
Singing love songs to our mortal plight
With the rush of each sweet breath.
From thousands of rivers and streams
The oceans draw their magic,
And from cloudburst dreams
Soothe the tale of life tragic.
And as the playful porpoise
Leaps from the blue ocean
We witness life’s joyful purpose
In the ecstasy of her graceful motion.
Twas o’er the wine dark sea
That mighty Heracles found his hero’s adventure,
Son of Zeus and Alcmene
Model for many a Roman Emperor.
Twas not the brave Odysseus at last
Charmed by Siren Song
Lashed to his ship’s sturdy mast
That held his body strong.
So many captains steady beyond panic
That sailed the seven seas,
Like the mighty ship Titanic
Lost children of Poseiden’s frozen tears.
And as a mere droplet lost in the ocean
I am evanescent beyond measure,
Battered by each surface commotion
Witness to her hidden treasures.
The stream of life goes from birth to death
Yet renews itself in each blessed moment,
And with the blessing of the heaven’s breath
It flows beyond this earthly torment!
Talk, listen and participate. Create, design and generate – everything from nothing. Everything with and inside of integrity. Just to see what might happen down the road of agreements. Using personal initiative and burning desire. Applying number seven and controlling my emotions, plus grit. Started: April/2014
´´It’s the means by which you don’t decline. It’s the means by which you keep imagining something you haven’t imagined before.´´
´´The process of creating reality never ends. It’s the ongoing voyage. It’s the reason things become new. It’s the reason boredom loses. It’s the reason you have no end. It’s the reason you can’t be stopped.´´
]]>much love, respect & appreciation