Comments on: A whole branch of science turns out to be fake Sat, 23 Nov 2019 13:47:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy Reid Sat, 23 Nov 2019 13:47:17 +0000 The real concept of psychiatry is to reunite the soul and the mind together without drugs and manipulative thinking.

By: Jeff Swart Sat, 23 Nov 2019 07:11:44 +0000 Thanks John

Your summary of ‘causes’ (“Severe nutritional deficiency…”) seems pretty much right on the mark and suggests ‘treatment’ falls more in the camp of nutritionists, therapists, and however we the people deal with the underlying social and environmental ‘dis-orders’ we’ve allowed to become the norm, not the least of which is caring for one another

I recently came across the work of Natasha Campbell-McBride and the “Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) – Natural treatment for autism, ADHD/ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression and schizophrenia” – who squarely addresses most of the issues you delineated in your ‘summary’ along with vegetarianism, BTW…


As with most allopathic forms science, they’re more about treating the symptoms than dealing with the underlying causes – god forbid they should actually cure anything. And I ’spect your audience is pretty much in tune with the more insidious underbelly of the beast of psychiatry and pharmacology – more intent on $hrink-wrapping the masses – with it’s roots in eugenics, social control, etc

High time we the people take responsibility for our own actions and promote more ‘sane’ methods of cleaning up the mess we’ve co-created on our planet and with a little LUCK – Love, Understanding, Compassion, and Kindness – maybe we CAN make a difference


By: Juan Fri, 22 Nov 2019 18:24:09 +0000 I have very little faith, and it’s dwindling even more, in ‘science’ because of its complete and exclusive reliance on matter and energy alone. By definition science is limited at best and completely wrong at worst because of this religious belief in the matter-energy dogma. What’s missing is spirit. You cannot quantity spirit. And yet we all know that it matters. And to me spirit matters more than matter and energy.

By: Viktoria Fri, 22 Nov 2019 13:25:22 +0000 Psychiatry is a brainwashing, mind-control experiment using toxic pills in order to decimate populations without use of firearms.

By: Tim Thu, 21 Nov 2019 20:16:31 +0000 Copy/paste this page’s url into your FB page; that’s what I do.

By: Shannon Sweeney Thu, 21 Nov 2019 17:49:27 +0000 I’ve been waiting a long time for this, Jon. Thank you for your excellent research and writing!

By: J. Thu, 21 Nov 2019 09:38:08 +0000 My son has ADHD. He was tested seven times. He is 27, and takes Concerta only when he needs to focus. He does not need it everyday. He still lives at home, but is in the Army National Guard as a helicopter mechanic, unable to hold another job, works part time for UPS, and sells computer parts on-line. He struggles with hoarding and forgets things, cannot manage money.

Our daughter on the other hand, got her Masters Degree at 23, and is a general manager of a company. I raised them the same, but had to help my son, the schools wanted to put him in special ED but I fought to keep him in regular classes. He passed every test, but was class clown without Concerta. Forgot his homework book, and had developed ODD, and would be uncooperative. He now understands what he has and has become more open minded, but still cannot hold a real job or manage money.

The reason the military likes him is he is an expert at what he does and had highest scores on things like being a marksman and sharp shooter. He is still class clown, tho.

When I read this article, I believe many diagnoses are not mental illness, but classic cases of PTSD and a result of bad parenting, such as anxiety, depression, and the like. I also believe ADHD and Autism are not mental illnesses, but are learning disabilities instead. I believe in tainted vaccines and it harming brain development. Early intervention is best.

I also read that 75% or more of inmates in jail have undiagnosed learning disabilities, possibly bullied as youth, sexually abused, or had chemical imbalances due to poor nutrition. I believe in MKULTRA and many young mass shooters were trained to be that way, and then triggered. The new push to teach little children about LGBT lifestyles confuse them to the point of suicide or lifelong depression, so does hours and hours gaming, Internet porn, poor diets, and isolation.

I’m also a Christian and believe demon possession is a real thing!

The part of this article I agree with is 90% of psyc drugs don’t work, but guidance does. The rules on ‘how to think’ can be found in Proverbs of the Bible, old fashioned ediquette books, and the confirmation that PTSD can be reversed. But each case must require guidance, navigation. My wish is for all new parents to take Christian parenting classes and/or read Christian parenting books. For to teach a child in the ways God wants them to live, that basic information will do them well over their entire lives. After all, the best psycology book ever written is the BIBLE. My opinion.

By: Larry C Thu, 21 Nov 2019 02:09:52 +0000 “There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.”

Well, all I can say is thank GOD for ect!!!;>(

By: Lies Thu, 21 Nov 2019 02:07:41 +0000 First!??

Had to copy the article and email to a friend. Amazing that one of their own took an Axe to their bread and butter of Lies.

Last Night I read up on Open Source software and how its out there for anyone to profit and copy. I think this model of Open Source for research and profit is a model I feel proud to support. What would it take for honest scientist and doctors to require from themselves to have an Open Medecine movement that can make Lies in Science a thing of the past???

Thank You Jon, your the best in making people stop and be honest with our life values.

By: Boomer Lady Thu, 21 Nov 2019 01:48:00 +0000 I agree with your basic point that psychiatry is a lot of nonsense. But to suggest that it is all bogus, when many of us in the world have encountered crazy people a few times in our lives, is to do a disservice to those who have some sort of quirk in their mind. Every lie I have ever encountered has at least a grain of truth in it, depending on which side of a debate one is on.

For instance, from my viewpoint, vaccines don’t work. I was vaccine injured as a toddler many years ago, and I know they don’t work. Those who tolerate shots and don’t get autism or some other autoimmune condition have actually been injured but it will take 40 or 50 years to develop cancer or Alzheimer’s, but try proving that to a pro-vaxer. So the great lie of vaccine safety goes on and on. And there is also aluminum in vaccines and fluoridation that is robbing people of their ability to reason and remember, giving psychiatrists something to do.
