Comments on: Live in the collective and forget who you are Thu, 05 Dec 2019 11:05:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: ReluctantWarrior Thu, 05 Dec 2019 11:05:26 +0000 Midnight Confession

David Evans

In my midnight confession
I scream to the heavens above
Proclaiming my mortal sedition
Against my tortured phantoms of love.

A predicament without compromise
Chronos’ weathered hands apathetic,
A whole race faced with its own demise
Showcase of love’s aesthetic?

I left the fields where my children played
Where the nets of convention hold us tight,
My heart deeply broken and flayed
Praying for the first rays of light.

And then I heard the devil chortle
Dissing the dignity of mankind
‘Why would the immortal create the plight of the mortal?’
So he could savor your vintage soul wine?

What is the meaning of life’s great mystery
That hides in the shadows of time
Eluding the bloody pages of history
Featuring love’s elusive pantomime.

I cannot comprehend the meaning of this life
Dotted with wildflower meadows,
Fertilized with the ash of human strife,
That cuts us to the marrow.

The bloody rose borne on thorn and thistle
Cries out in her twisted agony
Singing her immortal epistle
Blooming in pure ecstasy.

In my midnight confession
I flee the hunter demons of my soul
Where gather all my finest obsessions
And my fears do take their inevitable toll.

Now with the first hint of morning
I bear the wounds of love’s mortal blow
And feel the heart’s magma rising
With the wisdom of letting go.

I have learned the wisdom of the ages
That hides around time’s forever bend
Confounding all the sages
That true love begins when love finally ends.

By: About Creativity Thu, 05 Dec 2019 05:37:22 +0000 Very good, ´´thousand-eyed present´´ Started: 11/2019

By: About Creativity Thu, 05 Dec 2019 05:13:22 +0000 WOW!

By: About Creativity Thu, 05 Dec 2019 05:11:35 +0000 100 % Agree.

By: RickKean Wed, 04 Dec 2019 16:12:23 +0000 Take this, WP… ????
Well done sir !

By: Bert Powers Wed, 04 Dec 2019 13:21:22 +0000 I just posted this on Word Press. It will be interesting to see how they react.

By: Greg C. Tue, 03 Dec 2019 13:18:59 +0000 What some people see as the imminent collapse of civilization, I see as another failed go at collectivism. Each empire that collapses teaches the future generations the same lesson. The masses never learn this lesson, because it is a call to inidividuate from the great collective unconscious. That is the one thing they cannot do. It is the story of the tower of Babel – “Let us build a great name for ourselves.” The story of civilization.

We confuse greatness with possession of material resources. The collective controls the bulk of these – building massive institutions, monuments, and achievements that lead nowhere except to more collectivism. Carl Jung was right when he said that the individual human psyche is the greatest power once it awakens to full consciousness. This power is not a movement or rallying cry, or merely a good idea. It is not a plan waiting for the right resources to be carried out. It is a way of living each minute of each day that everyone naturally resists because we must face our fear of separation from the great mother or father and embark on the hero’s journey.

By: david Tue, 03 Dec 2019 06:29:13 +0000 Rather take action than be a barking dog.
walk your talk as an individual.
a group of individuals make the best society.
you cannot criticise J.R. for his “million letters”
a lifetime of devotion to humanity
We all know he speaks the truth.
time to act
get your own act together
follow your inner commandments of your truth , just like Jon does.

By: Cecil R Williams Mon, 02 Dec 2019 21:06:01 +0000 Jon, Sorry but you are late. We have lived in a society ruled by Plato’s Children and footnoter philosophers (re: Plato’s Republic a.k.a. Utopia) since the Golden Greeks. Every article today on every topic reinforces our civilization’s march to that Utopia. Plato’s tome is embedded in every text and every academic credential – both liberal arts and technical (the latter less so). Everybody in the ‘news’ envisions oneself as Philosopher King that the world needs to solve so many problems. (The fact of global communication is the fleeting product but temporary influence of Aristotle).

Ayn Rand has been the only voice with a better philosophy, and in time her ideas will rule the day. (the reason for that is few understand it and no mainstreamer will applaud it. But Just as it took 900 years for Aristotle’s logic to influence society, (re: the Renaissance) it will still prove to have been a passing blip – a bump in the road to Plato’s Republic.

I like the attitude of Epicurus – “While we are alive let us live.’ Civilizations come and go and ours is on its way out. Regrets.

Thanks for your emails.


P.S. I still think you should allow advertisements for fiction. Just saying.

By: native male Mon, 02 Dec 2019 19:43:50 +0000 all life is native, come from mother earth and return to her. do no harm spirits travel the universe. do harm spirits are tortured.

have more information, bob
