Comments on: The “glue” that makes us all average, normal, and clueless Wed, 11 Dec 2019 13:27:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: britinara Wed, 11 Dec 2019 13:27:28 +0000 “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” (Karl Rove quoted by Ron Suskind, NYTimes Magazine, Oct. 17, 2004)

By: Erika Sun, 08 Dec 2019 20:09:11 +0000 I understand what you are talking about. That process is a personal process and worthwhile.
I am talking about systemically induced demands.

I am addressing systemic retraumatization by religious protocol AND/OR the psychopath/narcissist themselves. I have a tendency to discount most of what psychiatry says, so i should just call them (system and persons)”evil”, “sadistic” or other epithet.
Having experienced both. I know that a sadistic person will literally punch you in the head- blame you for the fact they did that, and then demand that you forgive them without apologizing. (which is contradictory- but they are not rational)
Christianity has the same problems- they worship a narcissistic god who has his own son murdered so the guilty can go free.

So now we have these “social justice” movements for lack of a better word (and if you want to check those out typing “Evergreeen College” is a great place to start)

The Climate Hysteria, calling everyone racist, and the 108 various genders are actually VERY CULTLIKE.
They are sameysamey as christianity in that they bludgeon people over the head demanding special not equal treatment- shutting down all dialogue in a bizarre narcissistic hijacking of reality.

Here is what i am talking about.

Most people don’t have time to watch what is going on,(and the media sure as beep won’t show you) but this is an example of what is transpiring on university campuses across this country(watching the videos of Brett Weinstien are a huge eye opener)This is also sweeping into our local and state governments as these students infiltrate them.
So while the movements have no substance- they are extremely dangerous.
This is the latest iteration in a long line of totalitarian movements,like christianity, or stalinism…and it is coddled and helped along by media.

By: Greg C. Sun, 08 Dec 2019 01:00:27 +0000 Truth is a negative entity – non-contradiction. It is a “finding.” Time has a way of revealing further contradictions to correct our thinking. Logic, then, is a friend of imagination – it creates big empty spaces by eliminating what is false. Those who reject logic end up living in a world cluttered with dogma.

By: NaturalWoman Sat, 07 Dec 2019 21:03:33 +0000 Hi Erika. You make good points about forgiveness, and used the word “DEMANDS” which is not exactly conducive to free will and the individual, is it?

Here is another way to look at it that might be helpful. The best psychologist I knew, and I tend to despise them and particularly psychiatrists for the reasons Jon mentions, would tell people to think of a bad feeling they were experiencing and then say to themselves, “forget that memory.” Of course we never truly forget anything, it remains in our subconscious, but this seemed to have the effect of releasing the negative emotion associated with that memory. If the bad feeling persists, one should continue saying “Forget that memory,” because rarely is it one memory that it bothering us. Another friend instead uses the term, “Release that emotion,” with success.

By: ReluctantWarrior Sat, 07 Dec 2019 11:35:31 +0000 Freedom’s Wasteland

America, America God shed his grace on thee
For you were my love, my home, the great land of the free!
I mourn for our once great and mighty nation
That to the world has fallen from her lofty station,
As a beacon of freedom on strifes front lines
A nation at once brave, bold and kind.
We bared our soul for other nations to follow
And today we stand on fate’s awful gallows.
Through the misty morning air
I spotted a faint rocket trailed by a tenuous red glare,
Telling the tale of a noble nation state
Whose star does now before us abate.
A nation on wounded knee
Its striped flag tattered by the hot levant breeze.
History will want to know, will she ever rise again
Or is this her sad and bitter end?
Where is this once great land of the free
Shining example from sea to sea?
Our fathers fought the virulent strains of world tyranny
Now just a fading spectre, a lost memory,
Peace was then our sacred responsibility
For without the dream of peace what is liberty?
And with our anguished tears
I pray that we can dispel those state driven fears,
That have led to needless global strife
And a gross waste of precious life.
For we are prisoners in this wasteland of the free
Where the only true escape is through you and me,
For the very source of our serfdom
Is the tribute we pay to parchment paper freedom.
Freedom cannot be bequeathed by men in fancy wigs
It is the sap that binds the leaf to the twig.
But freedom’s struggle will never end
It is a fire in the heart that the soul doth tend.
And in each moment we will arise
With the spark of revolution in our eyes,
And though we be thrown into renditions cell
Our ardent hearts will never be quelled.

For peace and liberty will forever endure
In the hearts and minds of the citizenry pure.
And though the bells of freedom may no more ring
As the bald eagle takes permanent wing.
The eternal flame I must now myself tend
For I live in Freedom’s Wasteland.

By: Pentagram Hipnotism Sat, 07 Dec 2019 07:39:20 +0000 This Is super great read on Power of human creativity. How are War and Propaganda the tools of control used to makes humans quiet and under control? i.e. The pentagon is the largest office building in the planet but people never protest this, why?

By: Erika Fri, 06 Dec 2019 21:31:51 +0000 Thanks Jon…so right you are.

It is interesting that EVERY religion is a story of powerlessness. This is extremely pertinent to me because it was used to hold me hostage as an obedient victim from childhood. The trauma bonding makes it particularly pernicious and difficult to dislodge.

The trauma is a way of anchoring programming and beliefs making it harder to shift which is why the elite favor it.

I have always thought that Christianity in particular was a masterful form of mind control used to excuse tyrants and despots…with the DEMANDS that the wronged party FORGIVE.
IF you have ever been prayed over a t a church the first thing they do before they will pray over you is to get you to forgive all abusers, yes the unrepentant ones who sadistically enjoyed causing you pain..and refuse to apologize.

Christianity has been used as a tool of oppression and victim blaming par excellance. King James springs to mind and The Witches Hammer.

The current positive thinking garbage is along those same lines…if you get sick, it must be your were thinking bad thoughts.

These bullSh*t narratives that the elite push remind me of that Twilight Zone episode with Little Anthony in “It’s a Good Life”.

Do know that they are losing control of the narrative as we speak which is causing them to throw tantrums and namecall.

As usual first rule of debate- IF you have NO Case and start name calling and ad hominem attacks-you have lost-period.

Most of the “consensus” of the media echo chamber (aka cia shills) yelling charges of “climate denier!”, “racist!”,and “Transphobe!” are case and point..just alot of froth and no substance.

Hey, we are all witches now.
Watch them huff and puff and blow themselves up.

By: About Creativity Fri, 06 Dec 2019 15:36:01 +0000 Very good, ´´Rather than being about “the truth,” power is about inventing new truth, in the sense that, when you create, you bring something into the world that wasn’t there before´´.

´´Freedom implies power. Individual power´´.

By: Ed Rankin Fri, 06 Dec 2019 15:34:26 +0000 So well said Jon. There is a war being waged against the individual.
