Comments on: Covert chemical warfare: 100,000 deaths a year Tue, 17 Dec 2019 12:29:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sharon Tue, 17 Dec 2019 12:29:53 +0000 When my 80 year old father went in for pre-op on a heart bypass, the nurse asked him for a list of his prescription drugs. When he told her he didn’t take any, she refused to believe him and proceeded to explain to him what a prescription drug was and practically abused him of lying. She’d never seen anyone his age who wasn’t on a dozen or more prescriptions. I had to verify that it was true. Sad statement of our medical society today. He came through the quadruple bypass with flying colors, by the way, and is off the 8 or so prescription drugs they put him on AFTER the operation. He’s now 89 and still going strong. I plan to follow in his footsteps.

By: Greg C. Tue, 17 Dec 2019 03:01:33 +0000 If they would only take the red pill …

By: Larry C Tue, 17 Dec 2019 01:02:21 +0000 “We are looking at a supreme Trojan Horse that is rotting out America and all other countries from the inside. Wars, no wars, economic deprivation, economic prosperity, the drugs continue to do their work, debilitating and ruining and terminating lives.”

And on a more serious note, this just in from CNN: Borscht will now be served EXCLUSIVELY at ALL meals in the White House, beginning immediately…Больше по мере того как рассказ превращается…

By: Truth1 Mon, 16 Dec 2019 19:09:39 +0000 Well, I’m bewildered, and puzzled, too. I was looking for some big Aarmageddon climax or something and now it looks like we will quietly slip away with barely wimper. Where are my bombs wars and country wide civil wars. The drugs will get them all first. It will even beat out pollution and fake Global warming.I’ve been robbed and now I am depressed. Guess I’ll have to try some of that fentynal or whatever it is. 😛

By: The Watchman Mon, 16 Dec 2019 18:49:23 +0000 Another excellent article, Jon
Linked as usual @
