Comments on: Pleasure vs. pain in the programmed society Thu, 19 Dec 2019 21:52:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sue Thu, 19 Dec 2019 21:52:42 +0000 Vivisection is evil, no matter the entity it is performed on. For anyone who can connect the dots, it turns out that we are just as much targets of the vivisectionist mentality as their voiceless laboratory victims.

And here, all this time, the general public has been very accepting of whatever agonizing abominations the vivisectors choose to visit upon other life forms, as long as it held promise of making life better for us.

SURPRISE! We’re always next on their list of proposed casualties, so it appear that giving our blessing to the torture of other beings has come come back around to bite us on our anthropocentric butts.

By: paschn Thu, 19 Dec 2019 17:50:04 +0000 As kids we experienced that. My parents called it not going against one’s conscience.
As beings with free will, I’ve seen moral and immoral deeds performed by people.
sadly, I have an older brother who at seventy six is living out the remainder of his wretched life a VICTIM to destroying his conscience through constantly nurturing an;

“The ends justify the means” approach to dealing with (literal) brothers and sisters as well as philosophical ones. It’s dangerous (for others) and socially/spiritually harmful to oneself by fighting what one’s conscience tells them is decent simply to justify one’s base desires and eventually it forms a hard shell over itself. Making it very easy – DESIRABLE even to commit acts such as were/are/will be done by the “new” Bolsheviks, and their “snowflakes” here in the soon-to-be “Russian horror” redux coming to this rotted sty.
One can see what “the oral traditions of men”, the Torah SheBeal Peh has resulted in over millennia for humankind. Since my “awakening” after 9/11, Often I wake in the dead of night, thinking about what’s coming.

truly the stuff nightmares are made of.

Thanks Mr. Rappaport, Reposting…

By: Janet Thu, 19 Dec 2019 15:45:46 +0000 The deep sadness I feel for the lost souls of this “world” is an emotion that is necessary- it evokes compassion for the misunderstandings.
I’m grateful I have unlearned the program and am able to still “feel”
Your post today affirms that such greatness as Van Gogh’s artworks will be impossible in a “controlled” future.
Love your writing.

By: Greg C. Thu, 19 Dec 2019 15:28:49 +0000 Ayn Rand contrasted the desire for the sensation of pleasure apart from anything meaningful, and the desire for pleasure as a fulfillment of meaning. There is also the third option, which she portrayed in characters like Elseworth Toohey – seeking pleasure in the destruction of meaning. This is the endpoint of a person who has become too clever for himself and has gone in search of an unexplored source of pleasure that cannot disappoint. This is what we see happening in the impeachment – powerful people who have become dissipated, bored with achievement without meaning – the job description of an actor, or a democratic congressman (but I repeat myself).

By: About Creativity Thu, 19 Dec 2019 14:28:51 +0000 Very good, ´´So it rests with the individual to become free, powerful, and creative. No one else is going to deliver that gift´´.

By: Jeffrey A Friedberg Thu, 19 Dec 2019 14:25:58 +0000 Yes. Perceptive article.
