Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: Your power in a decaying world Mon, 23 Dec 2019 13:40:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: ReluctantWarrior Mon, 23 Dec 2019 13:40:29 +0000 Carbon Dreams

Are we merely wispy carbon dreams
The mad musings of gestating Aeons?
I wonder if they can hear our desperate screams
Across the vastness of the eons?

What of the predator who came from the depths of space
Who feeds off of our long suffering awareness,
And imprisons the human race
Suppressing our blooming consciousness.

A nightmare swathed in flesh and bone,
We are prisoners of its bloody phantasm
Abandoned and all alone
Fellow sojourners through the cosmic maelstrom

What benevolent deity would create mortal life
A race running scared of its own shadow,
With its bloody tears of strife
Falling on fair green meadows.

Tortured souls existential,
Crucified by the paradox of love,
A race with great potential
Envied even by the dear Angels above!

Are we but meaningless fluctuations in the void?
What possible purpose could we serve?
Our senses all but devoid
Of secret worlds beyond the sheathed nerve.

Can we see ourselves as we truly are
Rasping our song sung blue
From the stool of some stinking gutter bar
Where the ragged patrons haven’t a clue

What strange entropic frequency are we tuned to
That seeks its pound of flesh,
As we remain ever true
To our lonely hero’s quest.

For each soul must write its own adventure
Traversing the forbidden forest,
To find our hidden treasure
With which mankind to be blest.

Particles winking in and out of existence
Taunting us from the edge of oblivion,
Testament to Hell’s diabolical persistence
Haunting us with her finest sculptures in flecks of carbon.

As the rose sits atop a swirl of angry thorns
She offers her sweet fragrance,
And on her stems are borne
Such blossoms of sublime elegance.

Great shadow etchings frozen in time
Eroded by the loving hands of entropy,
That doth the heart bind
With blinding visions of Eternity.

And from the depths of our mortal wound
Arises the power of human imagination,
With its sacred boon
Feeding the highest human aspirations.

And tho a parasite feeds off the Earth
Craving her sweet anguished treats,
We can achieve a glorious rebirth
In the midst of our harshest defeats.

And as the algorithms of doom
Do feast and prey,
Our souls will continue to bloom
Blowing them away!

By: About Creativity Sun, 22 Dec 2019 18:16:27 +0000 Very good, ´´The creative power of the individual, which is the key to his future, his happiness, his freedom, flows from his imagination´´.

By: Sean Garrisson Sun, 22 Dec 2019 17:04:36 +0000 Love to hear you speak more about this. “Some people want to say that power is a neutral object that can be used for good or evil. That isn’t true. Your deepest power is alive…..”
