Comments on: Which is worse: the NSA or the FDA? Mon, 06 Jan 2020 15:28:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joel Walbert Mon, 06 Jan 2020 15:28:46 +0000 FDA is worse in every imaginable way. Governments spying on the populace is a given. Been going on since the very first government I would guarantee. And certainly nothing I am going to let ruin my day. But the FDA is allegedly in existence to keep our food and medicine safe. Ha friggin ha. And yet the sheeple, with all the real info available to everybody, still look to the FDA as gods and what they say as gospel. Idiots

By: Wanda Ballard Sun, 05 Jan 2020 23:42:27 +0000 My interpretation of the acronyms “FDA” “CDC” “AMA” is, “The Fraud and Death Abomination” “The Centers for Disease Causation” “The American Malpractice Association” I conjured up what In my opinion is “The Vaccine Terrorists of The Medical Mafia”.

I met Jon Rappoport 34 years ago. We campaigned for him, when he ran for Congress against Henry Waxman, in CA. No one had a chance to beat Henry Waxman, because he was IN VERY THICK with many Doctors and The Medical Mafia at that time.

By: Kristian Clear Fri, 03 Jan 2020 00:48:48 +0000 Great post Greg and agree. Always the brainwashing/ indoctrination. Doctors should be seen when there is trauma. We all need to learn how to heal ourselves. Was fortunate to have a mom who was our nurse and doctor, learning from childhood how to take charge of our health and learning natural medicine. Vitamin C, Chlorella, Spirulina, castor oil, honey, etc. Life can be much simpler and usually less painful.

By: Jennifer L Simpson Tue, 31 Dec 2019 16:57:13 +0000 I find it insane that we are so dumbed down/brainwashed that most people won’t blink an eye at 225,000 deaths a year, and those same people freak out over a few hundred cases of measles with no deaths. That we let ourselves be drugged with medications that cause serious disease and don’t ask questions. If I talk about natural cures for disease I am ridiculed, laughed at. I find it insane…this world is insane

By: George Ms Tue, 31 Dec 2019 15:34:43 +0000 well i think FDA (and CDC btw) are the worst. Killing and turning people sick through what they EAT and DRINK.
how can anything be more criminal, disgusting and evil than that?? and disguising it as good medical procedures and good healthy food?? healthy necessary vaccines?? its insane and wicked.

By: Greg C. Tue, 31 Dec 2019 03:59:38 +0000 When I was 9, I loved reading Ripley’s Believe It or Not! It was totally absorbing to discover facts that proved the world is far stranger than it appeared. But we are taught the trick of rationalizing and normalizing in school, so that we can integrate all new facts with everything we already know. So when we encounter something like the Starfield citation, we think something like “if you look at the ratio of lives saved to those lost, medical science comes out way ahead.” Doctors have their own way of rationalizing the situation. They blame administrators, or the patients themselves for not communicating well. Watch a few episodes of Doc Martin to get the full exposure of this kind of thinking.

There have been dozens, maybe hundreds of TV dramas that served as propaganda for modern medicine, like M*A*S*H, ER, House, that “help” us to believe that no matter how bad the system is, the dedicated doctor is always around to come to the rescue. These shows are popular because they help alleviate anxiety, replace facts with a more comforting story.

Once one decides that living with a lie is not an option, and neither is living with the cognitive dissonance of living with a monstrous truth that cannot be compartmentalized, the only way forward is your way, Jon. Learning to use one’s instrument of perception to keep discovering more unbelievable things – some will be bad, some could be good, if one is willing to let go of personal limitations and forge on.

By: Syllamo Mon, 30 Dec 2019 20:54:12 +0000 Great article, thanks for the insight.
