Comments on: Donald Trump thirty-six months on… Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:01:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rock Knutne Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:01:40 +0000 James W. DeCosta ~~
I wholeheartedly concur.
Hope to meet you on a golf course sometime soon.

By: marvin rocha Fri, 31 Jan 2020 06:30:37 +0000 finally a a comment I can agree with minus the zionist stuff. […]

By: marvin rocha Fri, 31 Jan 2020 04:51:29 +0000 …Fox News

By: clark Wed, 29 Jan 2020 19:21:05 +0000 Few personal web pages have a “Like” button. You only see that on FB and some other video sharing sites like BitChute and YT. Besides, the author hasn’t the time to track who voted and how. It’s just not useful for Jon. If you like it you will subscribe or even, perhaps, buy his books, the best “thumbs up” a fella can ask for!

By: Desmond McReynolds Fri, 10 Jan 2020 05:40:18 +0000 Trump is a dedicated servant of history. Otherwise he would not be where he is today. He is more than just another loud Barnum and Bailey Circus showman. “Roll up. Roll up. Roll up. The greatest show on earth. Going to make America great again.”

It will be interesting to see how his Presidency works out and what historical changes are wrought by his Presidency.

By: Desmond McReynolds Fri, 10 Jan 2020 05:18:57 +0000 It is not enough to understand history and understand the world, one should also seek to change history, to change the world.

But maybe if we understand history and the world we live in then we might realize it is impossible to change the world, because the world is already so far advanced there is no going back.

If history has been directed and controlled for several centuries aready (at least ever since the French Revolution, when man took centre stage and displaced God), then we have to listen to Fredrich Nietzsche’s slogan that God is dead. And if God is dead then Nietzsche was being prophetic because he announced the death of God when the Western world was still regularly church-going. Nietzsche was prophetic and he saw the death and decline of Western religions and Western Civilization and the accompanying decadence and decline of the West.

There has been a war going on against the Ten Commandments ever since the French Revolution (a revolution that penetrated every corner of every town and village throughout France with bloodshed and massacres). Masssive murder of civilians has been going on ever since in modern warfare and the Ten Commandments and the Seven Deadly Sins have just about disappeared and been replaced by the values of Man, values that replace the values of God — the values of the psychopath, or the man who would be god, who is described in some circles as The Grand Architect of the Universe after he has attained his 33 degree of knowledge and understanding.

The meaning of history is a very long-term goal that seeks to bring about a single universal world identity (and that does not mean reviving Buddhism or Hinduism or Christianity or Judaism or whatever, it means establishing one single worldwide identity, one universal truth, one universal justice, one truth north, south, east and west.

Then the dream is of the beginning of super-history when there will be a very small population of elites ruling a very small world population of elites. Or that is how they foresee history moving.

And you may ask “Who are”they”? Just look at the winners and losers of two World Wars and you will see who “they” are.

Our current messiahs are not seeking to fill the empty bellies of the poor. Our current messiahs believe the end justifies the means, that present generations may be sacrificed for the good of future generations as yet unborn.

The world is ruled by false messiahs who dream of establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

The unification of man under one single identity is one of the main goals of history. The unification of mankind proceeds at the pace dictated by the strength, at any given time, of the messianic will.

Out of the First World War came a short-lived League of Nations. Out of the Second World War came a United Nations.

If this trend continues we will all soon arrive at a New World Order of peace and plenty that will emerge out of ever more and more world wars.

For war is a technique for the advancement of history.

The Second World War speeded up history tremendously and Hitler already had his nuclear and rocket scientists who were grabbed by the Soviets and by the US and thus began the Cold War “competition” between the two great powers (the US and the USSR)to see which “lunatics” could get to the lunar surface of the moon first.

Incidentally, Russia, the largest country in the world, has always been poverty-stricken and always on the precipice of collapse from within and the threat from the West is what has kept the Soviets united and kept them from disintegrating and Stalin knew this very well.The current GDP of Russia is about equal to that of Italy or New York State. Russia is no threat to anyone. They have nuclear power but could never follow up with an army occupation. They are no threat and have never been any threat. They survived Hitler because the US supplied the Soviets with arms and equipment via the North Sea and Iran all throughout the Second World War. Russia can only survive under a semi-dictatorship, otherwise it would collapse from within.

Roosevelt and Churchill, whose countries had lost so many young lives in the First World War with a consequent uproar from distressed parents, decided to let the Soviets do all the main fighting in the Second World War while they delayed opening up the Second Front at Normandy, France, until the war was almost over and then claimed victory. Stalin was rewarded at Yalta by getting East Germany and Eastern Europe without even a by your leave.

That Marxist “monster” frightened Western Europe into getting what is now a bankrupt European Union. The fate of Europe and the European Union was all planned long before the Yalta conference.

Russia has served and continues to serve as a useful foil for the West not only in the Cold War but right up to the present day when it is absolutely no threat to anyone anywhere except some problems with border disputes with its neighbours. The history of Russia (which is landlocked) has been a history of a search for a warm water seaport and Catherine the Great managed to persuade the Ottoman Empire to surrender the warm water seaport of Crimea to Russia, not to Ukraine.

Enough for the moment!

By: der einzige Tue, 07 Jan 2020 22:25:08 +0000 I think you took the wrong pill Jon and you sit deep in the Matrix. Donald “Israel First” Trump is zionist puppet. All his actions indicate this. So many blind people in America. It’s sad and gives no hope.

By: Chuck Tue, 07 Jan 2020 17:41:30 +0000 Actually, we are both, all at the same time.

By: Tewis Tue, 07 Jan 2020 15:53:12 +0000 Problem. Trump […]

By: Karla M. Tue, 07 Jan 2020 13:47:28 +0000 Trump’s been bought out and it’s not pretty. Yeah, he may not be a darling of the Deep State, but he has some strings pulling the shots behind the scenes for sure. America has the wool pulled over its head, with the media spin on Russiagate, etc. It’s obvious these diversions keep the public fired up and divided. But as an individual, he’s vainglorius, petty and self-centered. And as for our environment. The word is not even in his vocabulary! This is probably my biggest gripe–this president cares nothing about our natural world. Public Lands be damned! Drill it, mine it, open it up! The natural heritage of America is so threatened, and once despoiled is gone for lifetimes. I didn’t want Hillary, I didn’t want Trump; my presidential candidate wasn’t on the ballet.

Trump is continuing the looting of the middle class, aiming to strip our national parks, forests, wildlife refuges and other lands of protection.

Now, how about the Fed quietly pouring billions into Wall Street this fall? Falsely pumping up the stock market? Trump: is your name on this?
