Comments on: Message to all Americans from the Medical Cartel Sat, 11 Jan 2020 20:33:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eva Sat, 11 Jan 2020 20:33:06 +0000 Fantastic. I hope Jon Rappoport lives another 50 years with his desire to teach, shredding apart the lies, breathing paths forward of true scientific investigation. It does become incredibly discouraging and energetically depleting once you realize the system pushes you to follow the dollar- how can you trust any professional in the medical industry.. i feel like a great deal of professionals know the realities of the industry but are so scared to say anything against it-

True story- a recent visit to my MD- he told me that the vaccine industry does not make profit off the sales of vaccines.

Who believes this stuff? Now, THAT I find is offensive.

By: Sam Fri, 10 Jan 2020 03:13:01 +0000 Here is the title and link to an article many of you may find interesting, although it does include a pro-med propaganda pitch:

“The medications that change who we are”

By: Pam Thu, 09 Jan 2020 14:05:00 +0000 Thank you for being an inspiration Jon! Thank you very much for your writing, which causes those who want to- to think. Hope you have a wonderful day!

By: Old Sailor Wed, 08 Jan 2020 15:24:36 +0000 Same here, Larry. I use the VA (very sparingly). Most vets there are walking around with bags of pills. I take none (reaching Medicare age this month) and prefer a decent diet and supplements. Now, if I could just get my wife to stop praying at the big pharma altar (she takes about 6 different scripts) things would be good.

By: Nothere Wed, 08 Jan 2020 15:06:50 +0000 Interesting, half way through reading,
I started thinking of Pink Floyd,
reading slowed, rhythm in the words began,
melody continued to rise …

By: Sam Wed, 08 Jan 2020 05:42:50 +0000 Good article, and interesting comments.

I have been rather shocked on more than one occasion, to hear people speak of the meds they are taking, or have previously taken, in such glowing terms. It sounded as though they see this med-taking as some sort of status symbol. In a way I pity them, but realize I would be wasting my time and effort trying to point out they are doing themselves harm. Big Med and Big Pharma really have a lock on much of the Western world. Those of us who don’t go this path are outcasts, but the truth is slowly getting out. The sad part is so many will suffer, and die, before this truth is accepted.

By: Larry C Wed, 08 Jan 2020 01:39:43 +0000 The last time I had my teeth cleaned, the dental assistant asked me how many pharmaceuticals I was taking. I replied, “None.” Here eyes grew wide – she was incredulous (considering my seniority, I suppose). Apparently I was the exception: she told me that the average person in my age bracket was on at least a half-dozen prescription medications.

By: Wanda Ballard Wed, 08 Jan 2020 00:59:53 +0000 Jon, you are so correct in what you say. Sadly, The Medical Mafia poisons our soldiers right here at home, with every Vaccine maliciously invented. Then sends them off to war to fight while they are coming down with one disease or another caused by the vaccines. It is said that at least 22, soldiers commit suicide, everyday. Many before they have gone off to war.
Have they not figured out what is really causing them to kill themselves? Many of those who come home, do so with a disease of several different names. Golf War Syndrome, Agent Orange, etc. Always a new name. Vaccines are known to cause aggressiveness, both in humans and animals. I believe they like our soldiers to be aggressive when sent off to war. Very Sad!!!

By: Wrusssr Tue, 07 Jan 2020 23:21:19 +0000 Normal is a cycle on a washing machine.

By: Mary Ann Stiegel Tue, 07 Jan 2020 23:19:05 +0000 Take care of yourself. Read, research, learn, educate yourself if you can. Many can’t. Take care of yourself, because nobody else will.
