Comments on: The depletion of human energy Sun, 12 Jan 2020 14:56:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg C. Sun, 12 Jan 2020 14:56:36 +0000 So true – when we make a habit of blaming externals like the weather (or other people) for our feelings, we abdicate control, and get cut off from the internal source of experience. Not only in the mind, but the body as well sets up blockages, tensions that never let go, that generate problems.

So much of our news is about blaming others for our problems, convincing us that they are in control. The media feeds our habit because there is widespread demand for this kind of narrative.

By: ReluctantWarrior Sun, 12 Jan 2020 14:52:14 +0000 The Abyss

We are all figments of the abyss aching to be,
Burning embers of higher illumination;
In whose warm glow we can see
The brush fires of the imagination!

We are transcendental sparks
Feeding the kiln of universal being,
A beacon in the dark
A new way of seeing.

We are orphans of oblivion’s womb
On a romantic sojourn of death,
Cursed by our mortal wound
Touched by Eternity’s breath.

As dark clouds rise on the horizon
Man flies from his mortal cocoon,
Beyond the algorithms of Urizen
Seeking his magical boon.

For we direct our own resurrection
A sublime mixture of joy and woe,
Troubadours of love’s absolution
On our brief journey down death row.

And letting go of love
I crossed the bottomless abyss,
Beyond the heavens above
Greeted by love’s true kiss.

The future for humanity is bright indeed
Freedom from our dutiful existence
Planting our eternal love seeds
Amid this mortal pestilence

We are prisoners of this sphere
Sleepwalking to our doom
Wiping away bitter tears
As our soul’s begin to bloom

March on to your glory!
Though the end be ever neigh,
You shall write your hero’s story
As the fare Angels above sigh.

And in this enchanted world
We live in such sweet agony,
Around which the eddies of time swirl
Engulfing each moment’s sweet Ecstasy!

To see beyond Kronos shadowy lair
Takes courage to live anew,
And to ever dare
To thine own self be true.

By: Greg C. Sat, 11 Jan 2020 22:41:11 +0000 Amusing. I really got a kick out of Ricky Gervais’ recent Golden Globes monologue, because it was an Emperor has no clothes event. All those highly skilled, successful people in the room and behind the scenes haven’t produced anything except ways to alleviate boredom, which is everywhere in modern culture. Imagine the same treatment for, say, the medical industry, education, the car industry. Those are just 3 examples of spiraling costs for building useless, wasteful, and harmful extensions of practical solutions that should have been entirely replaced 50 years ago.

We need to do more than laugh at the current state of affairs. We have the creative resources within to invent and inspire, but not much will to use them.

It may be our culture is going through a phase of complete deconstruction of all ideologies. I think that is almost certain. What happens next? If we burn the ship, can we swim to an island and build a new one? We are going to find out. Human energy? Yeah, we need it!

By: About Creativity Sat, 11 Jan 2020 13:08:22 +0000 Infinite.

By: Jacqueline Fri, 10 Jan 2020 23:25:38 +0000 Many long years ago, I was heading to my car on a gray and rainy day, considering the gloominess of it all. A little boy about four years old, donned in rain boots, was holding his mother’s hand and crossing the street not far from me. As he walked, he lifted his little legs high and brought his feet down to the street so one could ‘hear’ its wetness. He giggled softly, then said rather exuberantly, “This is the best day yet.” My perception of gloominess was immediately forsaken. Through the years, this little boy’s voice has countless times served to remind me that is not the perception that controls you, but rather you that controls the perception. The power of one. Create yourself and your life.

By: Paul Fri, 10 Jan 2020 16:58:08 +0000 I BELIEVE, that all the wonders of the creative imagination are possible.

I THINK, that certain limit “types”, within (“self”) and/or without (“the world”), are existent.

I FEEL, somehow, that these limits are larger & more powerful than little ole` me. Which, of course, sounds ridiculous, because if said limit type is a “within” type, how could “a more powerful limit” be limited by, “little ole` me.” NOW THAT’S INSANITY! or at least IT’s thinking. I’ll have to review & revisit that one.

I SENSE, I need to rest my head.
