Comments on: “The Chinese virus is spreading”—deception and false news Wed, 29 Jul 2020 13:58:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: brokesville Fri, 31 Jan 2020 16:45:07 +0000 free speech matters

By: Swamprat Fri, 31 Jan 2020 14:17:42 +0000 I have to admit to being skeptical about this whole virus thing. When the numbers started coming out, the number of infections and deaths seems to be working in line with normal viruses that occur daily. The swiftness of this lockdown is 1000 times as frightening as the virus itself.

By: Steve Thu, 30 Jan 2020 15:07:07 +0000 Your explanation of the testing methods is excellent. Short version – they are worthless! No useful information is derived from a negative or positive result.

This, like other “epidemics” is a media hyped event. People are reacting like cattle to fear propaganda … again.

By: Paul Tue, 28 Jan 2020 06:33:05 +0000 CHINA ? What’s the deal?

I scratch my head, a-wondering.

What is the endgame in all this?

Just a few tidbits.

Many moons ago, I saw a piece, probably 60 Minutes, or some such.

The story showed the horrific conditions of poor (both economically & in the sense of their lives lived) workers stripping the plastic insulation covering electrical wires to obtain the underlying copper. God-awful conditions: long hrs; toxic fumes from heating plastic: mind-numbing repetitive manual labor, etc.

Many political doomsayers, who say China may militarily attack us or “our biggest threat” economically, because they have “a long range [in years outlook–outcome] plan to destroy us.

BUT, China, treats their own terribly.

How can they attack us, or, destroy us militarily, if they’re so physically debilitated?

I realize their population is enormous.

And of course…The media piece above, could ONLY DEVOTE a mere 18 minutes to “cover the story.” Because the final 18 minutes covered Anna Nicole Smith’s hairdo, or some such.

Thank goodness, Bill & Melinda are fixin` things.

I was worried there for a moment.
