Comments on: Sudden spike in coronavirus cases only means new method of counting Tue, 23 Jun 2020 17:11:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Plamen Tue, 25 Feb 2020 22:43:57 +0000 As functioning organisms, we generate a tremendous amount of toxic by-products. We generate enough carbon dioxide to kill us within a few minutes. If our lungs failed to function, carbon dioxide buildup and lack of oxygenation would overwhelm us quite quickly. We can accommodate only so much carbon dioxide. And this is but one of many waste products. There are trillions of cells in the human body. Tens of billions of these expire every day. They are replaced by new cells. The old cells are broken down by lysosomes, enzymes that reside in a little organelle within the cell itself. Upon cell death, these enzymes break the cell down into many smaller components for elimination. These components are cell debris. Some of these components such as iron, protein, and amino acids are recycled by the body. Some 95% of the body’s iron needs and 70% of its protein needs are met by recycling. Certain other of the body’s needs are met by recycling as well. This will give you some idea as to the immense providence and wisdom of the body in meeting its needs. Other components of the decomposed cell are the RNA and DNA. These are toxic while in the system. If they accumulate as they do in most humans in today’s society, a condition of intoxication (toxemia and toxicosis) exists. These are what medical people call viruses, and they mistakenly attribute to this dead debris the powers of life and malevolence.

By: steve stars Mon, 17 Feb 2020 23:46:33 +0000 I like Jon’s investigative reporting and as a long time HIV investigative reporter, I have come to the conclusion that HIV is a massive Fraud and dangerous Scam.

I tend to downplay these threats. But I think we may be seeing a cover up in Wuhan for something very dangerous, and there are now compounding details that would indicate a major bio-threat has occurred and China is covering it up.
They refuse to let US virologists in to help or investigate. Senator Tom Cotton explains:

By: Anonymous Mon, 17 Feb 2020 20:03:41 +0000 The reason that internet explorer let you is that Microsoft is ditching internet explorer in favor of the newer Microsoft Edge that runs on Chromium, internet explorer is no longer supported, so they don’t really care what you do on it as long as it isn’t illegal.

By: Opinionist Mon, 17 Feb 2020 05:05:24 +0000 I believe, as many do, that the whole “Coronavirus” story is false. There seem to a number of different reasons for what they’re doing and I haven’t yet made up my mind about which one I like best. Jon Rappoport’s reporting on it has been the only information that I’ve been following and sharing like crazy, too. From the responses I’ve received to these posts, it seems that I’m far from the only one who agrees with all of the posts. Thankfully, there are plenty of us who realize that we’re being manipulated. Again!!

By: Opinionist Mon, 17 Feb 2020 04:42:09 +0000 Immense thanks for all of these links. My husband / twin soul died of cancer 3 yrs ago. We’d both been lifelong opiate injectors. Until 12 yrs ago, that is. He was from Italy and I’m American, but living in Italy. He’d supposedly been HIV positive for at least 25 years. Neither of us believed the whole HIV/AIDS story, but his immune system was falling apart and he finally gave in to taking “the therapy” in about 2014.

I’d understood since reading articles in Spin in the 1980s and he’d understood intuitively, that it was all a fraud.

I wish we’d had internet before 2015 and that both of us could’ve read these articles and watched the videos. That includes Jon Rappoport’s, too. Now I’ll read and watch alone.

Again, a thousand thanks for posting this. I’d love to take them to the infectious diseases department where he was treated (and who let him die like a dog from cancer) and shove them in the face of the nasty woman who was his “doctor.”

By: Bob Sun, 16 Feb 2020 11:18:49 +0000 Good script for a science fiction movie. Especially amused: I felt the stench of corpses and vomited me !!!! A good screenwriter from Hollywood disappears !!!

By: Steve Sun, 16 Feb 2020 04:23:55 +0000 Jon,
Great reporting as usual.
Topic for consideration:

Even though this story has the usual “conspiracy theory” setting, the concept itself might shed some light on the drastic measures being implemented in Wuhan. Is Coronavirus a cover for something else?

CORONA UNMASKED: Chinese Intelligence Officer Reveals True Magnitude of China’s Fake “Coronavirus” Crisis

Read this article. (scroll down)

By: Amanda Sun, 16 Feb 2020 00:55:16 +0000 Oops, in case anyone suspecting Lyme reads my above post, I forgot to add that in order to get Igenix testing for Lyme, you have to have a doctor sign the paperwork. Our infections disease “doctor” refused, saying that the US govt. does not recognize that lab (which I took to mean that it’s probably a good lab). So we had to go to a special Lyme doctor (LLMD) to get the paper work signed.

Also, in the case of Lyme, I’m convinced it’s a US bioweapon (two books, Lab 257 and Bitten, tell the story), and they have a vested interest in it NOT being diagnosed. I think the whole purpose of it as a bioweapon is that it’s a great mimicker of various chronic sicknesses (e.g. arthritis, MS, ALS, and others) and it can make the medical mafia a lot of money when it’s not detected.

By: barry edmiston Sat, 15 Feb 2020 21:21:06 +0000 I have wondered the same thing. I hope Jon will address that.

By: Alan Sat, 15 Feb 2020 17:09:13 +0000 The factors in Wuhan are so bad that they are killing even the prime-aged.

Added to the air pollution and the 5G is overdosing of antibiotics and possibly a recent vaccine mandate. Or a chemical poison might have been deployed. Even the air here in Hong Kong is sometimes so dirty with strange stuff, that I am suspecting that we might be being chemtrailed.
