Comments on: CDC begins testing Americans for the Coronavirus—but how? Wed, 29 Jul 2020 13:56:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jake Tue, 07 Jul 2020 20:59:26 +0000 Interesting.
How did you come up with the coffee connection?
I love coffee in the morning to help with my fast.

By: Jake Tue, 07 Jul 2020 20:56:16 +0000 You are prophetic!

By: Rick Potvin Fri, 20 Mar 2020 06:48:58 +0000 You have obviously studied philosophy at the university level to write that last paragraph! Excellent.

So let me take your line of thought one step further. What would it mean that the head of the W.H.O. would conclude that the rate of death of corona virus is higher than the rate of regular flu?

I’ve been constructing a “thought cathedral” that explains how the W.H.O. has failed to provide a “control” for their “cases” as would be needed in a proper case-control-study. I see how I made a mistake now. I adopted his assumption that a virus is the cause!

But of course, Jon’s been telling us this for awhile… that a virus doesn’t have to be the cause.

By: Plamen Tue, 25 Feb 2020 18:27:45 +0000 Vodafone plans to make Milan Europe’s 5G capital

5G and virus scare so far go hand in hand.

By: James Sat, 22 Feb 2020 05:10:31 +0000 Thank-you for this information. I don’t drink coffee to often and will be drinking it even more rarely now. I will be doing further research on this as well.

By: Protestant Wed, 19 Feb 2020 15:12:05 +0000 Yes, I was also surprised that Mike Adams was pushing chitin as a “health product”, and he deleted my comment on his website about it. It’s important that people know the truth, so here it is:

Shocking research shows that INSECT CHITIN NANOFIBERS cause the amyloid plaques behind Alzheimer’s, autism, and other neurological diseases. Though vertebrates like mammals & birds have a natural defence enzyme called “Chitinase” that dissolves invertebrate chitin, mad scientists have disabled that by creating horrible Chitin Nanofibers that bond with mammal Hyaluronic Acid, which allows them to invade the entire nervous system.

The depopulation crazies have already been using Chitin Nanofibers in cosmetic surgery, creating people with half-insect tissue in their faces, and touting these nanofibers as “drug delivery systems” for medicines, vaccines, and even public water supplies as a “water purifier”.

Even worse: scientists have known for some time that CAFFEINE BLOCKS CHITINASE, our protective enzyme against insect chitin. Finland has the highest rate of Alzheimer’s dementia in the entire world, followed by Uruguay and the USA. Finland also has the highest per capita coffee consumption in the world, and the USA is not far behind, along with caffeine soda and sports drinks for kids. But what about Uruguay, where coffee consumption is relatively low? “Mate” is the answer, the favourite high caffeine drink in Uruguay. Humanity is under attack, by Globalists determined to get insect chitin into our brains, which fits right in with the Illuminati worship of Xeper the Egyptian Dung Beetle.

“Fungal Enolase, β-Tubulin, and Chitin Are Detected in Brain Tissue from Alzheimer’s Disease Patients”

“Chitin has been discovered to accumulate in the diseased tissue of mammals, including humans, afflicted with a disease characterized by formation of congo red-staining plaques. Such diseases include Alzheimer’s disease, spongiform encepalopathies, type II diabetes, atrial amyloidosis, and the like. A method for detecting the chitin in the mammal is described which is useful for diagnosing disease caused by accumulation of the chitin or amyloid plaques comprising chitin in tissue. Further described is a method for treating a disease in the mammal caused by the accumulation of chitin or amyloid plaques comprising chitin by administering a composition which inhibits formation of the chitin or degrades the chitin.
Amyloid plaque as a target for therapeutics that function by blocking or disrupting chitin synthesis or activity.
US Patent 20040192645 A1”

By: Protestant Wed, 19 Feb 2020 14:56:58 +0000 Good point!

By: el gallinazo Tue, 18 Feb 2020 22:01:54 +0000 One should not forget that they used AZT and other DNA terminator drugs in high doses to kill off the “HIV positive” people in a matter of months early on. They have since cut back the dosage by an order of magnitude, so it only makes the “patients” feel crappy but doesn’t kill them. The HIV/AIDS scam has been such a giant success, and it still is paying dividends in so many ways, that these psychopaths will probably reuse the old protocol.

By: el gallinazo Tue, 18 Feb 2020 21:53:10 +0000 They may well be using the “tests” themselves as a vector for introducing toxic chemicals. Would be typical of these psychopaths.

By: Richard Tue, 18 Feb 2020 21:25:01 +0000 The “corona” virus… Interesting, the name. A corona is the visible energized plasma field around a star… or a “crown” = halo = aura. Intersting.

Looking at this video of the coronavirus under a microscope, it appears more like the aurora borealis. Those aren’t hairs moving. That is energy.

Interesting that China rolled out 5g on a large scale on the couple of days around Halloween, 2019. Within a couple of weeks, the first death from the virus occurred. A couple more weeks… clusters. And so on.

Meanwhile, the people with the virus outside of the 5G environments seem to be fine (i.e with regard to significant symptoms).

Read Dr. Robert O. Becker’s books, The Body Electric” and “Cross Currents: The Perils of Electro-Polution and The Promise of Electro-Medicine” In these works, you can read about hundreds of research projects that are very ominous.

By the way, the symptoms of radiation sickness, itself, are fever, nausea, headaches and body aches, etc.

I propose a treatment for those afflicted. Get the heck out of these unnatural fields and frequencies.
