Comments on: Wuhan and the polluted air as a cause of epidemic illness Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:19:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alexander Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:07:14 +0000 Something occurred to me. There’s all forms of weaponized things… weapons of mass destruction… chemical warfare… muslims invented weaponized rapes. Then it follows, weaponized religions. Weaponized psychological. Then there’s weaponized chemtrails. Weaponized water (fluoridation), etc. Then here’s this new form of weaponized fake “virus” to cover up something else that has been long in the making, perhaps deliberately by the powers-that-be-psychopath… weaponized AIR POLLUTION, created from unfiltered FACTORIES, etc. Truly, the psychopaths care nothing about advancing mankind to the stars, where we’d be living like Star Trekkers, a true Golden Age… prosperity, peace, working together to solve all problems, making our lives rich… nope, these psychopaths at the top just don’t fucking care, they just wants to fuck everyone over and constantly schemes up ways and means to robs us all, of our wealth, of our lands, of our time… fucking arseholes.

By: Alexander Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:06:59 +0000 As usual, psychopaths in high places plays games with each other, while we the people suffers quietly, in bafflement, and try to survive as best as we can.

By: Loni_bomba Mon, 23 Mar 2020 19:13:50 +0000 This is so crazy. I had this same suspicion after learning about temperature inversions and the smog event in 1952 London as well as the event in 1948 Donora, Pennsylvania and have been looking into it all last night and this morning. I also have been reading about Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) and feel their possibly may be a connection. I searched for temperature inversion in Wuhan and found this. Wow. I’m not the only one who suspects this.The powers that be are using this manufactured “virus” as an opportunity to carry out many agendas IMO.

By: Rtp Tue, 25 Feb 2020 23:46:17 +0000 You don’t need pollution/poisoning to explain sicknesses if you reject germ theory (although obviously pollution/poisoning explains many cases of illness).

The most important aspect though is the mind.

There are a bunch of traumas that can cause respiratory distress but we will start with lung cancer as an example.

In a “death fright” situation we get extra respiratory capacity (instantly). For an animal that means a few minutes when they run away from a lion. For a human it would probably be something they cannot just run away from (eg being diagnosed with a “fatal” disease).

This causes overactive lung cells to grow into a tumor and what we call lung cancer. When and if we overcome the trauma we get TB. If we don’t overcome the trauma we die of cachexia (animals escaping lions would never stop and graze and humans in a death fright situation similarly, have no appetite).

Bronchial disease (pertussis/bronchiolitis) is a territorial fright trauma. If a predator is invading our territory we go into partial respiratory paralysis. This keeps us quiet and so the predator cannot hear us and eat us. In the healing phase we have the coughing fits. (Pneumonia occurs in such people who have a concurrent existence trauma).

This is just one of a sample of traumas that relate to upper and respiratory organs.

By: Peter Grafström Tue, 25 Feb 2020 12:46:36 +0000 Daniel Estulin like Jon, seems to have doubts about the virus narrative but I havent tried to inform myself about his precise views. However he says in a webcast if I understood, that the chinese leadership was planning to get rid of the western liberal component of the chinese government after the New Year celebrations which if true casts added suspicion against the globalists for being behind the calamities attributed to the virus.
He suspects the British.
And that does make sense since the prime suspects are the US and China so a third party, sitting on the fence, could provoke a vendetta between the US and China.
If true it would be in line with Britains power of balance strategy as demonstrated previously in playing Russia and Germany and Japan and the US against each other.
On the other hand, if the virus theory is believed by China any counterattack might hurt the British as well.
So in order not to backlash the chinese would have to be directed to use other means that ethnic bioweapons.
Apparently the chinese representative for the western liberal component, Premier Li Keqiang, seems to be somehow in charge of prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic, and one might see it as a role well suited for making him a ‘saviour of the people’?
The globalist would want to get rid of Xi Jinping and the globalists darling Li Keqiang would take over.


By: Bill W Tue, 25 Feb 2020 02:50:01 +0000 You were one of two or three sane minds that didn’t sound the chicken little alarm

By: John Malatesta Mon, 24 Feb 2020 17:32:04 +0000 Chicken little always said the sky is falling.. the sky is falling .

He was almost right. It’s what is falling from the sky. Toxic pollution, chemtrails , etc… Thousands a day die in china alone from lung disease , I wonder how many in the USA are sick from chemtrails.

By: Plamen Mon, 24 Feb 2020 17:15:26 +0000 Eddie, that site is a gold mine! THANK YOU!


By: stephen langley Mon, 24 Feb 2020 16:51:56 +0000 Great point. And those ‘techs’ are just following orders to find it at all costs.

By: stephen langley Mon, 24 Feb 2020 16:50:08 +0000 …please!
