Comments on: China coronavirus hype straight out of the CDC flu playbook Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:20:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: gallant Sun, 29 Mar 2020 18:50:49 +0000 exactly

By: ScottishFolk Thu, 19 Mar 2020 18:34:03 +0000 Can’t get medications
Can’t get food
Told by government not to socialise (self isolate)
School, colleges and universities closed down.
Everyone told NOT to work (or work from home)
Mobile calls interrupted service.
Businesses close and go under.
Masses lose jobs, no income.

…Everyone gets upset, uncomfortable and angry , and gradually a villain is created to blame.

Who is the villain? …China. (unfairly so)

My question is, why are we all allowing ourselves to be bullied into this bullshit?I

THE VIRUS IS FAKE, ITS ALL HYPE ….yet we are all walking straight into the trap!!!I

The inconveniences that we are experiencing, have been created on PURPOSE! …food stock held back, medicines held back, SCHOOLS FORCED TO CLOSE FOR 4 MONTHS!!! (UK) Businesses ordered to close!

WAKE UP PEOPLE! ….why are we allowing this to happen.

By: S Mon, 02 Mar 2020 09:09:27 +0000 CoronaVirus = Respiratory ‘VIRUS’. Coronavirus are a class of Respiratory Virus that Range from the ‘Common Cold'{Bacteria] to more severe illness like
SARS{Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome]

And MERS{Middle East Respiratory Syndrome]

To JUDGE anyone on a Heighten TEMPERATURE is EVIL. ……. [1Timothy 6:10}
‘The LOVE of MONEY Is the Root of ALL EVIL’
panDEMIC, panDEMONic, panDEMONium ->
pan =AcroS$, ‘All’, _MURDER the ‘End Time Game’
You Cannot Serve GOD +Money {Matthew 6:24]

By: lamberth Sun, 01 Mar 2020 21:23:47 +0000 Agreed 100% with your comment.
As I’ve been saying to others: “China DID not industrialize, it WAS industrialized”.
And it’s the same elitist group that was behind China’s industrialization as the one that was behind that of the West.
The same money-mafia is in charge of both.
All this trade war shenanigans is just theatre, smoke&mirrors.
The global-reaching, parasitic elite has moved again, their HQ is now in the East.

By: Rtp Fri, 28 Feb 2020 04:08:38 +0000 I include food/water with environment under the “toxin” umbrella.

The second is emotional trauma. Siblings can easily share one. Patients/doctors rarely would.

By: Barry Thu, 27 Feb 2020 12:31:43 +0000 That’s such an obvious fact but almost universally overlooked (or looked down upon).

Are the two obvious things Food/Water and Environment?

By: jt Thu, 27 Feb 2020 12:13:46 +0000 The problem, as others are pointing out, is the reporting and the validity of the reporting of what is and is not “coronavirus”-caused illness and especially death. In China at the moment, all one needs to have is “pneumonia” by exam, xray, or ct scan to be dx’d with “coronavirus.” If those with “pneumonia” die, it is blamed on the virus. But what isn’t stated is that before this (probably lab-created) virus showed up, there were ~300,000 deaths/per year from “pneumonia” in China, infectious/pollution-related/etc.

By: jt Thu, 27 Feb 2020 11:58:07 +0000 …and what’s worse is that it appears that China is all for it, ie, playing along with it (no problem for them to have a little “depopulation”). The leaders of China are as sociopathic as the central banksters and other ultra-wealthy, conscienceless “elite” that run the West and their anglo-american-zio-neocon agents. I pray that Trump isn’t a part of or supporter of these neocons. In the end, we need to pray that God shows us mercy, because none of the above will. Dear Lord, help us!

By: Rtp Thu, 27 Feb 2020 01:23:29 +0000 Thanks Plamen. Whenever I tell people there is no such thing as contagion people will always say “but what about when all my kids got chickenpox at once?” and that is a fair question which *must* be answered if you want to persuade people. Yes, there are times when multiple people can swallow the same toxins but that hardly explains chickenpox. Ryke Hamer – German New Medicine – explains it all though.

By: Diane Wed, 26 Feb 2020 20:56:04 +0000 It is a smokescreen for a controlled economic collapse.
