Comments on: 5G and the China epidemic Fri, 13 Nov 2020 19:30:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joan Fri, 13 Nov 2020 19:30:45 +0000 If this helps….I know for a fact that President Trump checks in regularly, with a very high up group of Pastors,to pray and receive Spiritual guidance. The President has “flaws” but I do believe he is the best chance this country and its citizens have, to battle EVIL.

By: LaLa Tue, 05 May 2020 14:44:22 +0000 Since both are meant for purposes of AI and tracking, time to protest ‘WE DON’T WANT A VACCINE!” and “WE DON’T WANT 5G!” all across the country.

By: Sandy Tue, 05 May 2020 14:41:17 +0000 Wouldn’t that person risk electrocution?

By: Lala Tue, 05 May 2020 14:32:42 +0000 You are also being met with kickback financial bonuses from vaccine companies. Doctors will pretend you need them a lot for their pocketbook benefits.

By: Lala Tue, 05 May 2020 14:30:15 +0000 They turned my 3G phone off 2 days ago. I can’t make a call or search the web, or anything else, even though it shows tower strength at the top. They just chose for it not to connect. I called my carrier, and there is nothing they can do, once they choose to no longer update or connect.

By: Lala Tue, 05 May 2020 14:20:28 +0000 All this Fauci destruction of America stuff is on Trump. He would have known Fauci was a fraud from the beginning, but he kept him and all of his inconsistencies and fear mongering.

By: Sandy Tue, 05 May 2020 14:06:19 +0000 The answer is because people need a romantic hero. People project him to be a conservative, because that is what they want him to be. When has he ever been? Christians have motives of pleasing God. Trump does not have those solid convictions. He has motivations of you slap my back, I’ll slap yours. You are loyal, I will reward. Totally different mindset than someone who is a person who would die for a conviction. (That is why I would have chosen Cruz or Rand Paul). You cannot depend on someone who has no guiding light. He hasn’t changed; he is only being revealed as only the tough guy on TV. I will vote for him, but I know he does not have convictions that I can count on.

By: Lala Tue, 05 May 2020 13:55:03 +0000 I know, right. My thoughts exactly.

By: Witheld Mon, 27 Apr 2020 16:31:52 +0000 Yup

By: Witheld Mon, 27 Apr 2020 16:30:34 +0000 I agree satellites can’t transmit 60GHZ through the atmosphere and that this is the frequency to be most concerned about. This is being transmitted by small cells attached to utility and light poles via the fiber optic networks at low level as we are seeing being installed everywhere in our neighborhoods during the lockdown. Herein lies the systems vulnerability. Anyone with a long pole pruner can simply cut the wires from the back of a truck, not that I am suggesting that anyone actually do this (wink wink), but if it comes to a life and death situation what would you do? If enough concerned citizens took this action the telecom companies could not keep up with the repairs nor could the police apprehend all the perpetrators.

