Comments on: Plunging stocks, pandemic fears, quarantines—what’s the real operation? Sat, 11 Jul 2020 14:41:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: nick rasoi Thu, 02 Apr 2020 18:07:07 +0000 People are dying every day all over the world by the millions for different illnesses and because is not reported in the global obituary you don.t know now THEY report of course is the virus HUCK LINE AND SINKER

By: Lance Wed, 04 Mar 2020 05:12:09 +0000 What’s the operation? What’s going on is not one “operation”. Psychological “operations” involve the “process” of delivering messages overtly and covertly using a wide variety of methods and technologies to an individual or individuals to influence emotions, motives, reasoning and to promote desired attitudes and behaviors. These “operations” are planned and are being conducted across the entire “spectrum” of conflict. That’s right, conflict! These “operations” are supposed to only be used on “foreign audiences”, but they’re not. These “operations” are being directed at the physiological and psychological functions of individuals and populations in ALL countries. Misinformation and disinformation are used in these “operations” to mislead, to manage perceptions, to influence decisions and to make it very hard to know exactly what’s happening, which is precisely what’s happening! In other words, the deception is GREAT!

By: Bob Sun, 01 Mar 2020 17:03:09 +0000 So True.

By: Opinionist Sun, 01 Mar 2020 14:34:23 +0000 Thanks for bringing this up. I knew nothing about this, but I’ve now checked it out and posted about it. This will help me when I run into the usual naïve question “If it’s not real then why would ‘they’ do this?” Much appreciated!

By: Opinionist Sun, 01 Mar 2020 14:08:31 +0000 This is my favorite article of the series so far. What’s been said is just what I’ve been telling people all along. As usual though, most don’t want the truth. The constant response I receive is the same one that people give in response to posts about other hoaxes. The good old “Are you trying to tell me that no one is really dead??!”, only this time the answer is different. Yes, people are dead, but it’s not from a “Coronavirus pandemic.” After that, I get the usual “But why would they do this?!” That’s when I point them to your articles for the second time and tell them to read the article again because they must not have been paying attention the first time. With this particular article, you’ve given me an even better article to point to and I don’t think it’ll be necessary for anyone to read it twice. The “Why?” is spelled out perfectly.
One comment only, about Italy. Things are very strange here! More people are wearing the ridiculous face masks, but the streets of Milano are almost full again. It’s as if people got tired of the whole thing after a week, but wear the masks ‘just in case.’
Thank you for this truly great post and for all the others in this series. Yours is the only sane voice I’ve heard publicly about this so called pandemic.

By: Dicko Sun, 01 Mar 2020 04:48:32 +0000 I agree Jon that nobody is looking into other causes for the people dying in China. Wuhan is a very smoggy, polluted city with huge Steel Smelting industry right across the river from Wuhan. January is middle of winter with 4oC being the ave temp. cold air traps pollution low. Cadmium is a known toxic byproduct of metal smelting and China has huge problems with cadmium toxicity in rivers, soil and air. Symptoms of Cadmium poisoning are identical to what Coronavirus is allegedly causing. Maybe coronavirus is a common cold (or a human body defense against pollution). The death toll is from pollution, not the virus. Mainly only elderly male victims at this stage. If it is true that in Iran, the victims are military leaders then maybe Iran is the target all along. Make out there is a virus outbreak in China (at a time of year death rate from pollution exposure spikes) make it look like a common cold/flu so can be tested positive in any place one looks. Release a weaponised version on your target. Hide in plain sight.

By: Richard A Kean Sun, 01 Mar 2020 02:31:34 +0000 “a prime opportunity opens up for shorting stocks, monitoring them on the way down, and selling them off at the bottom”.

Shorting involves borrowing the stock from your broker, and immediately selling it at the top. If all goes as planned, you buy it back at the bottom, and cover your broker indebtedness with the shares…

By: Larry C Sat, 29 Feb 2020 23:18:35 +0000 The latest fear-porn – this time it’s a deadly virus – reminds me of an old bumper sticker: KILL YOUR TELEVISION!

By: lamberth Sat, 29 Feb 2020 21:55:58 +0000 The Pied Piper is playing its tune.
And the masses are following like lemmings (or should I say zombies), right to the edge of the cliff.
Also in my knack-of-the-woods the MSM has gone totally insane with their fear porn.

Thanks Jon for speaking the voice of logic&reason.
With you all the way.

By: Yurre Sat, 29 Feb 2020 16:31:33 +0000 Rap, you da man! Keep on keeping on Brother.
