Comments on: Patient deaths are deployed to sell the coronavirus story Sun, 19 Apr 2020 21:42:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linda Tue, 10 Mar 2020 02:05:20 +0000 The Arm&Hammer Baking Soda in 1918 said the dosages were 1/2 tsp seven (7) times per day if under 60 years old. 1/2 tsp 3 times per day if 60 or over.

By: saoirse Mon, 09 Mar 2020 22:00:03 +0000 I remember when that song came out in ’66. How I wish I could go back to those days!!

By: Johnny Walker Read Mon, 09 Mar 2020 18:23:22 +0000 The most sane website and comments section in the entire world is right here. Thank you everyone for having a brain and not being afraid to use it!!
P.S. – We just got the word from our local media to drink only bottled water as tap water could be contaminated with Corona 33.
“Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
Step out of line, the men come and take you away”
Buffalo Springfield – “For What It’s Worth”

By: Steve Mon, 09 Mar 2020 18:14:09 +0000 Thanks for your commments….yes the People’s Republic of Maine got it wrong once again. Yield all authority to the state…people who know what’s best for you. Cannot even talk to these people…their religion is the worship of the state…

By: Rick Fri, 06 Mar 2020 22:12:06 +0000 One more observation– in an area of math I really don’t like… “gematria”. Don’t worry, this one’s easy.

Trump asked for 2.5B…. 2+5 = 7 (one of the more important numbers for some reason).

He got 8.3G…. 8+3 = 11 (another important number)

On 9/”11″, recall that building “7” was “pulled”.

Now what the crazy odds that there would be an “order of magnitude” LEAP in funding from 2.5 to 8.3… with no “itemization” presented to the public-at-large… and that we see the Gematria of 7/11… which looks like it’s the next 9/11?

As I said, I really dislike gematria but I’ve read enough on it that it’s mildly darkly-entertaining to consider them.

By: Rick Fri, 06 Mar 2020 12:50:32 +0000 Well, doesn’t THAT take the cake? Trump needed something like $5B for “the wall”– and ended up having to settle for scrambling funds together from various sources… amounting to a lot less– and here we have an INSTANT $8B for this Corona(5G) sickness hysteria.

For the less numberate reader, a billion is 1,000 million.

By: Rick Fri, 06 Mar 2020 12:42:41 +0000 Thanks for that reference! George Noori– as much as the gatekeeper he is– referred to the hysteria last night with a guest who was an expert on demographics– and Noori pointed out that 60,000 people die from ordinary flu every year in the U.S. I haven’t verified that number myself… but he went on to cite numbers of deaths from various causes like suicide, car accidents and so on.

Your stat reference is a great addition to that list. In fact, I recall my STATISTICS COURSE at McMaster U. in 1979– and some previous STATISTICS math in high school… and it’s NOT EASY!!! Statistics are TRICKY at best… and MSM is pumping stats out as if they’re meaningful– like “rate of death” from Corona is 10X higher than regular flu for example. Thus CRUISE SHIPS must be held in quarantine. It’s rediculous at best, and retarded at worst.

Now– In my own thinking on this HYSTERIA that’s really starting to ANNOY me– and get in “my way” of my own personal life… it seems to be that having a little “statistical analysis” FOCUS may indeed go a long way to EMBARASSING anyone in MSM who contributes to hysteria to reconsider their panic-making.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 05 Mar 2020 21:12:20 +0000

I watch this show every day, it is about everything but the Coronavirus…
Pay attention from about 0:58 secs onwards, this has been like this for a decade or more that I know.

So if you really want to know what the Coronavirus is, gaze on the most polluted air on this planet — and Hubei province in China is land-locked smack dab in the middle of it.
Their rivers and streams and lakes because of Three Gorges Dam are much the same in pollution content. Stagnant low volume of water passing into the ocean past numerous cities was even more pollution is added, China by far is the most dangerously polluted country on planet earth.
Pollution and pneumonia are hidden problems in China, China a highly developed nation, but yet has the global pneumonia numbers of a developing nation in say…Africa.

By: Rian Thu, 05 Mar 2020 20:55:37 +0000 exactly…seems like a pretty odd/odd number to come up with on so many headlines doesn’t it.

By: Thu, 05 Mar 2020 20:46:45 +0000 thats amazing figures and I’m glad i understand a lot of it. The amount of campaigning is astronomical…

So i see spreadsheets like this monthly, and to see the accounting of it in this context worries me…i get why they do it, but it’s done mostly to count/show cogs.
