Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: The collective experiment on planet Earth Sun, 08 Mar 2020 14:49:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: ROSE! Sun, 08 Mar 2020 14:49:32 +0000 On the FACE of the LOVELY stars it HAS been WRITTEN from the BEGINNING the SAME AS in the same Book SATAN’S doom is SEALED EZEKIEL 28:1-end The LION he CANNOT DESTROY Satan’s POWER WILL SOON be SEIZED by the Almighty POWER.The father OF LIES JOHN 8:42-47 CLAIM TO BE ! will be CRUSHED ,torn, pierced and FORCED to DRINK of the Cup off eternal wrath .while the “”MULTI-HEADED body in WHICH he has OPERATED through ALL the AGES IS GIVEN to the BIRDS of PREY THE HEAVENS DECLARE the Glory of God !!!

By: ROSE! Sun, 08 Mar 2020 14:43:07 +0000 I SO LOVE JESUS! Deuteronomy 4:16,19 !!

By: ROSE! Sun, 08 Mar 2020 14:40:30 +0000 When the SERPENT enemy FALLS the CIRCLE of time IS COMPLETE and its eternity Satan’s grasp upon our WORLD has HELD through the LONG succession of two-thirds of the signs Hardly ADAM (SECOND ADAM) received his Divine commission than Satan BEGAN schemes to get Adams POSTERITY in his power and them through his will . THROUGH their CARNAL WORSHIPS HE HAS PERVERTED THEIR HOLY DAYS (ISHTAR) comes to MIND instead of what it is the holiest of holiest DAYS “PASSOVER” into IDOLATRESSES He has piled them with VISIONS of EMPIRE and DOMINION which have filled the earth with TYRANNY MISRULE OPPRESSIVE WARS ,and POLITICAL ABOMINATIONS He has CORRUPTED the THINKING of PHILOSOPHIES of men,therefor making them WILLING SLAVES TO DAMNING ERROR. EVEN TODAY he is the very god of THIS AGE WORLD to who LIES the VAST MAJORITY of the WORLD RENDER HOMAGE TO TROUBLE! 2 THESSALONIAN2:3 TROUBLE WORSHIP THIS FAKE! FAKE PREAHERS WARNING YOU WHATS TO COME or r you DECEIVED by a RAPTURE DOCTRINE or ANYTHING OTHER TRADITIONS of MEN that VOID the WORD of GOD????

By: ROSE! Sun, 08 Mar 2020 14:25:59 +0000 This Cup of DIVINE indignation is the PORTION of the worshipers OF the son-of-perdition, (AKA SATAN) without ALTERATION of DILUTION Dreadful beyond understanding is the Pitcher John the Revelator, gives the Cup of unmingled and eternal wrath, but no more dreadful than the pitcher of it which the primeval prophets have thus inscribe upon the stars Revelation 16:19 Psalm 11:6 For in the Hand of the Lord there IS a Cup Psalm 75:8 Revelation 14:10 The Cup of the wine of fierceness of His wrath

By: John James Sat, 07 Mar 2020 22:25:23 +0000 Theres a handful of journalists in the world with gravitas

By: gwynn oneill Sat, 07 Mar 2020 22:03:37 +0000 I like my way of insight , just live a long time. Then experience and a curious mind lead constantly on to new insight.

By: middleway Sat, 07 Mar 2020 21:21:38 +0000 Within the paradoxical nature of the human soul there exists an unavoidable predisposition; Evil will always take advantage of good and, when proper conditions are present, will invariably transform good into evil. Therein lies the vulnerability of free-will.

By: Petrus Sat, 07 Mar 2020 20:08:54 +0000 The term “egregore” is an important term to look into, with respect to the topic under discussion above. One source you can start with is Mark Stavish’s recent book about this phenomenon, which is certainly not the last word on the subject, but is a good springboard for further consideration by each person into what extent one is involved with various egregores. Wherever there are group affiliations of any kind, community, religion, political party, PTA group, you name it… there is an egregore.

By: paschn Sat, 07 Mar 2020 16:16:05 +0000 We’re all expendable to those bending a knee to Satan, Moloch or whatever name one would like to associate with the ruler of this system of things and his minions.

Thanks Mr. Rappoport

By: Rick Sat, 07 Mar 2020 15:10:58 +0000 […] The individual in me has indendently searched the net for clues as to what covid19 is… and I independently concluded as Jon did that this is, in effect, radiation sickness from 5G activation.

I independently compared two maps– one showing recent activations of 5G in various cities in the US and another showing breakouts of cvid19. And (drummm rollll….)..

YES! There is a good-enough-rough 1:1 correspondence between them. I don’t have the images uploaded yet so can’t point to them, but will do so later this weekend.

Oh, another thing adding to Jon’s treatise– I have a book on PERSONhood… the idea of the PERSON… that fits well with his notion of the “individual”. […] A “person” is an “individual human being” and is a much sweeter term I think.

Congrats to Jon for leaving this forum open, and in approval mode. It’s my first-choice-go-to for covid-is-5g-illness updates.
