Comments on: Italy quarantines 16 million people: “the effect proves the cause” Thu, 30 Apr 2020 13:12:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: rplende Sat, 04 Apr 2020 10:59:13 +0000 Are they checking the temperature of the Cats before they skin them for the Chow Mein?

By: rplende Sat, 04 Apr 2020 10:55:55 +0000 This was planned beforehand and a bit of cursory research proves it. Check out Event 201 and the 7 point solution which was held just 6 weeks before the first case. Too coincidental.
Also read Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development by the Rockefeller Foundation especially the Lock Step section on page 18. This was published in 2010. If you think this wasn’t planned you have your head buried in the sand.

By: Mister Wed, 18 Mar 2020 01:00:57 +0000 You have a typo, “means’ instead of “mean”.

Jon, get on GAB before they throw you off Twitter.

By: JohnnyZ Tue, 10 Mar 2020 06:06:49 +0000 Depends on who you are talking about. The common politician, news reporter or medical expert may very well be as you describe. The richest ones on the top are different. They are in the know and they already have all the money they need – they can print it out of thin air. Maybe they are positioned short now.

By: Rtp Tue, 10 Mar 2020 04:56:36 +0000 Yep. Your points are spot on.

I think we should be “fair” to Pasteur though. All throughout history people have been entranced by “contagion” (Jesus didn’t though notably). Pasteur was just another in a long line of idiots who gave an answer to this.

But “what causes contagion?” is the wrong question. People should have looked at the sorts of people that (sometimes) share other people’s symptoms and then worked from the ground up. If they had done this then the answer would have been obvious.

Siblings often share symptoms. Classmates and colleagues sometimes do.
Patients and doctors almost never do.

That tells us quite obviously that toxins and emotional traumas are the only possible explanations for disease and because of the third, there is no such thing as contagion. Reasonable people can argue about which of the two to emphasize more but those are the only coherent explanations.

By: Aron Tue, 10 Mar 2020 02:49:45 +0000 jasonvanschoor on Twitter posted a multi-tweet “From a well respected friend and intensivist/A&E consultant who is currently in northern Italy”

His tweet is going viral saying things like:

– they see people dying in front of them
– do not be afraid of massively strict measures to keep people safe
– We have seen it, you won’t be if you don’t take it seriously

I’m not sure what to think about this but as always, smells fishy.

By: FS3 Tue, 10 Mar 2020 00:20:29 +0000 Whole Italy is on lockdown now. See, that before that act of PM Conte there ‘occured’ breakouts and riots in 27 (!) prisons simultanousely throughout the land.

The military was called into the streets. With tanks(!) against prison breaks?

Italy’s economy is at her brink.

And! Nobody speaks of 25000 deaths p.a. from normal flu. Every year…


By: Wayne Mon, 09 Mar 2020 23:39:44 +0000 Claiming coronavirus mortality is 3% this early, would be like predicting a batter will hit .500 for the entire season, because he hit .500 in the first week of the baseball season. Right now coronavirus is like the first week of the baseball season. It’s batting average will decrease as the season progresses, and probably land on a number close to the seasonal flu mortality rate

By: Plamen Mon, 09 Mar 2020 22:31:01 +0000 That’s because their whole disease theory is on very shake grounds. If the “Germ Theory of Disease” were true no one could ever get over a cold or flu, or any other disease caused by bugs, since they would constantly be re-infecting themselves.

Also, if the “Germ Theory of Disease” were true we would ALL have ALL of the bugs ALL of the time since they are “everywhere” and so would all other life on Earth, i.e. plants, trees, animals, insects, birds, etc., so life on Earth could not have happened.

By: Bob Smithson Mon, 09 Mar 2020 22:15:48 +0000 Excellent. Every person who took high school science is supposed to know the logic you spell out here. Every person with a bachelor’s degree in science should know this and not be falling for the garbage. But, alas, even when “properly trained” they then fall prey to day after day of propaganda and group think and not wanting to speak up — stupid and cowardly. I just heard last week a medical-doctor level say to me exactly one of the ignorant excuses you have given for why people believe all the “official information” — Well, since all the WHO folks and science-guys in white coats say it, you don’t think it can’t be true, do you?
