Comments on: Selling Fear—the “Epidemic Experts” weigh in Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:16:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Republic Crat Sun, 15 Mar 2020 20:27:19 +0000 Why is anyone even surprised at the depths of all this hysteria. It actually makes perfect sense – in the context of political history – to see how fanning these flames leads to a potential outcome:

1) With the lion’s share of the media, and all of Hollywood fully on-board, they failed at getting Hillary elected

now bitter and inconsolable, they need a scapegoat:

2) With all of the media, and all of Hollywood, and the House Majority Party fully on board, they failed to connect Trump to any election malfeasance

now much more bitter and self-righteously enraged:

3) With most of the population on board, they failed to impeach Trump

now beside themselves with vengeful lust:

4) With a robust economy, and unemployment at an all time low, and no electable candidate to oppose Trump . . . . what possible apocalyptic event could politically cripple him? Nothing but the destruction of the economy. Full scale panic and pandemonium accomplishes that.

And THAT is why the media fans the flames of pandemonium without restraint. For shame – but not surprising

By: D. Smith Sat, 14 Mar 2020 22:12:05 +0000 Sadly, in the past 48 hours or so, Trump has folded like a cheap suit and given in to the hysteria. Now the entire country is on “watch”. It was sad to hear and watch. (There’s a video out there but I can’t remember the name of the place where I read the article and saw the vid). Sorry, I just read too much stuff every day to remember it all !

By: D. Smith Sat, 14 Mar 2020 22:09:21 +0000 I agree totally with Amanda and NC. I, too, used to read at zerohedge, but have given it up for a lost cause in the past year. That site also peddles fear because evidently it sells.

Not to me, it doesn’t! I dropped them like a hot potato a while back. Jon is one of my main “go to” places to get REAL information, for sure. Mercola and a few others are into peddling their wares and I just don’t cotton to any of that nonsense. IMPO, Mercola has looked horrible for that past 5 years so if his “supplements” do so much good why does he look like death warmed over??

Something not right there.

By: D. Smith Sat, 14 Mar 2020 22:03:24 +0000 A computer “model” can’t do that, you’re right. As I said somewhere else around here, this whole thing is about selling fear, just as it is about every other year when the smartypants “experts” predict something else that will kill us all.

It’s all malarkey. Take proper care of yourself, particularly in the colder winter months (older people especially), eat well and don’t let the “experts” scare the living snot out of you! It’s what they do best – – they SELL FEAR.

By: D. Smith Sat, 14 Mar 2020 21:57:52 +0000 Danny said: “This virus eventually attacks the lungs and many people end up needing to be intubated.”

So does pneumonia. So do MANY MANY Diseases which affect the lungs and entire upper respiratory system. THIS IS NOT NEW.

I do not understand why people are making this into something it isn’t.

Doctors are PAID to get people riled up and scared, that’s how they make their living, no??? They sell first fear, and then mostly useless, untested drugs.

I mean, really, people need to start using their heads about this “virus” thing.

By: Rich D. Sat, 14 Mar 2020 16:32:25 +0000 We’re heading into allergy season,I imagine this is great news for the fakers, they will want to lump in the people who regularly sneeze every season as coronavirus just to keep this train wreck going.

By: Suzy Fri, 13 Mar 2020 17:05:55 +0000 Government intervention is driven by the agenda and will do nothing to mitigate anything. It’s more crony capitalism, that’s all. They’ll just steal more money from us and use it to convince us that drugging every living thing in sight is the answer. Right now they are propping up wall street and the medical industrial complex, which is killing more people with their toxic treatments than anything else. Our only hope is to stop outsourcing our health and safety to a government that could care less about our welfare.

By: Suzy Fri, 13 Mar 2020 16:58:34 +0000 Max, a major component of the situation is that people’s immune systems are compromised by having been vaccinated. If they weren’t shooting everyone up with poison every year, they wouldn’t be getting so sick.
We must also remember that allopathetic treatments are a major cause of morbidity and mortality. If people were given the correct information instead of lies, they would know how to prevent and treat this virus at home, without ever having to exhibit serious symptoms. Much less death.
The moral of the story is: stay the hell away from conventional doctors, hospitals and allopathetic medical dupes. Take what the government and medical-pharmaceutical monopoly tells you with a lot of skepticism. Go have a baloney sandwich instead of eating their bullshit! And get rid of the fear, it is wholly unwarranted, not to mention immune-suppressive.

By: Afifah Wed, 11 Mar 2020 21:22:58 +0000 Hi, your challenges re germ theory are partially valid. The REALLY potent one is the case of the virologist Stefan Lanka who says that there is no such thing as a ‘pathogenic virus’. He has put out an award for anyone who can prove that the measles virus is a real thing, as he says it is not real. Below is an article and below that a translated video.

By: blob Wed, 11 Mar 2020 15:39:39 +0000 One more thing… I live in a country next to Italy and our health system is similar to Italian. My friend was in intensive care unit in an infectious disease clinic in the beginning of December, when there was no corona virus panic yet. There were too many patients for the clinic to handle so people were lying in the beds in the hallways. I cannot imagine what would happen to our clinic if corona virus panic happens here. The system might just collapse and the doctors go crazy. No revolutionary new disease needed – just a little extra panic.
