Comments on: Coronavirus: how a rational CDC scientist would think, if one existed Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:10:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rosenda Laube Thu, 09 Apr 2020 04:24:06 +0000 A system of capitalism presumes sound money, not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by savings, not credit creation by a central bank. — Ron Paul

By: Jim Wed, 25 Mar 2020 13:30:47 +0000 Agreed. Coronavirus is a relatively mild firm of flu, but it seems to be activated by 5G. Wuhan is probably world’s strongest 5G installation. Italy is Europe’s strongest ( also both places, especially northern Italy have Terrible Air Pollution ). Thirdly, the West Midlands in the UK is first UK installation of 5G, the Daily Telegraph reports it is worst Corona hotspot ????????

By: Anabel Tue, 24 Mar 2020 20:01:01 +0000 It must be real if politicians and celebs say they have it :).
And Isn’t it interesting how China quarantined and shut down their economy weeks AFTER the global spread and yet it petered out. its Hoaxy as.

By: Anabel Tue, 24 Mar 2020 19:56:43 +0000 Yes the very limited early research studies done on 5G network said that it increases the bacteria colonies that cause pneumonia.
The problem is the average human being is asleep. ( a conditioned mind/ego).

By: Anabel Tue, 24 Mar 2020 19:51:51 +0000 The great virus hoax of 2020.
When the market was crashed, economies ruined by govts imposing draconian restrictions.
All in line with UN’s( global govt) 2030 NWO agenda maintaining mind control, creating poverty and depopulating. Immune systems are shut down with the release of stress hormones so reg flus will be harder to fight.

By: MD skeptic Mon, 16 Mar 2020 21:35:15 +0000 Valid perspectives offered by BDev’s buddy. Viruses exist for sure. Virology is the evolving study of what exactly they may be, and what exactly is their role in the rest of biology. Molecular fingerprinting is one tool in the epidemiologists toolbox. The pitfalls and perils of sensitivity and specificity are legion as pointed out in material on this site and elsewhere. It would be nice (wouldn’t it) to have some EM corroboration of their pathogenetic role as well?

By: NaturalWoman Sun, 15 Mar 2020 16:37:50 +0000 Thank you!

By: adolfo rondo Sun, 15 Mar 2020 06:15:45 +0000 If they don’t look at viruses with EM now because it’s somehow outdated how do they know it looks like a crown? Is that the reason why we don’t see real pics of the virus ? LOL

By: BDev Sun, 15 Mar 2020 03:38:20 +0000 Agreed. I certainly do not agree with a number of things my friend has to say about the issue, but I do defer to his expertise where warranted.

By: stephen langley Sat, 14 Mar 2020 17:41:01 +0000 Spot on ! And what are the so called coronavirus patients being treated with… more chemical poisons they call ‘medicine’? Toxemia is the matrix in which all ‘diseases’ proliferate. The body naturally neutralizes bacteria, virus, etc. when in its natural state of health, i.e., clean air, water, food, natural light and a healthy state of mind… and no toxins. Nevertheless, the virus may have been designed to get worse with conventional ‘medicine’ (chemical poisons) currently being used for similar symptoms (cold/flu)?? Conjecture, but put nothing past these fiends. This operation has been well laid over decades of psychological conditioning. Military protocols call for the complete deployment of psychological operations before any campaign is launched… it’s all about acquiescence via mind control.

And who knows if Italy hasn’t been purposely subjected to other toxic factors to work synergistically with the bio-engineered ‘virus’ and/or to give the appearance of pandemic mutation or whatever bravo sierra they fling at us. After all, this is a major operation by the corrupt power structure.
