Comments on: Italy: “ICU wards are overflowing” Thu, 30 Apr 2020 13:11:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Seb Fri, 20 Mar 2020 19:44:42 +0000 Here is an article that describes death statistics from flu in Italy in recent years. Today’s numbers don’t seem that impressive, especially considering that every single death is now attributed to corona, but in the study the authors were careful to only count excess mortality due to flu.

By: Alice Bronstein Tue, 17 Mar 2020 02:54:52 +0000 Hi Jaymie. Regarding this affirmation you made above, about Italy “has already let 6 million ‘refugees’ in…”. [end of quote], would you mind revealing your sources? After reading the numbers you proposed I researched the issue but was unable to find this data. The numbers I’ve found are way smaller so now I really feel like I need to take a look at your sources. Thanks in advance for the kindness of your attention to this issue.

By: Dan Simmons Mon, 16 Mar 2020 17:35:41 +0000 Lol same

By: stephen langley Sun, 15 Mar 2020 23:54:58 +0000 “It’s easier to fool people, than to convince them they have been fooled.” ~ Mark Twain.

A brief/incomplete synopsis from this blog and other corroborating sources:

• The premise of the tests are flawed and based on “indirect markers”… they are useless for conclusive results of a type and/or specific pathogen(s).

• Most reported cases are presumptive, i.e., not tested but based on common nonspecific symptoms… the same symptoms induced by electromagnetic radiation and toxemia.

• “corona” is an electromagnetic field… is this ‘thing’ really wifi poisoning… and exacerbating our general toxic loads ?

Think it through, guyce.

Try some experiments w/minimizing wifi exposure and elevating your general health… detox, fasting, clean intake of everything, lots natural light, a positive outlook for self & others, gratitude and don’t react to all the fear… it suppresses immune response BIG TIME… “Don’t worry, be happy.”

By: stephen langley Sun, 15 Mar 2020 23:48:17 +0000 Great comment. Other forms of new medicine based on the intelligence of the body and the power of the mind to regulate it are coming forth… a great time of positive change toward real natural health… once we rid ourselves of the ridiculous notion that all powerful bacteria and ‘viruses’ are the cause of disease lurking everywhere and plotting to getcha. Trauma and toxemia are a potentially lethal combination… and what is this little psyops spreading more than the the ‘germ’ itself… and do we not all live presently on a thoroughly toxic planet ? …obviously rhetorical questions. Cheers and thank you.

By: Rtp Sun, 15 Mar 2020 21:06:56 +0000 There is no such thing as a “real” pandemic. Every pandemic in history has been caused by fear and medical treatments. That is not to say that people, en masse, can’t get sick at the same time. They can in response to the finalisation of a collective trauma (eg the end of a war). But this is a healing action by our bodies and is only fatal when accompanied by fear and poisonous medical treatments.

However, because the people *believe* that there is a pandemic, even people who had nothing to do with the initial collective trauma, start to get swept up in the hysteria and mass iatrogenic poisoning campaigns.

By: Larry C Sun, 15 Mar 2020 21:00:27 +0000 “The press publishes pictures of the ICUs and the hysteria factor bubbles up a few degrees hotter.”

I’ve remarked in the past: Vis-à-vis the mainstream media, we are like a fish surrounded by water. The media surrounds in almost every venue you can think of – we are inundated by the media that it almost seems/feels that it is a force of nature…

By: Rtp Sun, 15 Mar 2020 20:56:22 +0000 In German New Medicine, a shock of feeling isolated actually causes the worst form of disease – the kidney collecting tubule conflict. This causes us to retain water and it amplifies the negative physiological effects of all other emotional traumas. (If it seems odd that the kidneys would contain the worst kind of illness remember that in nature, access to water is the most fundamental component of life so the body does everything it can to retain water when it thinks it may struggle to access it (because you feel “lost”)).

Quarantining people who don’t want to be will dramatically affect their health.

By: Tom Sun, 15 Mar 2020 18:43:00 +0000 They are playing numbers games in Italy. Why ? Maybe it is Bio-Gladio 🙂

“Several doctors who have given media interviews have emphasized that these deaths are associated with 2019-nCov and not necessarily attributed directly to the virus. 2019-nCov refers to the virus. COVID-19 refers to the Corona virus disease. It’s possible to test positive for 2019-nCov without necessarily suffering from COVID-19.”

They are pushing people off the cliff through psychological pressure. Italians are famous for getting excited !!!! Add to that old age, pre-conditions, wrong meds being given or not getting any help and you go OFF THE CLIFF.

By: Christine Sun, 15 Mar 2020 18:21:52 +0000 I agree
Think about it. Who says someone isn’t behind the placing of these obituaries because they are just handed to them. No one knows the people with out pictures particularly. When people I know think that people are not capable of doing these types of things I say they already are. You have a choice and many choose money over ethics and I know them personally as I come from a wealthier county in America. How about all the people killing thousands of baby chickens daily throwing them in garbage cans while sawing off the females beaks. It’s horrendous. How do you do that. Your desensitized. Years ago I was a outside contractor for a huge corporation that has since been bought out. I was the gardener for the complex and it was assigned to me when I was in college. I would never would work at this place. There was talk of vivisection there as it was a chemical company. That buildings bottom floor had been abandoned and they still used the upper floors for what they said were rodents. The lie was they never used any other animal. Against the rules I snuck into the bottom floor to see the horror of what this company had done for years to monkeys, dogs and pigs etc. I wish I had a cell phone camera back then. It was hideous. How do you do these things and still sleep at night. So when people I know think it’s impossible for these things to be taking place now. They always have. People have choices and wether they are psychopaths or just so deeply in denial of their selfish choices for money or status it exists and always has.
