Comments on: If Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple, why can’t worshipers throw out the CDC? Wed, 29 Apr 2020 14:04:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mary McGarvey Sun, 22 Mar 2020 20:43:54 +0000 Typing was not just for “girls”, I saw that many boys learned it in the 1970’s and men in many downtown San Francisco offices preferred to do
A lot of their own correspondence on IBM selectric typewriters.
Shorthand was a standard business and journalism skill since the 1910’s. Boys would learn it plus typing to get a foot in the door of any business. More and more women got the secretarial jobs and learned these skills.
I learned typing and shorthand to be a writer and a journalist. They have proved invaluable and many men tell me that they wished that shorthand had been forced in the schools so that we all could write at the speed people

By: murray Sun, 22 Mar 2020 15:18:28 +0000 Thank you very much for that

By: USA invades Israel Sun, 22 Mar 2020 00:44:14 +0000 Hi there, the Bible does call for Quarantine for sick (catchy) individuals, but it doesn’t call for lockdowns of everyone else who isn’t.

By: za ka lu Sat, 21 Mar 2020 19:43:38 +0000 Yes, let’s hear it for autodidacts! (new word for me thanks) and those who seek authentic and complete remedy, no matter what that may really be. Seeking without wanting to meet and massage a confirmation bias.

Quick shout to jon for making this forum available, thank you.

With so much to say and yet so little Honk, I just started writing and this is what came out–z

Quadrivium, mystery schools, I say are also misinfo, speckles of truth bathed in falsehoods—yes even Pythagoras (if he even existed) was deceived, just at a different level than us ‘proles’. Law school or Medical school, for example, to me are modern day ‘mystery schools’, teaching those in attendance to carry the water of deceit for purpose of domination.

Quite possibly, and most likely in my estimation, man has been lied to throughout all of ‘recorded history’. Why would archaeological evidence of ‘prehistory’ showing traces of man going back billions of years be suppressed? Why cover up archaeological and anthropological finds? What is so damaging that it must be hidden at all costs? Why forbidden archaeology?.

As far as Black’s law dictionary, I have gone down that road, only to realize now I am not party to any of that law or its foreign language diction, although there can be some revelation contained therein. ‘Legalese’ needs to be translated from Latin to get correct gist. More deception, it is looking to deceit for truth, paradox in so many ways.
To argue their ‘rule of law’, however slightly, is to admit to its validity, giving the false pretension credibility. To do that is to swallow the bait and get snagged on their hook.

I simply really want absolute remedy in spirit, mind and body, so I have searched, for several years now, finding more than can obviously be covered in this reply.

However it has boiled down to nearly a zero-point of basic contracting, knowing what I have agreed to and what I have not, based on what I really know I am, compared to what I have been told (ordered) I am to be and do.

I realized on my quest for fact of why everything is so f-ed up, that I have never received any valid fair offer of which could have been negotiated in regards to any part or whole of this SYSTEM, therefore there is no agreement, never was. There is simply no informed consent! This is absolute fact, so I do not meet performances to that of which is hidden and unknown, including (maybe most importantly) answering to another’s NAME.

This takes courage to not answer to ‘their’ NAME. To not be licensed, or pay tribute, to be sole beneficiary of one’s own skills and talents, but is of utmost importance.
Sounds scary, but I Have first hand experience of desist by system when I stand in this absolute truth of not answering to their NAME. I am sole beneficiary in full control of my Estate, I am original namesake, and I have served Notice.

One thing that can be done within the system to take control of the FIRST MIDDLE LAST NAME is to file an assumed business name certificate with sec of state, placing FML as assumed biz name and nameholder as Surname, Given Name, or even simply christian name as nameholder (christian name ((what I call true name)) is really ‘my’ name, with family or clan or tribal name being shared by the clan or tribe). The FML NAME combines it all with Surname ‘appearing’ last (also often written in debased latin called glossa, a symbolic text not descriptive text).
I have found too that Surname, Given Name is also a construct of ‘theirs’ (with latin translation of surname, and the given name supplanting christian name), but is effective for this filing purpose in distinguishing that the FML is indeed a separate other NAME that now represents a business, not the man.
I found info to file with Minnesota Sec of State as there is no notary requirement etc. To ‘notarize’ is to in many ways still play the role of ‘their’ NAME because a STATE issued FML ‘license identification’ is demanded. I have been told is also beneficial due to the Credit River Decision that proved all banking is without real consideration, took place in Minnesota.
I have found and verified through first hand experience that it really is all about the man as name and the PERSON as NAME, with man having been deceived into answering to (being surety for) the PERSON.

I can share the instructions for this if anyone wants.

However I realized one day like a bolt of lightning that there is no agreement to any of the system whatsoever, so to be ‘truthful’ or ‘with clean hands’ I cannot honor what is dishonorable. To do so is to dishonor what is truly honorable. This is methods of the liar system, they implant their ‘rule of law’ in between creator and created, charging artificial ‘value’ in lieu of actually valuable, enforced by coercive intimidation, first becomes last, tangible subverted into artificial for exploitation.

So I served notice as my Private Estate and its Agency to STATE OF, and DISTRICT etc, as this Is what I ‘know’ to be fact.

The cert of live birth is where the FML NAME first ‘appears’. The copies I have acquired are on Bank Note Paper just like a bond or other financial instrument document. There is also info showing these certs are traded like mutual bonds and can be looked up like any other stock or bond.
Based on this evidence, our existence as man has been monetized and traded without notice, request or informed consent. Sheer exploitation.
For certain, I never gave permission to whoever it is that issued the CoLB to use my true name (which is my sacred sole private estate property), or family/tribal name to create that document or the FML PERSON appearing on it, the NAME of which was affected back onto me to detrimental effect.

I never agreed to it is the bottom line.

The creditor/beneficiary, debtor/trustee, guarantor/administrator is basic trust associations stuff.
I am a part of creation in direct connection with guarantor of creation. I am beneficiary to this existence, it can be no other way.
So I realize to be in truth and honor what is ‘me’, I must not recognize or honor those of hidden malicious intent or I dishonor (turn my back on) what is of real benevolence.

And with the heinously fallacious covid lockdown re-ordering of this world, it really is crunch-time.
So what will I choose to ‘be’? Who is my allegiance with? Will I take a stand against the USURPER, or cave in to intimidation?

I have chosen.

By: za ka lu Sat, 21 Mar 2020 18:30:15 +0000 seems—

3rd person present: seems

**give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality.
“Dawn seemed annoyed”

appear to be
give the impression of being
look like
look as though one is
look to be
have the look of
show signs of
come across as
strike someone as sound

**used to make a statement or description of one’s thoughts, feelings, or actions less assertive or forceful.
“I seem to remember giving you very precise instructions”

**be unable to do something, despite having tried.
“he couldn’t seem to remember his lines”

By: Kristina A Sat, 21 Mar 2020 15:48:45 +0000 Thank you so much, Jon, for this brilliant article. I heard you on The Richie Allen show not long ago and have been following you ever since. Also, stumbled across this music video recently and was wondering…. Do you know anything about this guy?

By: Sonia H. Sat, 21 Mar 2020 14:35:08 +0000 “Bringing humanity to its knees” ???

Maybe we need to be brought to our knees for the right reason. This is not it.

By: Piksil Sat, 21 Mar 2020 11:58:15 +0000 I would be interested in reading your manifesto as well.
My debate is: If the vaccines are effective, why would those vaccinated fear the un-vaccinated? Shouldn’t the vaccinated be protected, by the vaccine?

By: Piksil Sat, 21 Mar 2020 11:45:32 +0000 I think you missed Jon’s point.
I work in healthcare (and have for over 40 years-sigh!), and, like your Dr. Fink, have “never seen anything like this before”. I don’t think anyone in this country has either, at least since 9-11. (And I’m one of the lucky few that survived the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic ????.)
I also live in IL, so will be in ‘quarantine’ as of 5PM local time today, 3/21/20. Only essential travel, law enforcement will enforce (“but it’s NOT martial law”–whatever that is supposed to mean).
What is “essential travel? Going to an over-crowded grocery store? Going to a pharmacy? Going to a liquor store? (Yes, liquor stores have been deemed “essential” !?!?)

IMHO churches are as “essential” to more people than liquor stores, at least for now. Wasn’t this country essentially founded on religious freedom?

Finally, yes, I do believe there is “a higher purpose to this scenario”. Perhaps, just perhaps, not what you are inferring.

By: Erin Sat, 21 Mar 2020 04:15:28 +0000 Agree. We need saints and heroes NOW. Wake up people!
