Comments on: Coronavirus: toxic drugs, no liability for Pharma Mon, 22 Jun 2020 13:09:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Marki Wed, 25 Mar 2020 14:18:13 +0000 where are Covid-19 death certificates, the corpses, the autopsies (to confirm cause of death), the wakes, the funerals, the cremations and where are the many social media comments from family, friends and relatives of the Covid-19 alleged victims?

By: Piksil Tue, 24 Mar 2020 14:03:27 +0000 Today there is a report that a couple in Arizona died as a result of Chloroquine. Of course, reported as unknown source of the medication, ‘not prescribed by a doctor’ (?? Did they ‘have Covid’? Did they have that medication left over from malaria treatment?)
Could this story be a fabrication, a pre-emptive seed plant that only a miraculous vaccine is the answer?
Also interesting that the mass (hysteria) media is reporting than now a large number of cases involve ‘young people’, completely contradicting what was being reported early on in the spread in the US (possibly elsewhere as well?). Guess they had to do something about all those ‘kids’ that ignored the suggestion to socially isolate and went to the beaches for spring break (vee vill show zem). Hopefully not all of them will panic and wonder if they were ‘exposed’ or ‘have it’….

By: fatima Tue, 24 Mar 2020 12:07:49 +0000 BE ILL GATES

By: Keith Hiew Tue, 24 Mar 2020 09:19:24 +0000 Hi J.B.,

Thank you for your info. I copied your virus explanation to a doctor, who then gave me a counter explanation:

“Viruses consist of a capsule and the proteins it carries inside. The capsule is lipoprotein in nature. On the surface of the capsule there are various ‘antennas’ which helps it to locate the correct host tissue, much like the lock and key mechanism. So each virus will only target specific cell types.

“The inside of the virus are either DNA or RNA fragments. This contains enough info for it to replicate, so when the virus locates its host it will its viral genetic material into the host cell for replication.

“There is only one objective for the virus: to replicate. The host cell is not spared. There is no symbiosis here. The host cell will lyse when the virus has finished replicating copies of the same virus and then the virus will be released to infect surrounding cells.

“The body will try to mount an immune response. Most of the time the body would win and heal. Other times the immune system would be overwhelmed or produces excessive response resulting in the cytokine storm and the host loses and may die as a result.

“The sole purpose of the virus is to replicate itself. It serves no noble purpose of clearing waste. Viruses are organ specific and not guided by white blood cells. The white blood cell and immune cells serves to mount immune responses to the invading virus.”

Would you like to elaborate on this?

By: Rick Potvin Tue, 24 Mar 2020 02:53:47 +0000 THIS IS GREAT… I’ll memorize this short paragraph and plaster it all over in various media including in person… it’s the essence of the situation… it’s a TRUTH BOMB…

By: lamberth Mon, 23 Mar 2020 22:33:34 +0000 Greg C.,
Great comment, thank you.
It’s what I said before in another thread. Tomorrow they will tell us that grass is blue. Add a bit – actually a lot – of propaganda and within a month people will accept it as fact, that it was never any other way.
Common cold? Flu? Pneumonia? Never heard of it. Now it’s called COVID-19 that requires a vaccine.

Propaganda is a hugely powerful tool, and what we’re experiencing at the moment is unprecedented.
A PsyOP, a Mind Control Project on a global scale.
Nine11 on steroids.

By: max wheeler Mon, 23 Mar 2020 21:57:04 +0000 Bingo!! Sadly, we have seen nothing yet. The Scriptures refer to days such as these as a period when we will experience strong delusions.I don’t believe a word that emanates from anyone in government from any country in this world.Half the people can’t think critically and the other half can’t even think.

By: za ka lu Mon, 23 Mar 2020 20:00:44 +0000 bravo NC

By: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 19:17:32 +0000 People like fear. Even on this forum, we are giving our attention to corona virus.

It’s a game. What we give our attention to, that’s what we get. Like a dance. When we want to move, our partner is ready. When we forget, and cannot even remember that we who our partner was, then we will have moved on into the light of day.

We will have leanred our lesson.

By: NC Mon, 23 Mar 2020 19:16:00 +0000 Paracetamol (para-acetaminophenol) has been around for decades but I wouldn’t touch it. It is extremely toxic (especially to the liver), and there are always less toxic more effective treatments available to help the body come back into homeostasis.
