Comments on: Coronavirus and Island X-24 Wed, 06 Jan 2021 10:53:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Wed, 06 Jan 2021 10:53:51 +0000 I agree with your premise.The human immune system has the task of helping to protect and heal the body from external invasions that might overwhelm the balance of health. We know bacteria are life forms that have their own lifestream. Viruses may also have a similar function. With disease, it is curious as to why would a parasites or bacteria or virus or mutated body cells in the human body could ever benefit from the sudden death of their host (home). It is a mystery. There seems to be a battle of biological species out there. Our white blood corpuscles and T-Cells have the task of controlling the over-production of harmful bacteria and viruses and mutated cells… normally, but it seems that our modern world has upset that natural balance. I suggest that the Big Pharma have interfered too much since 1860.

By: Samantha Wed, 23 Dec 2020 22:49:53 +0000 Right now we have screwed up post office. How long before delayed checks for people to the streets?

Meanwhile, NeverTrumpers continue to blame him for this, when it is all too clear that governors and corrupt politicians added all these rules.

By: Samantha Wed, 23 Dec 2020 22:47:30 +0000 We went to South Carolina on vacation for all of this, and I saw a marathon of Monk. I was struck by just how far he takes the sort of social distancing and “wipe, wipe!!!” thing.

I’m interested at the ending of this story. Who these people are supposed to be? God and Satan? Two businessmen who run everything? Something else?

By: Djade Tue, 07 Apr 2020 22:10:42 +0000 Yes! How DARE you be healthy !?!

By: Jeff Sun, 29 Mar 2020 17:05:02 +0000 Rick…you are bang on sir! As Antoine Bechamp proved…it is not the germ, but the inner terrain that is to blame for disease.

By: Ellen Sat, 28 Mar 2020 15:00:30 +0000 Pasteur admitted that the germ theory was bunk at the end of his life. The medical mafia with their producers of poison, BigPharma, must be destroyed as the sites of power that they are. We were warned early in our country’s foundings that the medical behemoth would become tyrannical and they have. If we had been educated properly and all along, we’d have stayed on top of all of this. We need to rectify that.

By: Ellen Sat, 28 Mar 2020 14:57:14 +0000 POTUS is fighting the invisible enemy and winning–the covid crapola is just the cover. Learn what’s really going on in this country and around the world. We WILL get our country back. The federal reserve is toast which means the IRS is as well. Most have absolutely no idea what’s been accomplished and what is being accomplished. Think what will happen when the people have time to actually think. Look what our marxist/communist/islamic public fool education have brought about. Look around, think, observe.

By: Greg Thu, 26 Mar 2020 10:19:07 +0000 Thanks for pointing it out. We are all suspected until we prove not guilty

By: Pam Thu, 26 Mar 2020 09:29:00 +0000 EXACTLY! Why in the hell can’t people PLAINLY see this???

By: Deus ex Mach 'anon Wed, 25 Mar 2020 19:51:56 +0000 Hey ‘Dog’, and anyone else that is holding OUR President responsible for this virus and/or believes that his leadership ability is somehow lacking: You have been, and still are, being deceived by the PROPAGANDA that is being vomited out by the media. Weather you believe it or not, there IS a globalist AGENDA to defeat Trump and to RUIN this country, and this manufactured, weaponized virus is just the latest weapon in their arsenal. Those with blinders on who just want to react instead of thinking for themselves, those who obstinately hold on to their unfounded HATE for this man are contributing to our demise. Is that really what you want? You want the country to go down so you can feel justified that you ‘knew’ he would fail as a leader? If so, then you honestly do not see what is at stake here; we ARE in a war, not only with a virus, but, as the President says, with ‘an unseen enemy’.
Up until recently, have you not benefitted in some manner from the roaring economy? Tax cuts? Are you unhappy that jobs have been coming back to our country? How about new trade deals with other countries? Deals that benefit OUR farmers and manufacturers. Energy independence? How about peace with North Korea, for God’s sake?
Open your eyes and STOP dinking the Kool-Aid and eating up the manufactured pabulum being spoon-fed to you. Take a look around and dare to question instead of blindly agreeing with every ‘Hate Trump’ narrative you hear just because the media has you convinced that you are in the majority and that everyone is laughing with you. Unplug from the collective for just a moment and raise your head above the heard. You are being MANIPULATED, or, as you put it, FOOLED, but not by Trump.
Donald Trump is not perfect, but he is the FIRST president I can remember that has done, and continues to do, what he promised when he campaigned, in spite of the relentless attacks from ‘both sides’. I challenge you to just step back and ask the question, ‘why is the media and the Dem’s so aligned against Trump?’ Pull back the curtain and look beyond your comfort zone just once. It won’t hurt.

You could start here:
