Comments on: COVID: The Media Dragons are out for Trump’s blood Tue, 23 Jun 2020 23:15:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Gerrity Wed, 08 Apr 2020 20:55:35 +0000 This is ALL theater including Trump’s initial response. All politicians are owned and completely managed and controlled paid employees serving the same overarching control grid and they are selected as such to appear as actors in scam elections and the only RHETORICAL sincerity and differentiation existent between any of them is the contrived fake illusions innate to their rhetoric and media presentations of image and the fake melodramas they engage themselves within between other political and public figures as well as the, equally controlled by the same overarching group, mass news, academia, and entertainment movie, tv, and pop music industries …

Conflicts and supposed competition, in the overt senses as they are presented to us, are illusions and ALL nations are owned and controlled by the same overarching group and all of our mass news and entertainment media and higher and lower academic exposure is also designed by them as well. This “world wide” event should make that painfully evident with all the multiple agency social, political, economic, medical/health/disease, law enforcement and military, etc. dynamic cooperation and complicity on display. This should advance your cynicism on multiple levels and dispel myths that there are any “good” guys out there in possession of power. One highly suspect factor, shockingly omitted from most discourse regarding the dynamic as far as I can tell, is of borders to all nations remaining open despite the heavily propagandized fear projection of an alleged “pandemic” with potentially catastrophic resultant death proportions. While the Russian Federation has only just implemented some token and quite temporary border passage restriction at the end of March 2020 this was done long after the supposed peak of the alleged outbreak in neighboring China as well as long after the alleged “outbreak” in the west but apart from that and a few nonsensically short-lived restrictions on some flight activity generating from a few selective regions, borders have remained wide open. These minor variations in narrative in terms of how one nation might at first even be critical of the Draconian measures of quarantine and lock down implemented in other nations, such as was the case with Russia, then to have that nation suddenly fall in line with the same protocol of Draconian measures just serves to create more superficial plausibility to the overall narrative as well as to create the illusion, which it assuredly is, that there is actually genuine conflict and competition between large nations rather than such being simply fake theater for the masses to swallow but whereby, in reality, all nations now are owned and controlled by the same overarching (((group))) which the sweeping symbiosis of ALL nations ultimately falling into alignment with the (((control group’s))) desired mainstream narrative and no nations questioning it in any meaningful sense at all, essentially proves. The fact of the matter is if this was truly some genuine dangerous and apocalyptic threat of a “pandemic” the absolute FIRST thing that would have been implemented in ALL nations of the world would have been the strict closure of all borders and with the further imposition of extreme and carefully monitored measures of screening and restriction upon what border passage was allowed to remain permissible and whereby all such passage should have been restricted to a bare and only absolutely essential minimum. The fact that this was NOT implemented in any nations is a VERY strong indication that this entire event is a fabricated and staged hoax. Closing all borders to all nations would and should have been a basic logical first step procedure if indeed this were a genuine threat whereby sincere protective of the mass population safety measures were truly required and this was not done. This is beyond suspicious. Although I have little doubt that the basic premise illustrated here will be decontextualized from this whereby the suspicion I shed light upon will be obfuscated and erased but the “failure” to secure borders properly may well be spun into an act of misdirection away from proper focus and instead into an element of exploitation within the scripted political theater in the upcoming US presidential election and all its fake theatrical and rhetorical melodramas.

What you are commenting on here is a further development of the script of the Trump character in terms of his character’s integration within the fake pandemic script and his initial response which was then shifted will no doubt be exploited later this year during the fake election theater melodramas. Do you truly think elections and their results and winners and losers are not fully rigged and established in advance by now??

By: ZiiNon Tue, 31 Mar 2020 01:55:22 +0000 Right! I wonder how many vaccinated and how many of those vaccines have morphed to create new strains that infect those and many more of the vaccinated. Ever wonder why all these outbreaks happen amongst the vaccinated? Ever wonder what happens to a virus that morphs and continues to spread far and wide by those vaccinated? Viruses morph, how many in existence that stem from vaccines?

By: D. Freeman Mon, 30 Mar 2020 22:54:59 +0000 How’s about The Trump Card sayin’a few days ago he was goin’ to Virginia to kiss the U.S. Comfort bon voyage. Did ya catch that. Take the periods out. Oh and the flag finials with the wings turned down representative of Vatican and the “red Cross” is a Templar insignia.

By: Lydia Sat, 28 Mar 2020 00:33:40 +0000 Can they take away your liberties?

It’s hard to keep a determined man in prison.


I hope the water is as blue as it has been in my dreams.

By: ReluctantWarrior Fri, 27 Mar 2020 16:41:12 +0000 That’s what it is all about and the main body of Sheeple are following right over a cliff.

By: Dr. Buttiger Fri, 27 Mar 2020 15:08:02 +0000 Dictatorial fascism will first come from the medical community. It has already begun and they will walk it in steps where you think it is normal and logical. After every panic type event, the government finds new ways to take away your liberties and control you. They create new programs/regulations, say they are temporary of course, and then they are never pulled back.

By: alex Fri, 27 Mar 2020 03:25:48 +0000 here is an interesting article.

If Social Distancing is Key, Why Aren’t Our Leaders Role-Modeling It?
(do they know something they’re not telling us?!?)

i don’t know anything about the linked website. i just found the article interesting though…

By: Pisces Thu, 26 Mar 2020 22:09:49 +0000 za ka lu, I’m aware of that the government is not run by us, but if we as citizens will not do anything to fight back and already given up with “there’s nothing we can do” mentality, it’ll only make it worse, for example, if the germans had just stood there watching their rights and freedoms disappear by not doing anything about how they’re treated by their government, the fall of the Berlin Wall never would’ve happened, but that only can happen if people fight back against tyrannical government. The “already-given-up” mindset is exactly what they want us to have.

By: Anthony Thu, 26 Mar 2020 19:50:55 +0000 When the CDC’s minions show up at my front door with Coronavirus/Covid19/Chinese/Ft Detrick virus vaccine needles in their satchels, to stick a needle in the arm or butt of me and my family, I’m gonna have to tell them, in the words of the great Ray Charles ‘Hit the road, Jack! And dontcha come back no more, no more…hit the road, Jack!’ […]….I know, I know….an NSA nerd just read this post. I care not.

By: Andrew Thu, 26 Mar 2020 17:13:24 +0000 Can you keep us updated as things go forward?
