Comments on: UK downgrades COVID-19 Mon, 15 Jun 2020 16:16:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Felstead Mon, 15 Jun 2020 16:16:34 +0000 Conspiracy theorist is a term used by the establishment for anyone who thinks for themselves and consequently not blindly following the mainstream narrative.

By: Emily Nghiem Wed, 20 May 2020 11:58:40 +0000

By: Jacqui Tue, 31 Mar 2020 06:31:53 +0000 It’s funny you should say that, I thought the same. Do Trump and Bojo know something that the public doesnt ? Of course no response from anyone or anywhere, except my family who argued that it couldn’t be true, it had to be fake news. talk about frustrating !!

By: P Sun, 29 Mar 2020 20:49:00 +0000 Everything government says is a lie.
and everything it has, it has stolen.
Nietzsche not that I agree with the socialist

The bow street runners did a similar thing bringing in greater law enforcement in the UK – bait and switch, problem reaction solution, etc
They are well versed
If we are violent we play to their hand. The only way is knowledge based on sound information.

We are not privy to the real history of humanity!
Science has always been hijacked by those in power as with everything else.

Smart dust, vaccinations, RFID all bad news.

Just would like a break to live a little before I go back to whence I came.


By: Gladio2 Sun, 29 Mar 2020 13:34:17 +0000 Jill, exactly what happened to me…..according to some they claim the message on Gov.UK must be
fake…..jeez talk about brainwashed….I could go on about what else has been said but there’s no point, the sheep are truly braindead…..and as for clapping at 8pm for the NHS…..ludicrous, I have a friend who’s wife is a nurse, and she’s a straight talker, no bullshit with her, and she says the hospital she works at is half empty

By: Jill Sat, 28 Mar 2020 23:21:07 +0000 I am in the UK and the mass hysteria is just beyond belief. I posted on Facebook about covid-19 being downgraded as this was MAJOR NEWS in my opinion (but not on MSM of course). I was hoping that out of my 350-odd friends that I might get a few saying ‘wow! So why are we still in a lockdown?’ But no…..sadly all I got was a couple of people asking me what I was trying to insinuate and outraged that I might be suggesting that there was no real pandemic. What is so worrying is that there is no curiosity, no critical thinking; and these people are ‘intelligent’ on paper, but they just think I’m a ‘conspiracy theorist’. And they are all clamouring to be locked up, bring in the army, make the lockdown tougher, name and shame anyone who goes out. Lucky for me I have a few activist friends online who are like minded who keep me sane.

By: Lydia Sat, 28 Mar 2020 19:04:15 +0000 You will have a better life when you decide to. You have the power. We all do. We often don’t use, I know I don’t, at least not enough.


I’ll bet that if someone else walked into your shoes, you’d be floored by what they might make of what you were given.

Lemonade out of lemons.

By: Leo Sat, 28 Mar 2020 05:33:36 +0000 Thanks Jon. Nothing like real news without an agenda.

By: Carter L Sat, 28 Mar 2020 05:19:02 +0000 Agree absolutely. Thank goodness Jon has the ability to put on paper what others only wish to.

By: ReluctantWarrior Fri, 27 Mar 2020 16:38:50 +0000 The U.S. Media will never let go of this. They are going to ride it as long as they can. At this point most of the world is aware that the COVID monster is going away due to the change of season. The MSM along with the left wing of the establishment are going to try to ride this sucker into the White House. Look for some very creative (if not devious) ways they will try to inflate the negative stats. Yes you may call me karnak!
