Comments on: Corona: if they lied then, why wouldn’t they lie now? Wed, 05 Aug 2020 06:27:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rick Wed, 05 Aug 2020 06:27:40 +0000 Donald is a delussion retard who couldnt organise a F#$k in his own whore house hes the chief clown in the ring of fake perception

what really Piss me off is not only the good America PEOPLE are getting Raped BY PROXY so are the rest of us outside of the USA!!!

And the death cult running the agenda are making big moves while u pay attention to the O. F. Pig

please wake up the CULL has begun. they planned this long ago. do you really think the 1% who own control 90% of real physical wealth ie terra firma not plastic credit are going to let the need to de populate the planet for its survival? be a problem was any Genocide stopped ?

they’re pyscopaths devoid of feeling otherwise how else do you do what it takes to get to the top of the pyramid ? and thats sum evil evil shitte. dont take my word for it. look at 20th century lets name the names shall we ? STALIN HITLER POL POTT IDI AMIN MAO&co papa doc and on and on and on whats changed same crazies diff name better properganda control more pycophants enabling there betters and im the crazy …..

remember when a roof over your head food and medical was for granted all. the shit u want not need was difficult to get credit for when ethical fundamentals were still in play ??

now a big screen tv or a phone or a….. whatever is on credit pay in 6 months etc etc all the shit u want that u dont really need but housing food employment with stability long term is a unicorn a myth the basics needed to live and function in a society worth having is now relegated to the 1970s

for 57 years of life ive pretty much got a pot to piss in and im lucky you cant make a good decision while your in a prison you havent recognised as not normal and like a fu%^n web browser they update the parameters of perception on a monthly basis.

sorry people its a shit message i write but its happenning right in front of me Today and i cant pretend otherwise. good luck to all hope you see the freight train bearing down on us all .

footnote perhaps kinder to not know ? and you get to live in denial of the un stoppable ?

By: h5mind Tue, 23 Jun 2020 12:00:06 +0000 In 1917 the Rockefeller Group funded an experimental meningitis vaccines given to thousands of healthy young soldiers at Fort Hood, Kansas, prior to shipping them off to Europe in WWI. In other words, what history calls ‘Spanish Flu’ was actually a horribly failed vaccine experiment. Up to 100 million died in that debacle. I wonder what’s their target number this time around?

By: Michaek Arnold Fri, 17 Apr 2020 10:39:51 +0000 I had a look at the link you gave of CDC published estimates for influenza deaths and then further down, their estimates for “vaccine avertable“ deaths, and I’m amazed their own literature admits that only ~10% of deaths were avertable by the vaccine..! (I looked specifically at last 2 years of data)

By: don wleklinski Tue, 07 Apr 2020 18:39:44 +0000 weaponized frequency [5g?] as well, and whatever tech.

By: Jim Wed, 01 Apr 2020 17:26:46 +0000 The paragraph making the analogy about the boy stealing the apple and the president is nothing but a bunch of muddled words that makes no sense!

By: James Cayon Tue, 31 Mar 2020 23:11:43 +0000 … forgot a BIG one that LED the hijacking, by Fishbein & Rhoades, Maxwell – the AMA…..

By: scott Tue, 31 Mar 2020 06:40:38 +0000 oh yeah. Another book written by the people in power…

By: Truther123 Mon, 30 Mar 2020 15:37:19 +0000 How do we know the Italians arent getting this virus from a unique vax they were given?

Problem. Lots of italians are dying from virus. Solution. Russia send military units with military equipment to supposedly help them. This is covert takeover

By: P Sun, 29 Mar 2020 23:30:15 +0000 Great article as always Mr Rappoport
Absolutely true – They Lie – Always!

My twopence worth:-

Morality and the illegitimacy of government

Most seem to be unaware of what true morality is.
Some confuse ethics with morals.
Ethics are simply a subset of morality. If the ethical value is not moral then it is not ethical.

Morality should be one of the first things we learn in school alongside the importance of nutrition but it isnt. That is the massive failure of education which would be more apt to be called obedience training (conditioning).

The definitions that can be found, mostly if not all, fall short of the true definition for morality, not least because it is confined to humans, but it is a far greater thing than this because of the magnitude of all that is encompassed by it.

“What is good for life is moral
What is bad for life is immoral”

Life, therefore defines morality and should include all life to the equitable mind but pragmatists do have valid arguments with this regard.

If we steal from someone with limited resources essential for survival, our actions imply that the victims life is not of value or of lesser value than our own.

If someone were placed in control of another. Would that be a moral position? To dictate how that being behaves, performs, their attitudes and beliefs, their daily routine, nutrition and plans for the future? The very act of volition which is every humans right by default would be removed by these limitations imposed upon them.

This is precisely what government of ANY type represents!
This simple exercise of rationale shows this to be true.

Democracy is not what it appears to be either. 51% can hypothetically dictate to the remaining 49%. Majority rules is the dictat.

Larken Rose clarify’s the dilemna of democracy quite simply by asking:
“How can a person confer to others, rights that they themselves do not possess?”

The truth is that we are each our own highest authority so long as we conform to an accepted set of moral values that conform to the simplest pragmatic definition of morality.
We should treat others as we wish to be treated.

Western Government spending on munitions and the facilitation of export armament deals show that they invest a great deal more in death than for instance research into holistic nutrition and agriculture which in turn would benefit true healthcare and relieve and change the landscape of so called medicine.

Authoritarians such as western coercive and duplicitous governments clearly behave in an immoral manner.
They are therefore by their own actions “illegitimate” and no argument in this respect is required.

Sooner we accept the truth wrt what these so called people are the better.
I do not believe that pathogenicity of viruses has be proven ever with any clarity or consistency.

By: Protestant Sun, 29 Mar 2020 15:02:27 +0000 And here’s a new coronavirus shocker: it appears that Prof. Neil Ferguson is being funded by the Saudis to collapse UK economy by total lockdown.

— The UK total lockdown follows the advice of Prof. Neil Ferguson, Director of the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics (J-IDEA) at Imperial College London, funded by Saudi Arabia. Ferguson uses mathematical modelling to provide data on several disease outbreaks including the swine flu outbreak in 2009 in the UK and the ebola epidemic in Western Africa in 2016. His work has also included research on mosquito-borne diseases including zika fever, yellow fever, dengue fever and malaria. See his background here:

— “Neil Ferguson, the scientist who convinced Boris Johnson of UK coronavirus lockdown, criticised in past for flawed research”.
“Professor Neil Ferguson predicted Britain was on course to lose 250,000 lives during the coronavirus epidemic. However, it has now emerged that Ferguson has been criticised in the past for making predictions based on allegedly faulty assumptions which nevertheless shaped government strategies and impacted the UK economy.”

—“UK could be on coronavirus lockdown ‘until May or June’, scientist warns – but the Government has declined to say when strict measures could be lifted”.
Professor Neil Ferguson, whose research has been key to the Government’s approach, said he believed the strict measures would have to remain in place for a ‘significant period of time’.
