Comments on: Corona: the case number game Mon, 29 Jun 2020 19:23:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: shazbac Fri, 27 Mar 2020 15:26:44 +0000 People like you give me hope. Thank you. Your posts are always uplifting. Same with JB and Rick.

By: NankyJane Fri, 27 Mar 2020 15:03:36 +0000 Hopefully you are right. But..when they have decimated the economy and people can’t feed their families, they become compliant really fast especially the indoctrinated millenials and Gen Z we have out there who have no sense of history unless it was in a video game.

By: Jon Fri, 27 Mar 2020 13:55:54 +0000 One only needs to review the numbers from the H1N1 of 2008 and see the hoax that played the panic just in time to pass Obama Care.

By: Jay Fri, 27 Mar 2020 13:46:21 +0000 Another example of how they ‘lie’ is to follow their claimed examples mortality rates.

To follow that story one has to go a few weeks ago before the lock downs begin because having the claim of high mortality rates gives justification for the current actions like lock downs.

I’m not going to load this message with links and stats because anyone can start doing their own searches. But with the following in mind one can begin their search.

As an exaggerated but simple example. Say you have 6 people in the hospital and they are all on the last remaining 6 ventilators. All six test positive for Covid-19 (even assuming the tests are valid which is actually another story). Then 3 die. Well you’ve got to opportunistic trajectories here. First, well hey 3 out of 6, thats a 50% mortality rate(Remember I said my example was going to be exaggerated – but I think you get the picture). Next, hmmm all 6 of our ventilators are used up and we can’t put the possible 7th patient on one. Hmmm, our hospitals are overwhelmed because of this ‘pandemic’ ( yes 7 people out of billions ). Again I said my examples were exaggerated and again I think a reader could see the possibility for massaging the statistics in their presentation for public consumption.

By: Patrick Healy Fri, 27 Mar 2020 12:48:47 +0000 Yes Jon great article.
Honk – come on man you omitted THE really big one – global warming.

By: NoWhereOH Fri, 27 Mar 2020 11:34:04 +0000 If you find a way off, let me know. I want to submit my resignation from the human race, and I’m not giving two weeks.

Oh, and if you cough in public and don’t immediately self-isolate a city bylaw officer may fine you up to $100,000 for the first offense and $500,000 for a second offense.

Wow! Better not get a tickle in your throat. It’s like being told not to think of an elephant. Even if you’re perfectly healthy, suddenly all you and to do is cough!

How much you wanna bet none of these officials are observing their arbitrary rules when it comes to their high-priced hookers and/or inappropriately aged ‘sugar babies’?

By: VincentnSmith Fri, 27 Mar 2020 09:02:04 +0000 Thank you so much JOn. May God always protect you and give you wisdom as always. Everyday i look forward to read your email..

By: hominidsteve Fri, 27 Mar 2020 08:57:48 +0000 I am writing now, just after commenting on Jon’s subsequent articulate exposition…”Corona: if they lied then, why wouldn’t they lie now?”
Why bother in the final analysis to compare figures when they are all meaningless. FLU as an entity, a measurable entity, does not exist.

Is not the important thing in all this is to focus on where each of us is coming from with regard to our immune systems.
We have to throw away the idea of named diseases!

What we have is a holistic organism, the human being, which is primed to survive and thrive.
If it is out of balance in its ability to function, if its vibrational quality is off synch, SYMPTOMS (sxs)of distress absolutely particular to the individual will be expressed.
“Flu like symptoms’ are just a boxing off, an urge to categorise and control, a selection within the infinite range of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual sxs a person can express as distress…
sxs saying…
‘something is wrong, take heed,determine what is wrong in your lifestyle, the way you live and approach your life, amend yourself’…
each sx can be, probably is, in its own way, a nudge to be mindful…or in extremis, a volley across the bows…a warning…’change yourself or perish’.

A lot of hot air and nonsense is spouted about how the coronavirus figures compare with flu figures.

Why? because,why, because… are we not saying there is no virus of any kind in existence …the expressed sxs of ill individual are but put out by our immune system physiological/energetic processes of our human life?

Why get flustered wasting energy on figures when all the figures are fabrications, again built on a shifting sand nothing can be built on, emanating as flight of fancy stemming from lower human impulse for an ordering of a system that cant be ordered.

We are sovereign beings…we are unique expressions on the harmony—disharmony spectrum…

Any sx is ours alone…showing our uniqueness…bracketed/labelled conditions are just the pathetic, mistaken, human effort to divide and fragment…?
And pretend we know so much…

By: Jack Ebner Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:08:49 +0000 I’ll go one better. Not even the so called flu is the flu because there is no flu. There’s only symptoms of elimination from excessive toxemia due to lifestyle factors most folks at least in first world countries have control over. What I’m saying is that the various symptoms are RIGHT ACTION, i.e. the body under autonomic nervous system control purging itself so that you don’t die from excessive toxemia. What do the medical persuaders tell you? That you’ve caught cooties and need our poisons and if the poisons kill you, well they did everything they could but the cootie got them. RIP

By: Alan Fri, 27 Mar 2020 05:47:38 +0000 A pandemic and deaths which can easily be stopped by shutting down the abortion clinics, such as Planned Parenthood.
