Comments on: The Virus confesses to the CDC in a midnight meeting Wed, 29 Apr 2020 14:01:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Haniel Adhar Sun, 29 Mar 2020 01:03:08 +0000 Your research is impressive and very helpful. Thank you!

By: Haniel Adhar Sun, 29 Mar 2020 00:59:34 +0000 Why spend all sorts of money and take all sorts of risk to make a viral weapon when the fear of the existence of one works just as good, and for a fraction of the price?

By: Haniel Adhar Sun, 29 Mar 2020 00:58:06 +0000 Remember, one thing they brought with them to the Natives was “fire water”. What we have to look at is the Pilgrims and how they never seemed to “get their native friends sick”.

Cortez gave “fire water” to the Aztecs and watched it rip that whole civilization apart. And Montezuma returned the favor with his “revenge”.

But seriously the one thing that changed everything for natives was the introduction of food stuffs and alcohol that natives did not have a tolerance for. Perhaps this did it, and not small pox. We probably won’t ever know for sure.

By: lamberth Sun, 29 Mar 2020 00:54:15 +0000 The symptoms?
Oh, the occasional cough and a bit of a runny nose.
You know, what ???????????????? to be known as the Common Cold or perhaps a flu.

As of March2020, no, no, no.
Now in the public perception, it is COVID-19, our new scary boogey-virus of the day. Forget about the boogey-man, or the boogey-terrorist, that’s so yesterday.
We’ve invented an entirely new boogey genre, one you can’t even see with the naked eye. It’s wonderful, we scare the pants off the entire global population and shut down its economy.

The Power of Propaganda, Mind Control at its best.

By: za ka lu Sun, 29 Mar 2020 00:18:23 +0000 the time has come to end allegiances to liars at any cost–

we can no longer stand idle, and play nice.

we as indigenous man are now fighting for the legacy of mind, body and spirit of man. Our ancestors, their courage and struggles, our present and our future progeny are in the balance.

Will I honor those who came before? Will I honor benevolent ineffable power of creation that man is in direct relation to?


I stand now, No More obedience to despicable Tyrants!!!

By: Amanda Sat, 28 Mar 2020 23:19:09 +0000 From

ActionJacksonbrownie- A doctor on a chainsaws forum (yes, some doctors use chainsaws at home) stated this week that he and his local association of doctors were responsible for over 1000 hospital beds. They had not seen a single “virus” patient to date. (((who))) owns the msm?????? What is (((their))) agenda??????

Below is what I’ve been thinking they have been doing to increase the numbers of deaths from corona (claiming that elderly who died of old age died of corona)


Geocentrist- Was speaking with a guy yesterday. He was telling me his wife knew two people who each had one of their grandparents pass away recently. Both had been “on the edge” and infirmed for quite a while. Covid-19 was automatically listed as their cause of death, in fact, he said the family of one of them actually called them out on listing it as the cause of death, since they had basically no contact with anyone, apparently it caused a bit of furor. Sounds like they are creating numbers.

Dr. Fauci Concedes the Coronavirus Mortality Rate May Be Much Closer to a Very Bad Flu
‘This is a planned shutdown of the US economy,’ says Fed’s BullardFrom CNN Business’ Anneken Tappe…Various “authorities” are admitting that this was a hoax. So…do they give back the money?

Comment from Geocentrist
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK. ”

Please, copy, share, email this info out and wake up the sheep!!!

The MSM and US govt are waging psychological warfare on we the people. We are losing our rights and freedom. And while everyone is distracted by this virus psyop, the bankers are quickly moving forward with their agenda. The corporations are getting bailouts, while the Federal Reserve is buying up the world with dollars and setting us up for hyperinflation!!

By: Amanda Sat, 28 Mar 2020 23:12:20 +0000 Okay, just watched 27 min this Jason Goodman y/t (he’s out there fact-checking the LYING MSM):

Ghost Town NYC – Are New York Times Lies Fueling Pandemic Panic with #FakeNews?

I took notes posted here

Key take away, they are claiming medical crisis, yet nothing is going on, lots of ambulance parked doing nothing, no sirens, no ambulances racing in, etc.

Jason’s video was a follow up of NYT story with Dr. Colleen Smith claiming apocalyptic conditions at Elmhurst hospital. Dr. Colleen Smith took video tape of ICU and ER (that is illegal, HIPAA, she should lose her license for that, other doctors shocked by that). (That’s been my question all along” how is the MSM getting all of these videos and photos of alleged corona patients? Isn’t that a violation of their privacy and HIPAA? If you were really sick, would you want to be filmed for the world?)

Apparently, Dr. Colleen Smith is a SELF-PROCLAIMED MEDICAL SIMULATIONS SPECIALIST (medical fakery???), so Jason asks was she doing a medical simulation? was she acting when she said Elmhurst was running out of ventilators, which was contradicted by Head of NYC public Hospitals.

And check out another Jason Goodman video at 20:29 here and see the disconnect between what the LYING WHORE on the MSM are saying and what’s really happening on the ground (Jason’s y/t shows a bunch of ambulances parked and doing NOTHING!!!)

By: Amanda Sat, 28 Mar 2020 23:11:05 +0000 Great!! Thanks for the links! Great comments over there.

This is what we have to do to break the psyop–go out and fact check the MSM and prove they are LYING. I think that’s why they have us in lockdown, so we have no access to other information and have to listen to the MSM.

I Think they don’t want us in restaurants, movies, sports stadiums, classrooms b/c we would be able to look at each other and realize we are all fine!!

Please everyone posting here, I Hope you are sending this info out, sharing–we need to wake up the sheep!!

By: Mark Sat, 28 Mar 2020 23:09:12 +0000 Check facebook for EVENT 202 A propaganda opposition exercise.
Allegedly Dave’s answer to Bill Gates cabal.

By: MaidinAmerica Sat, 28 Mar 2020 23:09:00 +0000 I hear ‘ya! Music has been a part of our family for generations. Husband is still teaching and this is what he is dealing with.
