Comments on: Goodbye to the Matrix Sun, 07 Jun 2020 11:58:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erica Tue, 07 Apr 2020 14:13:41 +0000 Excellent information! Thank you for sharing Rick!

By: DarL Mon, 06 Apr 2020 14:53:02 +0000 Must have been scrubbed.

By: Plamen Mon, 06 Apr 2020 14:07:00 +0000 Great work, Jeff!

By: Piksil Mon, 06 Apr 2020 03:39:32 +0000 J.B.:

Please thank Alana for me, if you think of it, for letting the cat out of the bag regarding an upcoming audiobook (I don’t ‘do’ Facebook ). Looking forward to her Part 3 and Part 4 being uploaded for a listen.

Hope you will be able to inform us when your audiobook is available!

By: deep Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:49:34 +0000 Pretty much sums it up.

I’d add to the ‘real’ list:

1. Don’t you watch the news bro?
2. So you’re saying it’s one big conspiracy?
3. Why would every government be in on it?


1. No.
2. The only conspiracy theory is the deluded belief of peasants that they somehow got together and took power from those in charge of ruling their lives.
3. You mean governments never use any excuse imaginable to consolidate power, pass more laws, and take more of your money? No… never.

By: deep Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:05:41 +0000 You have some very interesting material in your package, Jon. Is there anything new for a practicing ritual magician of 10+ years? Mental magick and it’s subsequent manifestation is very real, that’s what TPTB don’t want people to understand; should your goals be in alignment with the greater cosmos (astrological foundation) you CAN make things happen. Everyone has power inside , as long as you let go of the fear.

For most people to finally understand this, it can take some sort of traumatic event, so that they are able to brush off old the paradigmal delusions. Once they come to an understanding that the world is all a stage and a grand illusion, anything is possible.

They do bite back though, I went from an observer to a player a few years ago after I taught myself Law (real law) – I got a personal visit from someone very high up in the foodchain when I played with their promissory note system, but it was in the stars.

There is an astrological great conjunction this year between Jupiter and Saturn. It only occurs ever 20 years, and in the Aquarius air element sign where it’s going, with a pluto conjunct, it has not happened in this sign in some 2000 years.

It’s landing in the 12th house on Dec. 21 2020 (for washington, DC). 12th house indicates secret enemies, prisons, endings, psychological trauma. We can expect major societal changes. It will be hard at first, it will certainly be the end of America as we know it. I think they’re planning to pull the rug.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Mon, 06 Apr 2020 00:11:09 +0000 United States as a Republic must arrest the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.

Civil war is on. No doubt in my mind on this now. Trump referred to the “invisible enemy”… pretending to refer to covid but really meaning the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.

Anyone approaching me with a needle with be counterstabbed… that’s not a threat… it’s a promise.

I made a special effort in AZ where Doug Doucey ordered stay at home last week– to move about my neighbourhood. Fellow citizens huddled in lines six feet apart. Why six feet? Ever wonder why six was chosen? Double meaning I think– corresponding to pop phrase six feet under for burial… and the general idea in number mysticism with the six…. as in 666… which is really connected with Carbon… man being a “carbon unit” as in Star Trek. had a piece referring to possibility that this worldwide coup is being run by a super-AI of some kind…non-human entity as we saw with the Borg in Next Gen Trek… I like Lawnmower Man as a predictive program. Actually, lots of Serlings Twilight Zone was predictive programming— and come to think of it, ALL of “science fiction”!!! … weird.

Real humans with real pineal glands and emotions always fought back though and we, here, tonight, will fight back. Get your testosterone levels up. Battle stations. Shields up. Be on your guard. Get ready to launch clever counter-moves against this coup.

Oh one more thing. Disobey as much as you think you can stand. No mask. Walk in public with a lanyard that says CORONA = HOAX like I do. Refer to Embolden people even if it doesn’t look like you’re helping them embolden themselves. Command a big package of toilet paper and hand it out roll by roll to the huddled frightened masses.

Be a hero in your own little area of the universe.

I’m doing something like that. Jon’s right about one thing– the IMAGINATION, or what I prefer to call VISION. I get these. you know… “flashes”… or “visions”. A “vision” will occur to me in a second… and I’ll build on it for 30 years. It’s quite incredible.

Well… the vision today was corona-fear can be simply ignored. Be bold, go about your day. Advertise the fact that you’re convinced it’s a hoax… and provide snippets as best you can. Laugh at it. Watch out for unsafe dangerous people who might be stalking you back to your car to steal your toilet paper.

Act superior… as you are.

Let’s crush these snakes of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION… We’ll show them who is really boss. The people.

There IS NO KILLER VIRUS. Shout it out if you dare…. ITS A HOAX! … shout it out… if you dare….


By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Sun, 05 Apr 2020 23:43:37 +0000 Greg: We can’t solve the world’s economic problems

Rick: We already did. Write off the derivatives contracts that are 10 to 100X the world GDP. They can’t be paid. Bring in Glass-Steagall Act that separates spec banking from commercial/personal banking that Clinton destroyed.

Gred: How will each of us direct our lives if we find ourselves in a situation where we can’t pay bills or get a job? Go online and blog about it?

Rick: Exactly. Keyboard war. Knowledge is power. Point your friends and foes in the right direction to your best ability.

Greg: Suppose a person decides to walk across the country, for example. … I did that sort of thing at 18, setting my course for the next 3 decades… got into my car and drove from place to place, and started a new life where I landed (in Arizona, in fact)… I reinvented myself….

Rick: Me too when I was younger… but I’m older now with different tools and a different strategy.

Greg: All our solutions are in fact temporary, because if we find a permanent solution, we stagnate.

Rick: Let’s call The United States as a Republics a “long term” temporary solution then. I like that temporary solution in the grand scheme of things. You? Or you gonna let the UNITED STATES CORPORATION with the gold trim flag and Admiralty Law keep you as a slave by typing your name in capital letters on your driver’s “license”? And then let them order you to keep six feet away from your wife and kids? Let’s fight for a temporary solution then… but make it good one. Just maybe it’ll last longer than you think.

Greg: Schooling

Rick: Everyone knows schooling sucks. That’s why the kids are happy to be relieved of it right now. Thank God.

Greg: transportation devices.

Rick: Ok… transportation. Let’s look at that. Have you checked out the youtubes on jet airplanes use compressed air perpetual motion turbines… NOT “kerosene” in tanks in the wings? “THEY” are hidking ADVANCED tech from us. Pitchforks and torch time… we now demand it. Let’s go go go !!!!!

Greg: theology going back centuries

Rick: Right– dead ends… I agree. But what about Sitchen? The ancient Sumerians? The cylinders they recorded their culture on? What about that? What about the mud flood? Tartarain world wide culture.. hidden from us?

Greg: We will need many visionary people, and they will come forward.

Rick: Here I am.

By: Rob Sun, 05 Apr 2020 23:29:28 +0000 I have been trying to be fair to the people who claim it is real so I’ve put together 2 lists:


1) Unproven new virus (never isolated and proved to cause disease in accordance with Koch’s postulates)
2) Highly sensitive nonspecific diagnostic tests show positive on any coronavirus (very common family of viruses in humans)
3) Incorrect usage of ventilator (programmed for respiratory failure instead of oxygen failure) causing injury to lungs around the world
4) CDC started encouraging counting dubious deaths as Covid-19 deaths as of March 24th
5) Lots of lies and exaggerations in the media (telltale sign of false narrative)
6) Government expectedly using the “pandemic”
a. Bail out companies
b. Print money
c. Make interest rates 0
d. Flirt with UBI
e. Normalize lockdowns
f. Seize control of certain industries
g. Show big government is needed to prevent pandemics
7) Numbers not even close to pace for 2018 flu season numbers


1) Why would CDC do this?
Doctors who never question the CDC are panicking

By: J.B. Sun, 05 Apr 2020 23:13:02 +0000 For anyone that missed my post a few days ago, here is a link to my presentation. I’ve also done an interview and a written interview.



Written interview:
