Comments on: COVID and a 5G connection? Wed, 12 May 2021 03:42:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Josh T Wed, 12 May 2021 03:42:41 +0000 Would love to here everyones thoughts regarding the link, if any, between 5G and the nanotechnology contained in the “vaccine”. Can they communicate with each other and be used to control / monitor the “vaccinated” individual.

There is so much EMF radiation now being blasted out with all the new towers sufacing, people really need to be aware of the how much EMF is within their surroundings. There are meters that can measure this. Example here:

By: Elite destroyer Fri, 05 Jun 2020 15:33:19 +0000 Bro how was his collection, I also want to purchase it, but u know I’m a student so…
Which collection you have purchased?

By: IGNORANCE IS STRENGHT Wed, 08 Apr 2020 22:30:35 +0000 “Wuhan is opening up again with trains running and things back to normal. We need to find out if they DE ACTIVATED their 5G systems…. because that would be CONSISTENT with things back to normal. THAT is my homework for tomorrow.”
But, don’t 5G signals get to you even if you are at home?
Also, I don’t know why, in relation to respiratory problems (cough, flu, cold, bronchitis, whatever), we are not talking about cold weather. It is the main factor in my opinion.

By: IGNORANCE IS STRENGHT Wed, 08 Apr 2020 22:20:53 +0000 Tony, thank you. I will read the article, it is too long for reading it now.
I guess the obsession about the virus is because that is what the doctors, governments and the media are telling us. And we lost our freedom because of that.
Tony, do you think that a cold or a flu are physically contagious? Because I have the impression that I caught some cold/flu from other people a couple of times. I am not sure. Back then, I supposed so.

By: Laura Wed, 08 Apr 2020 20:41:07 +0000 Thank you Tine; I don’t understand German which is being spoken/close captioned there, but the description says:

” German Doctor Claus Köhnlein talks about Coronavirus Covid-19.
He said probably half of the tests were incorrect, so people with the common flu are put in isolation. It is a fact that old people with low immunity die, but most of the cases can be attributed to panic, fear and unhygienic.(unhygienic practices I assume).
Extract from the program “The Missing Part” from March 20, 2020. “

By: DarkStalker Wed, 08 Apr 2020 19:26:28 +0000 What if 5G is about causing the SKIN to suffocate?

By: Lydia Wed, 08 Apr 2020 19:21:47 +0000 Actually, no. These evil things will lead to many problems, including death. They are completely uneccessary and repugnant.

By: Lydia Wed, 08 Apr 2020 19:20:04 +0000 Yes, my great grandmother was a nurse and she always used tosay these sorts of things.

Every family member who has gone in for a minor problem has come out with near fatal conditions, incouding colon almost needing to be removed. For nothing more than (irony alert) a minor infection.

By: Laura Wed, 08 Apr 2020 18:10:42 +0000 Yes! The 60Ghz installations in “hot spots” need to be confirmed or not, thank you. And heavy flu vaccinated high disease rate areas should be determined also. But the totally corrupt mass media would never get at any inconvenient truths regarding those two, or anything else for that matter. It’ll take a few people like Jon for that, then due to being outside the Matrix, will be called whackos.

By: Laura Wed, 08 Apr 2020 17:59:15 +0000 Hi Low <<????. I was surprised by your statement that being inside would protect one from radiation, but then found this: …and see that it does protect somewhat (except not for gamma rays), mainly protecting you from inhaling radioactive particles. I wonder if it's true that only ionizing radiation causes harm, not the non-ionizing radiation supposedly in 5G. Anyhow, be and stay well.
