Comments on: COVID: two vital experiments that have never been done Wed, 29 Jul 2020 13:54:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Moshe Sopher Sat, 11 Apr 2020 16:37:30 +0000 HEY DUTCH

A science undergrad wouldn’t use the term PROOF as you have done which clearly reveals your disinfo background.

In the scientific method, we employ terms like EVIDENCE & CONFIDENCE LEVEL, NOT PROOF.

And no scientist uses layman phrases like MOUNTAINS OF PROOF.

Run along, now, to your handler.

By: Pete Sat, 11 Apr 2020 16:34:44 +0000 Thanks Rick, tony, JB, for all this information – very helpful! I found that video at this link:

By: Moshe Sopher Sat, 11 Apr 2020 16:32:17 +0000 DUTCH

You mean those 10 paid disinfo scientists made up the genetic sequence of the SARSCoV-2 RNA pathogen imitating the Chinese using known gene sequences from viruses causing cold, cough & respiratory diseases, right?

Did they first isolate the nCoV from living cells using centrifugation or filtration & subjected hundreds of tissue specimen to electron microscopy and did they count the viruse in sample using RT-PCR when the RT-PCR is not a quantitative tool as even its inventer Kary Mullis said?

Nice disinfo.

Who’s your handler..?

Be very careful..because once your game is up enraged mobs will turn on you…not much time for this to happen.


By: Piksil Sat, 11 Apr 2020 16:30:58 +0000 It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World!

The REAL pandemic is the loss of liberties orchestrated by socially engineering fear in most. Fear of an invisible invader.
No doubt there are sick people, people being placed on ventilators, dying, etc. That happens all the time, which is why we have hospitals and health care (coincidently the 3rd leading cause of death in the US). Maybe these symptoms are atypical as well. But, as Jon has pointed out in numerous posts, it’s never been proven that this one little ‘bug’ is the sole cause of the disease, even for those that accept germ theory as the correct foundation for this pandemic (of this ‘disease’). What were the deceased’s toxic loads? Were most vaccinated? Were they on medications? Etc.

Sadly, I see Gates and Fauci making a $1.00 bet (before Event 201), similar to the movie “Trading Places”. (But that was a movie, not real, right?)

By: Moshe Sopher Sat, 11 Apr 2020 16:30:21 +0000 Dutch

Can you name even 1 novel or at least 1 unique or 1 new symptom of this so-called new disease covid19?

I only see covid19 used deviously as an UMBRELLA TERM to lump under it the symptoms of traditional diseases like common cold, cough, flu, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, hepatitis and others..

Not 1 unique symptom of this fake disease covid19…

Who’re you shilling for?

Be careful..the game is almost up

By: Moshe Sopher Sat, 11 Apr 2020 16:28:23 +0000 Dutch

Can you name even 1 novel or at least 1 unique or 1 new symptom of this so-called new disease covid19?

I only see covid19 used devioously as an UMBRELLA TERM to lump under it the symptoms of traditional diseases like common cold, cough, flu, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, hepatitis and others..

Not 1 unique symptom of this fake disease covid19…

Who’re you shilling for?

Be careful..the game is almost up…

By: Moshe Sopher Sat, 11 Apr 2020 16:22:06 +0000 DUTCH,

You mean those 10 paid disinfo scientists made up the genetic sequence of the SARSCoV-2 RNA pathogen imitating the Chinese using known gene sequences from viruses causing cold, cough & redpiratory diseases, right?

Did they first isolate the nCoV from living cells using centrigugation or filtration & subjected hundreds of tissue specimen to electron microscopy and did they count the viruse in sample using RT-PCR when the RT-PCR is not a quantitative tool as even its inventer Kary Mullis said?

Nice disinfo.

Who’s your handler..?

Be very careful..because once your game is up enraged mobs will turn on you…not much time for this to happen.

By: tony bonn Sat, 11 Apr 2020 15:56:21 +0000 not to mention that the full genome of the alleged virus is not even searched for in the sample. thus when something is allegedly found to be sars-cov-2 it may well not be. it’s like doing a string search with the search term “some*” to find “something”, but “some*” will match “something”, “sometimes”, “somewhat” the latter of which may be big fat nothing burgers.

in any event, finding a virus in someone is a gigantic yawn. it is totally meaningless

By: Piksil Sat, 11 Apr 2020 15:53:04 +0000 Bad news for Syrian hamsters in China

By: Dutch Sat, 11 Apr 2020 15:52:47 +0000 So you’re wrong about PCRs capabilities. And many people have isolated and characterized the virus. I know people who had it within days of first hearing about it. But beyond that I agree with everything else 100%. The statistics are being terribly gamed. Even Dr Fauci admitted this in NEJM but then says the exact opposite when the cameras are on him. Italy’s statistics should be completely ignored. They have been grossly misrepresented in every way. And I like the idea of autopsies because many of these people have 2 or 3 other cofactors and might just be dying from the drugs and their side effects. Or those drugs and their side effects might be helping the coronavirus proliferate by creating deficiencies or compromising immunity. As with all science no amount of data is too much. It would only make sense to see as much as possible be made available for independent verification. To some extent this is being done, but the more eyes the better. If Corona really is this serious then we should be all hands on deck to know everything about it. All the inconsistencies and gaps in the story just smell fishy.
