Comments on: My conversation with State Senator and doctor who exposes Medicare payouts for COVID-19 patients Mon, 06 Jul 2020 13:54:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Natalie Wed, 15 Apr 2020 15:53:47 +0000 I understand your sentiment but I don’t want to be dragged to jail and CPS taking my child away because I refuse to show my driver’s license.

By: Natalie Wed, 15 Apr 2020 15:10:23 +0000 Vitamin C is far more effective against anything (even the Chinese hospitals started using it as part of their protocol). Colloidal silver and various immune supporting herbs are a must, too. Also, most folks are toxic today and would benefit from regular detox and cleansing (sweating, enemas, intermittent fasting, deworming, etc.) Our ancestors did regular detoxing and had far less chronic disease.

By: Laura Wed, 15 Apr 2020 03:43:22 +0000 Why not contact Medicare? If you want to trust their info, if they will even answer the questions:

I tend to believe what Dr. Scott Jensen says. “Official” sources these days are very likely no sources at all, at best.

By: za ka lu Tue, 14 Apr 2020 23:04:09 +0000 Emily1,
We here are taking covid 19 countermeasures, so we too are free from ‘prosecution’. 🙂

By: za ka lu Tue, 14 Apr 2020 22:59:19 +0000 well like the old adage goes, “If it weren’t for lawyers, who’d need ’em’?

By: Caz holb Tue, 14 Apr 2020 21:57:19 +0000 Oh and a lot of charitable donations also a con and sell offs to private interests on another con…..they. Just go on and on

By: Caz holb Tue, 14 Apr 2020 21:54:04 +0000 The taxpayer, just like everything, they make you think it’s free, but it comes from government funding, which is public money, another con

By: Caz holb Tue, 14 Apr 2020 21:09:26 +0000 Hi,
Most definitely ordered by our Crown and that’s what Corona in Greek means The Crown. The walls where closing in on some members of the British Royals with Prince Andrew the Queens son was heavily involved with Paedophiles and sexual predators. Prince Harry and his American Wife have left the Institute for America and in a video leaked Harry told a reporter if you knew what I know as a father and husband you would understand why I have to do this, what did he mean, what does he know and bad enough to give up his Royal statis.Is it regarding this lie or maybe one from when he was a child when a lot say his mother was deliberately ordered to be killed and Harry is not Charles son.
The Queen gets the final say in this country, supposed to be neutral but even to go to war.
Like your country this also has a lot to do with our NHS (national health service). Before the crisis they were failing big time, the public was losing confidence in the Institution and it was showing with a record number of legal negligence cases being or been dealt with. Even my own father was treated disgracefully after a botched operation, another guy I know just before Christmas went in our local hospital for a simple hernia operation, his family never got to see him alive again he died in the recovery room. Oh but know the NHS staff are all super heroes and every week the country goes out side clapping them for their bravery, of course I know they think it’s a deadly virus and it’s not their fault, but can you see how easily people forget
Sad is all i can say

Keep safe all

By: W. Tue, 14 Apr 2020 21:06:17 +0000 Can you please publish a DIRECT link to the MediCare payouts to hospitals? Straight from MediCare themselves?

I’m having a hard time finding the source material for that. I’m doing my best to advocate this information but it’s making credibility difficult without direct source links.

By: Laura Tue, 14 Apr 2020 20:39:04 +0000 Goals, definitely. Lunatic Gates (their head honcho) might just completely take over this asylum if he’s not stopped and put in a prison for the criminally insane real soon.
