Comments on: COVID: The squeeze play on the population Sun, 03 May 2020 02:05:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dina Wed, 15 Apr 2020 23:13:06 +0000 Those Ohio protesters put a smile on my face, bless ’em. Guess it’s time to dust off my Guy Fawkes mask.

By: Protestant Wed, 15 Apr 2020 20:13:00 +0000 Leave drug dealers out of it, mate. You must live in a nice neighbourhood, where they don’t help your teenagers run away from home to be drug mules, or make themselves rich by destroying people’s lives, or pimping out their girlfriends, or smashing up your apartment block with machetes the week before Christmas, or smashing furniture up against your adjoining wall every few days when they fly into a rage from crack cocaine, or spit and urinate on the flowerpots your sister planted to cheer up the entrance, or shout obscenities at the elderly neighbours across the street.

Drug dealers are the SCUM OF THE EARTH, and I will gladly shop them any day of the week. And the next day, and the next, and shout it from the rooftops. They are just as evil as the other neighbour recently released from prison for raping his own children, who were all sent to foster homes when his wife died, but one of them came back here one night, to stand outside his father’s new apartment, screaming in despair to the whole neighbourhood that the new tenant was a child rapist, so we could protect our own children from him. And to show how much the child rapist was “rehabilitated” in prison, as soon as he moved in, he took a great interest in sitting out by the church playground for little ones next door.

So don’t get high & mighty about people “snitching” on evil b*stards like that. Be grateful they aren’t destroying the place where you live.

By: JDev Wed, 15 Apr 2020 17:44:52 +0000 So if I heard correctly. It’s not possible for any kind of virus to even be transmitted from human to human as the DNA/RNA of the virus doesn’t match that of any other human it’s been created in?

So no disease whatsoever is transmittable? What about STD’s then?

By: Sonia H. Wed, 15 Apr 2020 15:33:49 +0000 I’m not even religious, but I feel the need to pull the ol’ bible off the shelf and head for the Book of Revelation…I do this whenever I can’t stand it all anymore.

By: Natalie Wed, 15 Apr 2020 14:33:19 +0000 Even before 9/11 there was a Cold War used as an excuse for the huge military-industrial-surveillance-taxation complex. Then, there was the AIDS hoax no one officially questioned either, funds went who knows where, young hetero people were afraid of procreating (remember, depopulation is always on the agenda).

By: Natalie Wed, 15 Apr 2020 14:23:48 +0000 I suspect the Republic ended after the War between the States when the 14th amendment made everyone a property of the Federal Gov (essentially meaning Vatican and Freemasons that controlled Washington, DC). The creation of Federal Reserve was the point of no return in my opinion.

By: M Wed, 15 Apr 2020 10:49:25 +0000 From Europe: in Germany people are trying to resist. Perhaps you know that in Berlin there has been a demonstration, 350 people and 180 police men. In Heidelberg, a lawyer specialized in Medical law had her website taken down, and recently forcefully taken into a psychiatric hospital where she is still held against her will. The name is Beate Bahner. Perhaps Trump can defeat Gates, otherwise, there is little hope.

By: A Little Help Wed, 15 Apr 2020 01:27:39 +0000 If you are interested, a man named James Files shot the bullet that hit President Kennedy in the head. One of two shooters on the plaza that day. He did shoot from behind the picket fence.

By: Madness Tue, 14 Apr 2020 22:28:47 +0000 No. I lived my life with cats and above 50. We never got anything from them, ever and we are not a fan of disinfecting everything in every minutes, we try to use as less chemicals as possible. Nor my son ever got anything from cats, dogs, he grew up with them. Sorry, short is NO by experience but BJ here uploaded an excellent video about that how false Germ Theory is and I agree again (by experience).

BJ’s video:

By: Madness Tue, 14 Apr 2020 22:16:29 +0000 We have the shielding paint, just applying but it is enough just one room and problematic as must be grounded but the company ran out of the grounding plug.
I have a feeling, I can’t prove it, I am looking for something but not sure what it is. I think it is somehow connected to our cell phones. As if something wrong would have come but not all the time. I mean birds are ok around the house, bees, too. Even inside the house it looks that something is wrong mainly with our living room (where the cells are). Wireless is off. We switched back cable internet. One of us have asthma attack when cells are out from the micro (Faraday cage) and must be used (home working) the other – inflammations far worse than usual. Kittens are in the same room now for a couple of days. This is the only connection.

Please someone who understand frequencies and what can be solved or not via cell phones, could you please explain it? I know it sounds crazy, but it is possible that we are targeted somehow – we are clearly speak against vaccination for years now and a living example (cats) that they can be (was) perfectly healthy without it for many years now.

Another thought: Social distancing, is it possible that this is why they push social distancing? If cells are affected and too many are too close to one cell it would be rather suspicious if a whole family would go down with covid in a short time. Or a group of people.

Feel free to call me mad, paranoiac – but there is no such thing or illness what we are experiencing with our kittens and vet’s examination and opinion is also a proof – like she was clueless. Pneumonia without respiratory symptoms in just 1-2 days affecting 5 kittens but not affecting their mother (shared bowls, licking the bottoms of the kittens). There are partially similar cat’ illnesses but none is a match.
Thank you to everyone in advance. If we happen to understand what is going on I shall worn everyone and it means a lot of cat owners.
