Comments on: Immunity certificates: a load of nonsense and a covert op Wed, 22 Jul 2020 03:33:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Arby Sun, 19 Apr 2020 20:33:12 +0000 I know nothing of the alternative science to which Invisible Man alludes. I do know that there’s lots of evidence cited by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to show that vaccines are more harmful than not and that claims for their benefit cannot be verified by facts. That information, of course, is not going to get to the tv-addicted masses. (In that sense, our neighbors and friends and family are going to become our enemy as we go forward. Mine already has, to a great extent.)

I also think that Peter Phillips goes a long way toward explaining why in his book “Giants.” The transnational capitalist class – which Peter notes does not CARE how it gets returns on its investments – is finding that it can’t get satisfactory returns on investments even with the anti-people neoliberal capitalism their kind (Trilateralists, McKinsey & Company) have forced on us all and so they are looking for some way to invest their surplus capital of some 41 trillion dollars that will bring in returns of between 3 and 10 percentage average returns. Phillips notes that corporate media completely censors this information.

“The TCC/Global Power Elite represent the interest of several hundred thousand millionaires and billionaires who comprise the riches people in the top 1 percent of the world’s wealth hierarchy. Ironically, this extreme accumulation of concentrated capital at the top creates a continuing problem for the global money managers, who must scour the world for new investment opportunities that will yield adequate returns on capital…

“In this chapter [2], we identify the world’s top seventeen asset management firms. Each of these firms each has in excess of one trillion dollars of investment capital under management. The total capital under management by all seventeen companies is in excess of $41.1 trillion…

“This tight group of seventeen financial Giants are the central core of global financial capitalism. It is these firms that set the priorities for monetary investments in business, industry, and governments. Their number-one priority is to bring in average returns on investment of 3 percent to 10 percent or more. Where the investments occur is less than important than a continuous return that supports growth in the overall market. Therefore investments in… vaccines… are all just investments requiring adequate returns.”

And they DO NOT CARE. Think about that when their tools are jabbing you with a needle full of poison!

By: Impenetrable Sat, 18 Apr 2020 05:30:43 +0000 Referring to the psyche, I personally believe our mind/body can cause illness through stress and fear as both weaken the immune system by being locked in the constant state of fight or flight. I also believe our body can heal anything through diet and the right mindset. The mind/intention is very powerful. If we begin taking vaccines, wearing masks, avoiding people or whatever step one may take, we have already sent a message to our defense system that it is not capable or strong enough to fight off whatever threat it may be whether it’s a virus, bacteria or disease.

By: Rebecca Sat, 18 Apr 2020 03:08:59 +0000 Yes!!! Part of the problem with our current Health Paradigm is we only consider the biochemical aspects of our being with out considering the elements of light, frequency & vibration. We will never get beyond this virus/infectious disease myth until we realize our true nature.

By: Rebecca Sat, 18 Apr 2020 02:48:53 +0000 Wow!! And Amen!!! Someone who is willing to stand up for their beliefs and rights over comfort!! Thank you for your fine example!

By: Wyatt Bower Fri, 17 Apr 2020 20:27:48 +0000 Found this posted on humansarefree. Speaking of humansarefree… what kind of lowlife doesn’t allow comments or discussions on their site?

By: Thomas Milton Fri, 17 Apr 2020 18:55:56 +0000 “Bad science” implies honest actors. Tony is a conman. Call it “fake science” in your best DJT impression.

By: NC Fri, 17 Apr 2020 13:56:24 +0000 I don’t believe that any system of knowledge fully understands (or ever Can understand) the hugely complex workings of the body. Modern medicine is still operating in a Newtonian physical world, totally ignoring the findings of Quantum physics. They totally ignore nutrition, emotions, and the very complex environmental factors which are at play. They tend to make ridiculous correlations as proving causation, when the observed factors may be effects rather than causes. The whole system of Allopathic medicine sees the body as isolated parts, whereas it operates as a whole. The body does not “have” consciousness, but rather it exists within consciousness. Quantum physics echoes ancient sages when it asserts that ALL matter is nothing more than 99.99% empty space, and that “things” exist and they don’t at the same time. Paradox for the mind…
As the old song suggests…”Life is but a dream, ho ho”

By: Rtp Fri, 17 Apr 2020 11:12:44 +0000 GNM accepts poisoning.

It should be stressed though that with, say, vaccine injury it is the interplay between the toxins and any incompletely resolved traumas that cause the horrific injuries. That’s why different people react so differently.

By: A Little Help Fri, 17 Apr 2020 02:47:34 +0000 When we fear something, we own that thing, and it owns us. Rather than wonder where this is all heading, try to imagine where you are going ahead of it.

You are more than your physical manifestation. To fear is to follow, and to follow is to fulfill the thing you fear.

By: A Little Help Fri, 17 Apr 2020 00:37:47 +0000 The work of Fritz-Albert Popp, a German researcher in biophysics, is a good place to begin to understand biophotons. Much work was done by Soviet Russians, and so was kept out of the hands of Americans during the Cold War.

But remember, it is a much larger mystery than just what any sources can tell you today.
