I also think that Peter Phillips goes a long way toward explaining why in his book “Giants.” The transnational capitalist class – which Peter notes does not CARE how it gets returns on its investments – is finding that it can’t get satisfactory returns on investments even with the anti-people neoliberal capitalism their kind (Trilateralists, McKinsey & Company) have forced on us all and so they are looking for some way to invest their surplus capital of some 41 trillion dollars that will bring in returns of between 3 and 10 percentage average returns. Phillips notes that corporate media completely censors this information.
“The TCC/Global Power Elite represent the interest of several hundred thousand millionaires and billionaires who comprise the riches people in the top 1 percent of the world’s wealth hierarchy. Ironically, this extreme accumulation of concentrated capital at the top creates a continuing problem for the global money managers, who must scour the world for new investment opportunities that will yield adequate returns on capital…
“In this chapter [2], we identify the world’s top seventeen asset management firms. Each of these firms each has in excess of one trillion dollars of investment capital under management. The total capital under management by all seventeen companies is in excess of $41.1 trillion…
“This tight group of seventeen financial Giants are the central core of global financial capitalism. It is these firms that set the priorities for monetary investments in business, industry, and governments. Their number-one priority is to bring in average returns on investment of 3 percent to 10 percent or more. Where the investments occur is less than important than a continuous return that supports growth in the overall market. Therefore investments in… vaccines… are all just investments requiring adequate returns.”
And they DO NOT CARE. Think about that when their tools are jabbing you with a needle full of poison!
]]>It should be stressed though that with, say, vaccine injury it is the interplay between the toxins and any incompletely resolved traumas that cause the horrific injuries. That’s why different people react so differently.
]]>You are more than your physical manifestation. To fear is to follow, and to follow is to fulfill the thing you fear.
]]>But remember, it is a much larger mystery than just what any sources can tell you today.