Comments on: Stepping outside the medical fortress Mon, 20 Apr 2020 13:36:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: BDev Mon, 20 Apr 2020 00:51:15 +0000 Medicine is great for emergencies, and for some types of surgery. Other than that, medicine sucks at chronic disease, which is BY FAR the vast majority of illness on earth. But that’s not medicine’s fault, it’s the people who have the chronic diseases. They create their own disease. But since that level of personal responsibility is too much to handle, medicine likes to call them victims, and pump them up with drugs for the rest of their life.

By: guck the fovernment Sun, 19 Apr 2020 02:50:51 +0000 Dana Ashlie, Gov’t is not the guarantor of rights.

By: IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH Sat, 18 Apr 2020 04:07:11 +0000 I don’t think that most chiefs in the medical corporation think like that.

It is all about fraud, deception, corruption. They just create a system which looks like being logical, hiding truths and essential things which are not useful for them. A system that is functional to a business and to a pragmatism which allows to “diagnose” and to offer “treatment”, no matter how useless or noxious this is.

It is a fraudulent positivism presented as something respectable.

For example, to justify the use of masks, they do a high-quality video of a man sneezing in slow-motion a tremendous amount of saliva which travel as much a 8 meters. They don’t care if it is extravagant, or if there is no evidence that Covid-19 is transmitted via saliva. But most people will believe the video and will get afraid and begin using a mask.

By: IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH Sat, 18 Apr 2020 04:03:56 +0000 Very good text, Jon.

Who is Rex? Were you thinking about someone in particular?

By: za ka lu Fri, 17 Apr 2020 23:03:44 +0000 beautiful Erika, I stand with you.

By: A Little Help Fri, 17 Apr 2020 23:01:26 +0000 Think of me as a helper.

Rick, Einstein once said “The most beautiful thing we can witness is the mysterious. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead.”

The rest is up to you. How far do you want to go?

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Fri, 17 Apr 2020 21:45:30 +0000 ALH, what you’re proposing is quite radical to the point where it’s unbelievable. I would have to question who you are, exactly, and what is the basis for your claims. You’ve said some things about vaccines in previous posts that I agree with but in this latest post, you’re way of the box. So… Question? Okay here’s just three.

1. Is the Earth flat or spherical?
2. Can I stay physically alive and youthful for 1,000 years?
3. My friend is 85 years old and has been getting progressively weaker to the point where she can’t get out of bed. I’ve tried everything. She refuses to see a doctor or go to a hospital. Will the right mix of amino acids help her? Or will some sort of electrotherapy make her better? How about stem-cell therapy or increasing her mitochondria with supplements?

I’ll book mark this post in my blog and check back in a few days. Thanks.

By: A Little Help Fri, 17 Apr 2020 20:57:47 +0000 Sham surgery is one of the most fascinating areas of research. Even bleeding trauma patients were shown to fare best when refused surgical intervention. This includes liver and spleen damage. Laser surgery to improve blood flow, no better than a sham. Mammary artery ligation, no better than a sham.

The reason is that you can heal your body. You are more than your body.

Here’s an article you might find interesting:

By: A Little Help Fri, 17 Apr 2020 20:18:36 +0000 Each of you has the power to heal inside of you. Healing is what you give your attention to. Everything you’ve been told about the body is a lie. You don’t really have to follow these events and the storiies and the books. You have so much power, but rarely does anyone know it. Fear is a major obstacle. Fear gets in the way of your power. The body is not you. It is your sarcophagus. You are not your body.

You have the power to regrow a tooth, or to heal the muscles or the skeleton, the knees, without any surgery or any doctor, or anything, other than your mind first. Your intention. It’s very important that you know this. Because the fear and the following of events get in the way and reinforce one another.


For instance, surgery is a sham. Paitients who recieve false surgery do as well if not better than those who receive a true surgery.


DNA in vaccines or in your food will not harm you. There is an industry centered on making people believe that it does. Biotech funds some of the conspiracy theories about DNA in vaccines and food.

Nuclear radiation poses no real threat to you. You can swim in spent feul rod pools if you want. I know fo man who used to do this quite often. You can drink a glass of water from the pool. You can even eat radioactive DU. But politicians frightened you into believing that they were helping you by keeping you away from what might have helped you.

There is no CO2 poisoning in the atmosphere. The reality is there is a dearth of carbon. That’s why plants need so much water to grow. They dehydrate through their open stomata, because the stomata must open for too long in order to find whatever CO2 is present.

I could go on. And if you have any questions, please ask.

By: Elize Fri, 17 Apr 2020 19:19:06 +0000 Just a wee reminder:

Bacteria/viruses have been around for millions of years. They existed before we did!
They can/will’survive’ without us.
We cannot/will not survive without them.

Some virus are endogenous ( inside job) some are exogenous ( outside job)
Some are benign ( harmless) some are pathogenic ( disease causing)

Whether you ‘get’ a virus or not depends on YOU. ( why you resonate with the virus, why your immune system responds, or not)

Generally YOU respond ^ when YOUR environment is already (too) toxic.

Where and What this virus is may never be fully known ( multiple toxins theory/man made or not)

Toxins can come in many, many forms

Fear makes you vulnerable. ( like a medical hex can actually kill you)

The opposite of fear is love.

The truth sets a person free ( from fear).

Bravo Jon for your blog!
