Comments on: A message to the pod people wearing masks Mon, 20 Jul 2020 15:14:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Wed, 17 Jun 2020 17:38:21 +0000 MASK ALTERNATIVE: PAPER BAG
In the 1970’s, there was a comedy skit show called the Gong Show. One of the regulars was a stand up comedian known as THE UNKNOWN COMIC. He would wear a paper bag over his head. I wonder if I could get away with such an alternative these days? Here’s an image.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Wed, 17 Jun 2020 17:33:39 +0000 TRUMP’S RALLY on JUNE 20 in TULSA
June 20 is the first day of summer. Trump will be in “his element” again with the crowd. I hope he discredits masks in one speech. Perfect opportunity and situation here for that. I doubt he will, but he could.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Wed, 17 Jun 2020 17:30:55 +0000 RULES
My bank manager, normally an affable musician like myself, has donned the blue n-95 mask and handed me one which I turned down. I told him that there’s a case to be made against them, that they could be bad for you. He said “just following rules”. I didn’t ask him if he would follow rules that made him sick.

By: Lisa Smith Wed, 22 Apr 2020 16:54:48 +0000 Agree.

By: Lisa Smith Wed, 22 Apr 2020 16:53:00 +0000 Probably! Think about Birkas, Chadors, Hajabs we are being conditioned into SUBSERVIENCE. Even MEN, BEING COVERED UP? Perhaps almost completely? No longer BEING (FULLY) STRONG, MEN…Please…I HAVE SONS, I WANT THEM TO STAY STRONG. Masks are about conditioning. They are WORTHLESS (unless of a certain high value hazmat/ containment level,as well as changed regularly, and accompanied with concomitant other means, meaning superior materials, correct applications and methods!) Puh-Leeeze!

By: Lisa Smith Wed, 22 Apr 2020 16:35:55 +0000 The “Surveillance” Beast is yet an infant, its being “EDUCATED,” and “Social Distancing” and “Masks” are part if the A.I., “Artificial Intelligence” training methods. I’m sure there are even more nuances, levels, and territorial boundaries I am not able to address, as I am just a nobody

By: Smartass Wed, 22 Apr 2020 03:14:13 +0000 Never mind the masks, lets get really silly about this. How about dressing up from head to toe in some sort reflective material suits and hat to reflect back all that G5 radiation they plan to aim at us as a means of giving them the finger. There must be some way to make them reap what they sow.

By: tony bonn Tue, 21 Apr 2020 01:55:45 +0000 fair enough – I don’t have any more to add to my comments. the important thing is that you have an open mind and are strong enough to hold your ground until facts tell you otherwise.

By: walking dead Tue, 21 Apr 2020 00:28:04 +0000 Tony B., I have to go with my experience on the colds and the flu. My experience says they are contagious. Not a clue why they are, though. I can write about catching it and from who or where, but that doesn’t prove anything to others. I am always open to be convinced otherwise.
I really appreciate that you did give me some things to look into more. I agree this covid thing is bullshit, and the numbers are bullshit just like the stock market. Infact, my whole life has been nothing but bullshit, so it does take a lot for me to be convinced on anything. I think a lot like George Carlin did. Thanks again, Tony.

Twenty Years searching for truth and I finally found it. The truth is, I will die never knowing it.

By: TheAlmightyPill Mon, 20 Apr 2020 20:23:03 +0000 @walking dead

I don’t know a great deal about 5G but I have read that, unlike its predecessors, it is more of a focused beam than a widespread broadcast. So, to the extent that is true, then it could certainly “target” or affect smaller groups or individuals.
