Comments on: COVID: The projection of a mass illusion Mon, 12 Apr 2021 14:11:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg C. Wed, 22 Apr 2020 13:43:04 +0000 I imagine healthy, anxiety free kids. Boys who do not need Ritalin, because they are outside playing, or working, making things, experimenting, exploring. By their teens, they will be inventing, starting businesses, learning to lead, participate in the real world, not playing games in the basement. I imagine grandparents, not idling away their retirement but actively involved in shaping the next generation. They will take the place of teachers. They will provide wisdom and life experience and be guidance counselors.

I imagine parents free to leave working for large corporations with a house in the suburbs, because they don’t have to live in the best school districts – they can live wherever they choose. Families will be the most essential enterprise, not corporations. They will launch the children and help them find their destiny, not the schools.

School buildings will be torn down or converted into something else. People will be amazed that daily life went on such weird buildings, one dreary room after another. That you had to go to special rooms to learn – what a strange idea! These corporate training camps will become a bad dream.

By: JungianINTP Wed, 22 Apr 2020 11:56:33 +0000 P.P.S.

All that you must know
about Gates & Company
and China, linked below.

Bill Sardi introduces Oracle: Helena


By: gardener Wed, 22 Apr 2020 10:50:45 +0000 I love your comments, it’s up to us, to turn off the TV, cancel our subscriptions, grow our own food, be nice to others, don’t buy the latest ‘must have’ and simplify your life.

By: DSKlausler Wed, 22 Apr 2020 10:42:56 +0000 Oh yeah, absolutely… the root cause goes way, way back; the whole package: corrupted government; corrupted food/health; corrupted academia; religion. Is it really all for ego… greed… control? Such arrogant and weak people on top; are they even human? Sociopaths at best.

By: MC Wed, 22 Apr 2020 10:01:25 +0000 Thank you deep!Great thinking and explaining!

Unfortunately, you are right when you say this:

“They completely misrepresent the study in the abstract paragraph, and unless you feel like wasting a few hours dismantling the entire thing by digging deep into the methodology, it’s a wrap. The general public won’t stand a chance…”


Looking forward for more!

By: Darrell Wed, 22 Apr 2020 09:46:13 +0000 Many similarities to the mass illusion fueled by the media during and after 911, as makes obvious.

By: gardener Wed, 22 Apr 2020 09:41:19 +0000 That sounds like fun, We shout ‘help, get me out of here’. it breaks the clapping.

By: radioersatz Wed, 22 Apr 2020 07:10:51 +0000 Probably because the climate narrative is pretty much needed for the system reboot after the coming crash.

The Club of Rome has just published an article called “A
Green Reboot after the Pandemic”, stating that “there’s
no better time than now to usher in systemic economic
change.” (March 24, 2020).

Search for “The New Climate Economy” and you will find out more…

My source is an article written by Richard Ramsbotham, published in the current issue of the New View Magazine (

By: Moshe Sopher Wed, 22 Apr 2020 06:41:27 +0000 @ A Little Help

“Mind is extended Ccnsciousness.. creates matter..”(sic)


Can you furnish evidence of your outlandish claims?

There’s 0 evidence of consciousness being some kind of stuff.

By stuff, we mean the fields and excitations of the fields called particles..all this boils down to massenergy and to nothing else that arises from the ground state (of massenergy) or a spacetime singularity.

By the way, matter is an outdated and ambiguous term rarely used by physicists, unless, it can be shown that a particle is should have mass, energy, occupy space etc.

Matter could mean anything, as, say, a legal matter or a matter of finance or a personal matter.

As for your bizarre claim that mind is extended consciousness…

Well, that’s all metaphysical fancy..

Mind/analytical faculty of the brain is the manifestation of synchronised neuronal firings using the embedded electrochemical currents coursing the nervous system.

Jumbled neuronal networks give rise to insanity…a disease rooted in neurology.

Consciousness is a vague term covering self-awareness…in all probability, it is an emergence of specific molecular combinations (like other emergent properties such as hardness, softness, taste, smell, color or sound) whose perception results from brain activity.

Deprive the body of food, oxygen and water, and the brain operational brain, no consciousness.

By: hhi Wed, 22 Apr 2020 05:35:08 +0000 Let’s cut the Gordian Knot.

We know that viruses are exosomes.

Exosomes would dessicate in a split second if exposed to the environment.

Therefore exogenous viruses are an impossibility.
