Comments on: COVID-19 fraud: Researcher Jim West rides again Mon, 27 Apr 2020 04:58:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: I'm confused Mon, 27 Apr 2020 04:58:55 +0000 WOW. I never put it together; maybe this is nothing, maybe something. I’ve noticed for over a year now whenever I go to Walmart, Publix, Home Depot, my sciatica gets real bad, butt/cheeks/pelvis hurts bad legs and feet numb and ache

By: Beth Sun, 26 Apr 2020 08:23:35 +0000 Question. If this is a fake pandemic with fake numbers, why is New York digging mass graves for the extreme death counts? Do you believe that all of a sudden and out of the blue New York has this huge excess of deaths to the point they are needing mass graves for the bodies? Why all the extra deaths and the need for mass graves if this is all fake?

By: I'm confused Sun, 26 Apr 2020 08:19:15 +0000 EYE OPENING – also an interesting comment below

Dr. Stefan Lanka: The history of the infection theory. (English transcript)
By Sacha Dobler on 17. November 2017

By: I'm confused Sun, 26 Apr 2020 08:10:29 +0000 that’s my understanding

By: I'm confused Sun, 26 Apr 2020 07:59:25 +0000 we could do a lot worse than to take these sentiments,and qualities he mentions into our hearts and minds during this time when there is a great need for UNITY .

Greatest Speech Ever –

By: I'm confused Sun, 26 Apr 2020 07:48:46 +0000 “There’s some evidence that childhood “illnesses” are protective against common types of cancer and other chronic diseases (like chickenpox – eczema, whooping cough – asthma). It’s also interesting you never get these symptoms again after you get “sick” once. However, adults usually suffer more than kids. What if these (usually mild, if you’re not malnourished) illnesses are like milestone trials for your body to go through to prepare you for more serious challenges down the line. Ideally, you should go through them AFTER infancy and BEFORE puberty and vaccines, as we know, interfere with this vital experience (with that said, they downplay the number of cases for these illnesses so they’re probably still far more common than we’re led to believe).”

this is really interesting ; thank you

By: I'm confused Sun, 26 Apr 2020 07:33:50 +0000 I was wondering if I was the only one to think along these lines. wouldn’t a , let’s say , pin point /variable , broad /wide stream weapon explain a lot ?

By: Monica Sun, 26 Apr 2020 03:23:47 +0000 Could you take a moment to read and comment on this pubmed article which seems to indicate that Koch’s postulates are satisfied for covid19? I sincerely want to know. Not trying to poke holes in your theory. I want to go to a primary source, but feel that without expertise, I am at a disadvantage, so am hoping you will lend me yours. Thank you in advance.

By: zdb Sun, 26 Apr 2020 03:09:16 +0000 MIkovits also stated that she believes the virus by itself is not enough to cause these problems. It needs more to push the system over and gets it from various sources: air pollution, water pollution, glyphosate, electromag pollution,…………..

By: Dennis W Sun, 26 Apr 2020 01:26:09 +0000 I am sad to report that my daughter-in-law died 3 days ago in Manila, being deprived of medical care that could easily have saved her life.

About the same time the lockdown was imposed she complained of what was first diagnosed as urinary infection, but soon upgraded to blood infection. My naturopath could easily have treated it at that point, but he was locked down and out of town — with all the other private doctors in Manila.

She and her husband debated her going to the hospital because once you go into a Philippine hospital you can’t get out unless you pay the bill in full. Most low-income families can’t afford to do that. By the time she sought admittance it was too late. She had no respiratory symptoms, but a high 40 degree celcius temperature that antibiotics could not control. The conventional doctors were clueless and she died after a week of admittance. Her mother and husband were of course devastated, as were all of us.

Results of the Covid-19 test have not yet come back from the lab, but the Death Certificate reads, Cause of Death: “Septis and probable Covid-19.”

No symptoms and no test results, yet “probable Covid-19.” This is how they pad the death statistics.
