Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: logic as a tool for the mind Sun, 26 Apr 2020 21:56:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Sun, 26 Apr 2020 21:56:32 +0000 I agree with you.
I would add one thing.
ARREST FAUCI and GATES for crimes against humanity.

By: Piksil Sun, 26 Apr 2020 18:42:59 +0000 i do not consent:

Thanks for the link. Bill Gates stepped down from Microsoft 1 week before this was published. Supposedly to concentrate on global health concerns. He and Warren Buffet have ‘given’ billions of dollars to vaccine companies, and other tech companies (like the one referenced making the covid test!), and Bill’ Gates is the second largest contributor in the world to WHO (after the US, for now anyway since Trump is supposed to cut US funding to WHO). I saw an article or video within the last month that said even with his ‘philanthropy’ of billions and billions of dollars, his net worth doesn’t decline! I’m thinking he tithes to his church; reaping rewards seven times seven fold. Or not. To paraphrase Forrest Gump: evil is as evil does, and: life is like a box of vaccines, you never know what you’ll get.

By: Plamen Sun, 26 Apr 2020 15:06:17 +0000 No mentioning of COVID. This is why the alt-media gets a bad reputation. People do your home work before you post links.

By: Piksil Sun, 26 Apr 2020 13:54:18 +0000 Jane:

“The mass acceptance of a test will be greater than acceptance of a vax
And the vax may be a red herring”

You are probably right. They have been ‘unsuccessful’ in developing a coronavirus vaccine so far, i.e. for SARS. Cannot sue for vaccine damage in the US, and CDC estimates vaccine adverse reaction reporting at 1% of actual reactions occurred. Some countries have stood up to the vaccine cabal though. They’ll continue to work on the other vaccines in the pipeline I’m sure. I think one is to prevent Taco Tuesday.

I think ‘they’ have known for years just how many people ‘they’ ‘need’ to keep around. Eugenics has been around for a long time, so has statistics. After they’ve crashed the economy for ‘us’, ‘they’ will let the ‘people’ decide who stays and who goes (survival of the fittest?)
I wonder how many of the data miners and statisticians will be allowed to continue to serve ‘them’? Poetic justice is that the bobble-heads in gov’t, and the presstitutes won’t be needed. And maybe just a doctor or two.

By: Piksil Sun, 26 Apr 2020 13:22:41 +0000 Rick:
1) Exosomes are membrane bound extracellular vesicles that are produced in the endosomal compartment of most eukaryotic cells.
An endosome is a membrane-bound compartment inside a eukaryotic cell.
2) Source:Wikipedia
3) “Natured?” (Thinking auto-correct for neutralized?) If auto-corrected, then, yes, I would think so. Bechamp for the slam dunk even before basketball was invented! (St Louis area predicting peak in cases in ‘next several days’…WTF??? AFTER all the mask wearing? Shouldn’t the numbers have dropped? I guess it’s all the people NOT wearing masks that will get sick. What a load of crap.)
4) I believe so too, and living in the Republik of Illinoisvich, will apparently be wearing a mask to buy food. I WILL mark it “UD”, for under duress, as za ka lu suggested a few days ago!

I was practicing Infection Control during the H1N1 2009 scam. I initially bought the whole deal, but had many many questions during and just after it was over. (And many questions since!!) I did some research in the intervening years, but have really knuckled down since this whole CV hoax has started. I had never heard of Bechamp until this year. Reading “Bechamp or Pasteur?” has answered many questions, connected many dots, just makes sense! Opens up another can of worms; but, worms are good for soil, birds, bait for fishing, etc.

By: DarL Sun, 26 Apr 2020 10:05:31 +0000 If Trump is “for the American people” why is he wanting to enlist the help of his friend Thiel (who spoke at the Republican Convention in 2016) so the Gov can track all Americans so they can be vaxxed and Id’d. This is not about hate at all, it is about our eyes being opened. It is about seeing/feeling the POT is getting warmer. Maybe in your pot you have on a fancy ‘wet suit” and are not feeling the heat. It really would be nice to believe he is going to do all that you say.

By: hhi Sun, 26 Apr 2020 08:22:23 +0000 Imagine crowd funding for a mass spectometry analysis of corona.

That would show up the authorities.

By: hhi Sun, 26 Apr 2020 08:09:20 +0000 I have read Bechamp or Pasteur ? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology. Want to reread it but current events are so time consuming in “news” and science.

It should be simple to prove that a virus/exosome is not physically viable outside of a liquid medium, which is its natural habitat.

Even the authorities admit transmission must be by “droplets” which should mean that asymptomatic people, who are not coughing or sneezing, can not be spreaders.

But now they come up with the meme – not peer reviewed science – that we may be exuding “droplets” as we speak. Language is what differentiated us from other creatures but now we afraid to speak – further dehumanisation.

By: power to choose Sun, 26 Apr 2020 04:49:00 +0000 GO JANE!

By: Jane Sun, 26 Apr 2020 04:32:42 +0000 Clinical ontologies

Use of clinical terminologies has a much longer history in medicine. Being able to predict disease outbreak is predicated upon reliable aggregation of statistics on those diseases. Yet, if different communities use different terminologies for the diseases being monitored, then those statistics and hence predictions become unreliable.

As long ago as the early 17th century, the authorities in London drew up a list of ‘ways in which people died’. For example, the term ‘French pox’ was used for the same cause of death in each London parish, and consequently more reliable statistics were gathered. The London Bills of Mortality remained in use for many years and not just in London.

In the late 1880s, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) was published. This brought the old Bill of Mortality’s terminology up to date and provided mankind with some 200 ways of dying (what conveniently fitted on two sides of paper).

ICD is now in its 10th edition and now has some 13 000 rubrics.

This need for coding is central to the use of terminology in medicine. Originally created for epidemiology purposes, ICD now plays a major role in billing within hospitals. To make this task more complex, several vocabularies have been developed for similar purposes; exactly the problem that the Open Biomedical Ontologies Consortium wishes to avoid
