Comments on: Coronavirus, Phase Two: arbitrarily expand the definition of the disease Mon, 04 May 2020 02:08:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: FC Sun, 03 May 2020 12:02:41 +0000 Terrorist, Fauci, Funded Wuhan Virus and then Tries to Advise the White House on it!

By: Magpie Wed, 29 Apr 2020 14:16:29 +0000 And then like Jon reported…getting paid when a patient is confirmed positive and getting paid for using a ventilator.

By: April Wed, 29 Apr 2020 06:00:55 +0000 Nope. Just like the many clinicians coming out about this, I’ve been saying we see death from viral illness every single year and No One Cares. This is no different. But the media and the govt have told you it’s the boogeyman so you’re panicking.

By: BDBinc Wed, 29 Apr 2020 02:29:39 +0000 Children in Switzerland under the age of 10 can once more hug their grandparents after public health officials announced that it was safe to do so.

Swiss scientists have concluded that young children pose no risk of infection from (*fake non existent disease*) Covid-19 because they do not have the “receptors” targeted by the so called “deadly” tooth fairy virus.

Dr Daniel Koch, head of the infectious diseases unit at the Federal Office of Public Health, told a press conference in Bern: “Children are very rarely infected and do not pass on the tooth fairy virus.

This fake virus and fake disease “COVID19” just keeps getting weirder and more and more unscientific.

By: Lily Tue, 28 Apr 2020 19:00:01 +0000 5G and the need to push 2 agendas:

1- take attention OFF Biden while stifling Trump rallies & economic popularity

2 – push vaccines

I’m still not taking chances, but trying to look at both sides. I would love to compare infestation areas with 5G coverage personally. I have no doubt they’d have the ability to manipulate someone’s weak points physically with the electronic signals they’re pumping out in a lot of places now. Just a thought anyway.

By: Ron J. Tue, 28 Apr 2020 18:46:37 +0000 Who and what report on the numbers? i read other that deaths were significantly down below the norm at least 15% though with some being (mis)counted with covid label makes $ense for hospital 13K for each patient and $39K if they get put on a ventilator. With 360 million plus in the one has to be careful or buying into the hype. As with Jon’s great report and interview with Dr. Barbara Starfield so many medical related/pharma deaths per year over 200k that was from 2001 report. “Suppose you learned that a single source in the US, every year, like clockwork, kills 225,000 people. That would be 2.25 million killings per decade.”

By: Piksil Tue, 28 Apr 2020 18:05:54 +0000 ALEN:

Well, if a virus has NEVER met Koch’s Postulates in regards to pathogenicity, I think the answer is clear. Plus, Dr Andrew Kaufman’s video dissecting the papers (and reference papers) that supposedly confirm nCOV-2 as the causative agent, are proven false. The papers don’t even meet Rivers’ conditions of viral confirmation, which is a sidestep of Koch’s Postulates. (Rivers worked at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, btw and fwiw.)

As JB/Jeff G’s video on viruses shows us, viruses help the body detox toxins, and can be expelled in body waste products. If a person has respiratory issues, it’s quite possible that respiratory secretions will contain remnants of viral activity, which could result in a positive test. (But don’t forget about false positives and false negatives in testing!)

By: IBA Tue, 28 Apr 2020 17:52:09 +0000 AND AS THEY DID, IF THEY SAY THAT THIS DOES NOT EXIST?

By: ALEN Tue, 28 Apr 2020 16:56:23 +0000 The tests of this Abbott laboratory are those that support this pandemic, now they have taken another type of technical PCR test from the group of Univ. of California San Francisco and Abbott Labs to make molecular diagnostic kits (30 min) SARS-CoV-2 via isothermal amplification of parts of genes E (envelope) and N (nucleoprotein) and CRISPR-Cas12. You can tell us if there is also a scam here.

By: Firestarter Tue, 28 Apr 2020 16:54:42 +0000 For some reason my threads/post are blocked by Google, Yahoo and their ilk.
Here are 2 “conspiracy theories” that I’ve come up with…

In intubations and ventilators a whopping 80% of the “confirmed” COVID-19 patients died.
Medical personnel have exposed that some of the “confirmed” COVID-19 patients died as the result of their treatment in ventilators and for many patients the problem was impaired haemoglobin in the blood instead of lung damage.

“Blood agents” could have been used as biochemical weapons to cause this kind of “COVID-19 fatalities…

A disproportionate amount of the Italian “COVID-19 fatalities” happened in the Lombardy region.
Our wonderful media have admitted that these cases already began to rise in November 2019. Bizarrely insinuating that (far from deadly) “mutated “coronavirus had already appeared in Lombardy BEFORE the first case was reported on 1 December in Wuhan, China.

Vaccines are a more reasonable explanation…
Starting on 4 November 2019, a massive flu vaccine campaign was started in Lombardy, aimed at elderly people over 65 years of age, precisely the group that later became the “COVID-19 fatalities”:
