Comments on: A message about suicide to the pod people wearing masks Mon, 20 Jul 2020 15:14:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joshua Sun, 03 May 2020 23:12:53 +0000 I saw a news report the other night down here in Costa Rica where they were saying that the virus can live for an hour on the surface of the saltwater and I was just taken back at the Ridiculousness of it

By: Joanna Sun, 03 May 2020 01:42:37 +0000 I couldn’t agree with you more Jim! .
I’m VERY concerned that they will trigger an event (Michigan folks with guns in the Capitol as an example) where shots are fired (not by a protester but by a deep state actor) and things quickly get out of control and people get injured/killed.
Boom! They’ve won! The pod people DEMAND that Guns get banned and our 2nd amendment will be gone!
“Never let a good crisis go to waste!”
You can NEVER lose sight of what their end game is!
Plus, we don’t need to ASK the Governors to “open the state!” It’s all an illusion! People need to just open it. It’s kind of like Dorothy in the wizard of oz, when the good witch told her that she always had the power!
No one has any authority over my RIGHTS because my rights don’t come from another human (or Government)They come from God!
Patriots should just be going about their life, doing what they would normally do and open their business! Give their Furor the big old finger!
Bravery is contagious and it will spread like wild fire!
I love this story Jon wrote! So good!

By: Joanna Sun, 03 May 2020 01:22:27 +0000 OMG…I have read this twice because I just LOVE it!
You are such a great writer!

By: Magpie Wed, 29 Apr 2020 17:37:47 +0000 I stopped following Mike Adams When I started reading his articles on this hoax and how he promotes the fear mongering. So many better investigative reporters (hello Jon :)) and other people in here that have better insight in this whole plandemic.

By: Magpie Wed, 29 Apr 2020 17:33:17 +0000 Here’s an article on the study of SARS

By: Magpie Wed, 29 Apr 2020 17:31:55 +0000 Maybe this article might help you reason with your dad.

By: Jim S Smith Wed, 29 Apr 2020 17:24:18 +0000 Thanks for that!

Perhaps time for another write up of mine?

I had problems with the claims of “inventing email”! I was looking a bit askance when I first heard him say that on a video interview.

Plus, I have a bit of trouble with many of the newer alumni from MIT (which I have found, to also be BASED), and the all-to-good-sounding kudos and credentials from folks, just because they got their degrees from MIT.

Like I have said for a few years now,
“We are in The Times of Great Confusion.”

It is only going to get harder to discern fact from fiction, unless we really do “Our OWN Homework”.

– Jim S.

By: Magpie Wed, 29 Apr 2020 17:18:54 +0000 I look at the masks as more of a ritual the Cabals are putting people through. It’s known in many satanic rituals that wearing a mask is a way of leaving your old life behind and starting a new one. What you knew before the lockdowns is the old life, we are now part of a new world of change. New life!!!

By: Expose Them Wed, 29 Apr 2020 17:18:38 +0000 Both Shiva and Buttar are controlled opposition. Do more research.

By: Magpie Wed, 29 Apr 2020 17:08:59 +0000 I received the same email. Very interesting considering I heard Alex Jones (and his psyc-ops) show promoting Dr.Shiva, and having him speak on his show. Alex was saying he doesn’t trust R. Kennedy. Alex goes to say he’s done good but just doesn’t trust him????
On what basis, but he trusts Dr.Shiva on what basis???
